New York Daily News Editorial: Trump is a Madman

And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.

Yep - Remember too that NoKo shares borders with both China and Russia which means tens of thousands if not millions of refugees would pile in which would piss them off to no end. I worry that one or both of them gets involved and then the use of nukes could expand.

Apparently Kim Jong Fuckstick has around 15,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. Most estimates I've seen indicate that minimally a million people would die if they were all employed at once - including many of our troops.

Bannon was right about one thing - there is no military option.
And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.

Yep - Remember too that NoKo shares borders with both China and Russia which means tens of thousands if not millions of refugees would pile in which would piss them off to no end. I worry that one or both of them gets involved and then the use of nukes could expand.

Apparently Kim Jong Fuckstick has around 15,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. Most estimates I've seen indicate that minimally a million people would die if they were all employed at once - including many of our troops.

Bannon was right about one thing - there is no military option.

There is always a military option. Bannon is an idiot.

Like so many Trump branded products, that one was a loser.

This one on the other hand is flying off the shelf!


And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.

Yep - Remember too that NoKo shares borders with both China and Russia which means tens of thousands if not millions of refugees would pile in which would piss them off to no end. I worry that one or both of them gets involved and then the use of nukes could expand.

Apparently Kim Jong Fuckstick has around 15,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. Most estimates I've seen indicate that minimally a million people would die if they were all employed at once - including many of our troops.

Bannon was right about one thing - there is no military option.

Russia's border is almost non-existent and consists of a river. There is only one bridge and therefore not too many refugees will be crossing into Russia.
There is always a military option. Bannon is an idiot.

Well, there is if you want to kill a million South Koreans. Yes, Bannon is an idiot but in this case I think that's kind of what he meant.

If North Korea fires off a missile at any of the allies of the US or even worse at a US territory or a US state that will be the end of North Korea. And yes South Korea in any scenario, any possible scenario, are the ones that will suffer the most by far.
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman

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Be sure to apply Liberally.
Pun intended.
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman


I saw that. It's pretty extraordinary.
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman


The Daily News went off the deep end November 10th 2017. It's subscriptions are down, and its because they decided to become a shrill anti-trump hack.

My Grandfather suspended his subscription after almost 50 years because they went completely nanners.

no doubt he didn't feel the same about Rupert Murdoch's rag.
The only madness I see is liberals frothing at the mouth in a rabid fashion much like a dog focused on a ball or laser light.
Trump rings the bell in the form of tweets and the lib's like Pavlovs dog react.
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f North Korea fires off a missile at any of the allies of the US or even worse at a US territory or a US state that will be the end of North Korea. And yes South Korea in any scenario, any possible scenario, are the ones that will suffer the most by far.

IMHO if we stupidly decide on a preemptive strike, Lil Kim will fire off all 15-20k of his artillery pieces aimed at Seoul immediately.

A miscalculation by either US or NK could spark it as well. We don't even have an AMBASSADOR in SoKo, our State Department is decimated, and our POTUS is a hothead. That miscalculation could easily come from our side.
Time to put this man in a rubber room before he kills us all.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.​


Donald Trump is a madman


The Daily News went off the deep end November 10th 2017. It's subscriptions are down, and its because they decided to become a shrill anti-trump hack.

My Grandfather suspended his subscription after almost 50 years because they went completely nanners.

no doubt he didn't feel the same about Rupert Murdoch's rag.

No, he actually switched to it while keeping the Newsday.
It's hard to a mentally ill person to hide it forever. Most knew he was unstable for a decade or more now. But since he's under the glare of daily attention it's more than apparent he is coming apart at the seams. The only group that supports him unconditionally now is the alt-right and their fanatical conspiracy theories. He has wrapped himself in that mantle and listens to what the whackos say, as long as they praise him.

Something horrendous will happen with North Korea because the orange bugwit will one night snap. It is a matter of time only.

I fear the same my friend Isaac. Somehow we need set up some safeguards to ensure that he won't reach for the biscuit in the middle of the night and pop one at Little Rocket Boy.

The closer Mueller gets to him, the more likely he will wag the dog. Not concerned so much for myself as I've had a good long life - but would like for the planet to be around for my daughter.

And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.
China is on a fast track to becoming a democracy already.
China has already stated that should NK fire first they will "stay out of it".
China knows there are millions of NKs slowly starving to death on their border.
China won't allow them to enter Chinese territory under any circumstance.
China would rather accept a million negro refugees from Africa then a million NKs. And that's saying something!
The LIB wet dream that President Trump could possibly 'order' a preemptive nuclear strike on NK is just that. A fucking delusional dream.
And it won't be the US that gets bombed or has missiles dropping on it. South Korea will be devastated, Seoul is maybe 25 miles from the border with North Korea.

Any start up of war will be a conflagration for the Korean Peninsula. South Korea does have a very large capable military and the US will deploy vast amounts of assets so they won't lose, but the loss of life will be colossal. Certainly North Korea will cease to exist both figuratively and physically. They will be obliterated. But again South Korea will suffer terribly. I would also bet Japan is seriously considering becoming a nuclear power now. They've had 'a nuke in the basement' for a long time, which means they have all the capability, material, and know-how to build nukes but they've resisted it because of their history with atomic weapons and war. Kim Jong Fuckstick is forcing their hand now.

And China will not tolerate a democracy on it's border that is aligned with the US so any scenario is going to be very complex and a shit sandwich.

Yep - Remember too that NoKo shares borders with both China and Russia which means tens of thousands if not millions of refugees would pile in which would piss them off to no end. I worry that one or both of them gets involved and then the use of nukes could expand.

Apparently Kim Jong Fuckstick has around 15,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. Most estimates I've seen indicate that minimally a million people would die if they were all employed at once - including many of our troops.

Bannon was right about one thing - there is no military option.
Since the eighties the US has developed a barely visible dust that can be dropped by planes from 30K feet.
This 'dust' is like a very light mist that lands on everything. When it lands on anything that has electronics, like an artillery battery the dust 100% fucks up the electronics.
It's very similar to the method of coating metal parts with paint using the 'metal is positive and the paint is negatively charged'.
The fucking pervert will have 15K rocket batteries that won't fire as soon as the dust settles on them.
That's not to mention the other weapons the US has secretly developed.
The US has the capacity to 100% prevent the pervert from communicating with his generals. If they don't get a direct message from the pervert they'll stand around with their troops a fucking die from thirst before they would EVER make ANY decision themselves. "Who knows. Maybe the 'Sun God' is just testing my loyalty to him?".

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