New York is the rudest city in America, survey says

People claim that NYC has seen unimaginable (almost, too good to be true) massive drops in crime in NYC. Same with New Jersey and ironically, many cities under firm Democrat control all now boasting crime rates FAR lower than even remote, low population places like Montana.

Yes, giant, diverse cities where gangs congregate are reportedly FAR less violent than quiet, white remote places. mmmmmm OK.

So what's going on here? Is this true? The answer may lie in whether or not you trust the Left in general and the Left media. Are both known for honesty and integrity?
Is the Left known for it's adherence to transparency and truth?

The Left has come up with some rather interesting code words to explain these phenomenal trends....such as "Precision Policing" etc.

I think it's simply a sign of just how corrupt Democrat areas have become. A day doesn't go by without one or more horrific crimes being in the news in NYC. NYC has also begun to have an unusually high number of police officers "committing suicide". (Which hides the true numbers of officers killed in the line of duty?)

Maybe this sheds some light on the claims of remarkable safety and lack of crime in Democrat controlled ares?
Why New York City's Crime Rates Are the Lowest in Modern History - InsideHook

insidehook said:
Will Crime Rates Keep Dropping?
NYPD officials say that these rates can go even lower.
But criminologists are not entirely sure why the declines have continued. Franklin E. Zimring, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law told The New York Times that better policing accounted for much of the thirty-year decline, but it is not the primary driver anymore. He said the reason for the decline is “utterly mysterious.

No surprise either that the survey found Los Angeles, CA to be the 2nd most rudest. Let's see...What does NY and LA have in common? Well....for one....they are both Democrat-leftist strongholds. .
What do they have in common?


Since it was a survey of American cities, thanks Captain Obvious.
Not to partisanshitheads it ain't, rather obviously.

If anyone would know about partisan shitheads it would be you as you are one.

As far as the topic? New York being the rudest explains Cortez, Trump and Schumer.
NY state & NY city both have lower murder rates than any state in the South.

Most counties in NY State voted Trump.

The problem with NYC is that only 35% of its population is White non-Hispanic, and probably a third of the Whites in NYC are Jews that the South loves & LGBTQ that the South largely dumped on us.

Both of those White demographics vote Democrat.

The South didn\t "dump" the gay community on you. You folks attracted it.

More importantly,
You are confusing ARREST rate with CRIME rate
Liberals have this idiotic notion that going soft on criminals reduces crime.

There are TONS of propaganda charts and graphs put out by the various Leftist machines painting a rosy picture in many Leftist violent places. Any fool who actually thinks NewYork city is as safe as advertised is in for a rude awakening.

If liberal mayors, liberal prosecutors, liberal representatives and liberal judges go soft on criminals, that would give the false impression of lower crime.
Trust the Left for accurate information at your own peril.

I trust the Left to be honest about as much as I trust I trust Earl Bradley alone with kids.

Oh, speaking of "dumping"'s no wonder if NYC's crime rate is going down....after all....everyone is running from NYC and NewJersey to Florida due to insanity in government such as taxation and cost of living.

Also, Florida is a much bigger state population wise than tiny NewYork.

Are you Chimpin' out?

NYC has gone soft on criminals?
Oh yeah?

Like Stop & Frisk, or one of the biggest number of Cops (Police) in the entire USA?

NYC's murder rate is low per capita.

The ONLY major city with less murder per capita is El Paso, filled with Illegals & Mexicans.

Florida's murder rate is nearly twice that of New York state.
People claim that NYC has seen unimaginable (almost, too good to be true) massive drops in crime in NYC. Same with New Jersey and ironically, many cities under firm Democrat control all now boasting crime rates FAR lower than even remote, low population places like Montana.

Yes, giant, diverse cities where gangs congregate are reportedly FAR less violent than quiet, white remote places. mmmmmm OK.

So what's going on here? Is this true? The answer may lie in whether or not you trust the Left in general and the Left media. Are both known for honesty and integrity?
Is the Left known for it's adherence to transparency and truth?

The Left has come up with some rather interesting code words to explain these phenomenal trends....such as "Precision Policing" etc.

I think it's simply a sign of just how corrupt Democrat areas have become. A day doesn't go by without one or more horrific crimes being in the news in NYC. NYC has also begun to have an unusually high number of police officers "committing suicide". (Which hides the true numbers of officers killed in the line of duty?)

Maybe this sheds some light on the claims of remarkable safety and lack of crime in Democrat controlled ares?
Why New York City's Crime Rates Are the Lowest in Modern History - InsideHook

insidehook said:
Will Crime Rates Keep Dropping?
NYPD officials say that these rates can go even lower.
But criminologists are not entirely sure why the declines have continued. Franklin E. Zimring, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law told The New York Times that better policing accounted for much of the thirty-year decline, but it is not the primary driver anymore. He said the reason for the decline is “utterly mysterious.

Because our Whites & Blacks are better than your Whites & Blacks.

Our Whites aren't filled with gun touting White trailer trash.

Our Blacks contain far more middle class Jamaicans, Haitians, and so forth.
NY state & NY city both have lower murder rates than any state in the South.

Most counties in NY State voted Trump.

The problem with NYC is that only 35% of its population is White non-Hispanic, and probably a third of the Whites in NYC are Jews that the South loves & LGBTQ that the South largely dumped on us.

Both of those White demographics vote Democrat.

Oh, speaking of "dumping"'s no wonder if NYC's crime rate is going down....after all....everyone is running from NYC and NewJersey to Florida due to insanity in government such as taxation and cost of living.

Also, Florida is a much bigger state population wise than tiny NewYork.

We are gentrifying & dumping our lowlife Afro American, and Puto Rican populations on their rightful owners the US South.

Good riddance.

FloriDUH stinks.

My grandparents lived in Sarasota, FL for years, and it stunk.

I saw things I've never seen in the Hudson Valley here, down there.

Sarasota's supposedly one of the best places in Florida.

I saw cars without wheels abandoned on the streets.
I saw a fast food joint being robbed.
I saw bums on the beach & in the parks some even drinking & doing drugs.
One bum was squatting behind my mom on the beach, and ran into the bushes when I came up to my mom.

My grandparents house was robbed 3 times, and they lived in the Meadows one of the most aflfuent & richest part of Sarasota.

We never got robbed in Putnam Lake, or Pawling.

That doesn't even begin to speak of how much of an ugly sprawl Florida is.

No character, just a waste of McDonald's & Corporate America.

The food stinks.
You couldn't even find good Italian bread, Italian restaurants, or good Bagels.

Even your fast food joints are inferior.

A Subway here is better than there.

The service in Florida stinks, everybody's basically a bunch of slow idiots down there from the restaurants to the medical staff.

The parkland is almost non-existent.

My little Pawling probably has more parkland than the whole of Sarasota County.
Real New Yorkers

If 9/11 happened in a city in Appalachia, they probably would've been a giant fire throughout the whole city, because the numb-skulls cut down on the fire dept, by lowering their taxes.
No city in the US has ever gone through what NY did on 9-11
Contrary to their selfish, rude, arrogant reputation......New Yorkers showed a population that pulled together, helped each other, did what had to be done.
Over 400 first responders from NEW YORK gave their lives that day trying to save others
This just ONE of the sneaky ways Democrat / Liberal areas hide their true crime states....... said:
Nick from London - December 11, 2019

The definition of the offence of murder in the UK is quite narrow. Many acts that cause death are treated as manslaughter.
A young man was stabbed to death against our garden fence during a drug deal related argument. The stabber was convicted of manslaughter asvintent could not be proven.
So this will not count as a London murder. Just saying as I agree with Dan’s argument
If 9/11 happened in a city in Appalachia, they probably would've been a giant fire throughout the whole city, because the numb-skulls cut down on the fire dept, by lowering their taxes.

You said "If"and "PROBABLY"......

Which means you are speculating and have no clue.

Do you realize that your opinions are not fact ?
This just ONE of the sneaky ways Democrat / Liberal areas hide their true crime states....... said:
Nick from London - December 11, 2019

The definition of the offence of murder in the UK is quite narrow. Many acts that cause death are treated as manslaughter.
A young man was stabbed to death against our garden fence during a drug deal related argument. The stabber was convicted of manslaughter asvintent could not be proven.
So this will not count as a London murder. Just saying as I agree with Dan’s argument

My area (Pawling) has been Republican since the time of Lincoln.
Because our Whites & Blacks are better than your Whites & Blacks.
Our Whites aren't filled with gun touting White trailer trash.
Our Blacks contain far more middle class Jamaicans, Haitians, and so forth.

Then why are NewYorkers and people from Jersey flocking to Florida in droves...leaving NYC and NJ with HUGE tax revenue problems?
Because our Whites & Blacks are better than your Whites & Blacks.
Our Whites aren't filled with gun touting White trailer trash.
Our Blacks contain far more middle class Jamaicans, Haitians, and so forth.

Then why are NewYorkers and people from Jersey flocking to Florida in droves...leaving NYC and NJ with HUGE tax revenue problems?

Hmm, so those who can't afford it leave?

No wonder why NY is gentrifying.
Because our Whites & Blacks are better than your Whites & Blacks.
Our Whites aren't filled with gun touting White trailer trash.
Our Blacks contain far more middle class Jamaicans, Haitians, and so forth.

Then why are NewYorkers and people from Jersey flocking to Florida in droves...leaving NYC and NJ with HUGE tax revenue problems?
Yes and the good news is ,,,,soon Florida will be all BLUE
My area (Pawling) has been Republican since the time of Lincoln.

Which is exactly why you feel safe.

Try a stroll tonight....oh say around......11pm in Central Park.........

So, I wouldn't feel safe in suburban wealthy Democrat towns like Scarsdale, or Rye, or Pound Ridge?

NYC used to be terrible, now its in much better shape.

Let's cut to the chase, the biggest crime problems in America are by the Negs the Southern plantations imported.

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