New York "SAFE" act turning into a gun ban program...


Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

Nice try, Comrade, but no.
IKR? Crazy people also deserve to have the right to free speech and discrimination against them for their skin color restricted as well.
Oy vey!
I do think crazy people should be restricted but i dont like the way anybody wants to do it. They cant seem to come up with a way that wont restrict law abiding sane people.
Maybe thats what the NRAs problem is as well? IDK

Simple universal background checks would be a step in the right direction.
What do you mean by that?

Its been explained at least a million times. I don't care to play that game again.

You bash people for not wanting to do anything about it, yet, you dont even want to discuss what you think we need to do? Whats the point of even logging on?

Because everything that can be said about the subject has been said. Gun nuts are either adamantly opposed any additional regulation, or think a crackdown on all people of color will fix the problem. We have people who should never be near a gun who are legally able to buy all they want.

If they are legally able to buy then they have the RIGHT.

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

The primary difference is they don't have a substantial population of blacks who have been told for generations that they are not responsible for their own actions.

That's just the truth
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe

Except for that damned Constitution....the one that says their citizens have the Right...not the priviledge to Keep and Bear Arms....
What do you mean by that?

Its been explained at least a million times. I don't care to play that game again.

You bash people for not wanting to do anything about it, yet, you dont even want to discuss what you think we need to do? Whats the point of even logging on?

Because everything that can be said about the subject has been said. Gun nuts are either adamantly opposed any additional regulation, or think a crackdown on all people of color will fix the problem. We have people who should never be near a gun who are legally able to buy all they want.
Ok, thanks for the worthless posts.
If you decide you want to actually discuss it, let me know.

So do you have any ideas of how to reduce the problem, or are you just content to accept so many deaths as the price of everyone being able to carry a gun around?

Yes....the way you reduce the problem is locking up the violent criminals in particular the violent gun criminals...this is how Japan keeps their gun crime rate low even among the is the only way to do it.....repeatedly releasing violent gun criminals will not lower your gun crime rate, neither will making more laws to punish normal, law abiding gun owners....

If you commit a crime, an actual crime, with a gun...30 years....if you are prohibited from having a gun as an actual criminal....30 years in prison if you are caught with a gun...that is how you do it....anything else is nothing more than a slow confiscation of guns.
You bash people for not wanting to do anything about it, yet, you dont even want to discuss what you think we need to do? Whats the point of even logging on?

Because everything that can be said about the subject has been said. Gun nuts are either adamantly opposed any additional regulation, or think a crackdown on all people of color will fix the problem. We have people who should never be near a gun who are legally able to buy all they want.
Ok, thanks for the worthless posts.
If you decide you want to actually discuss it, let me know.

So do you have any ideas of how to reduce the problem, or are you just content to accept so many deaths as the price of everyone being able to carry a gun around?
Well, we cant keep people from killing themselves.
What can we do about gangs?
I am OK with regulations as long as it doesnt infringe on anyones fundamental right to own a weapon

Universal background checks don't infringe on anyone. They won't completely solve the problem, no one thing ill, but they will help.

Yes...they do.....they would cost money to do and they require universal gun registration...both are violations of the Constitution and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Ok, thanks for the worthless posts.
If you decide you want to actually discuss it, let me know.

So do you have any ideas of how to reduce the problem, or are you just content to accept so many deaths as the price of everyone being able to carry a gun around?
Well, we cant keep people from killing themselves.
What can we do about gangs?
I am OK with regulations as long as it doesnt infringe on anyones fundamental right to own a weapon

Universal background checks don't infringe on anyone. They won't completely solve the problem, no one thing ill, but they will help.
Im still not clear on what you mean by that :eusa_whistle:

You sell a gun, whether you are a dealer, or an individual seller, you do a background check. Nothing more than that.

And we have shown how current background checks do not work, and how those same criminals will get past universal background checks......the only reason for universal background checks is to have a reason to demand universal gun registration...

We don't need universal background checks. Why? Because we can already arrest criminals who use guns for crimes....and we can already arrest criminals caught with guns they can't buy, own or carry. Again, the only reason anti gunners want background checks, since they don't stop criminals or mass shooters, is to demand universal gun registration....and then they will use registration to ban guns...just like New York is doing right now...
Well, we cant keep people from killing themselves.
What can we do about gangs?
I am OK with regulations as long as it doesnt infringe on anyones fundamental right to own a weapon

Universal background checks don't infringe on anyone. They won't completely solve the problem, no one thing ill, but they will help.
Im still not clear on what you mean by that :eusa_whistle:

You sell a gun, whether you are a dealer, or an individual seller, you do a background check. Nothing more than that.
So in order for me to give my son a family heirloom, i will need to pay a firearm dealer to conduct a background check?

I'm sure exceptions could be made, but yep. that pretty much covers it. Background checks aren't expensive. If you gave him a car, he would have to transfer the title, and that is making a record of who ownes the car. Background checks don't keep those records. They just see if the person should be allowed to purchase a gun, and then discard the paperwork. . Of course now is when the average gun nut says he should be exempt from any reasonable regulations. Like I told you earlier. It's all been said before.

A Poll Tax on voting is not expensive....but it is unConstitutional....also, it is UnConstitutional to impose a Fee on a Right....already decided.....

Murdoch v. Pennsylvania......

Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 (1943)

4. A State may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution. P. 319 U. S. 113.

5. The flat license tax here involved restrains in advance the Constitutional liberties of press and religion, and inevitably tends to suppress their exercise. P. 319 U. S. 114.

6. That the ordinance is "nondiscriminatory," in that it applies also to peddlers of wares and merchandise, is immaterial. The liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment are in a preferred position. P. 319 U. S. 115.

7. Since the privilege in question is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, and exists independently of state authority, the inquiry as to whether the State has given something for which it can ask a return is irrelevant. P. 319 U. S. 115.

8. A community may not suppress, or the State tax, the dissemination of views because they are unpopular, annoying, or distasteful. P. 319 U. S. 116.


Page 319 U. S. 108

The First Amendment, which the Fourteenth makes applicable to the states, declares that

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . ."

It could hardly be denied that a tax laid specifically on the exercise of those freedoms would be unconstitutional. Yet the license tax imposed by this ordinance is, in substance, just that.
The people of New York have decided they want to be safe

Who can blame them

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin
Read more at: Benjamin Franklin Quotes

The safety is not temporary

New York City has the lowest murder rate in 30 years and yet their "liberty" is intact

And Baltimore....with a fraction of New York's population had more gun murders than New York even though they have every single gun law you guys want.....

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

They have different cultures...cultured created through feudal systems and societies that went through 2 World they are behind us since their cities were destroyed twice in 20 years......they are now catching up.....their social welfare states are no longer able to pass on the values that made their countries civilized....and they are importing violent, 3rd world criminals.

You guys are so blinded by your hatred of guns, you can't see the truth.

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate is is up 27% last year across the country, and up 42% in London, their is also going up in Sweden and have no idea what you are talking about....

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.

It isn't the is democrat judges who keep letting gun criminals back on the streets.....and the revolving door for violent gun criminals, not law abiding gun owners, is the problem....
What is the primary difference between those nations and the US? It is not that we are more lenient than they are, their laws are more lenient than ours. They are all rich nations, like us. And they all have an educated population. The main difference is their gun laws. Now, if you do not want those laws here, you had better propose and implement some effective laws to stop the gun violence in this nation. Or you will get the gun laws those nations have.

And let's actually compare apples to apples.....

The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries

Things get even more interesting if we add American states with low murder rates.

And why not include data from individual states? It has always been extremely imprecise and lazy to talk about the “US murder rate” The US is an immense country with a lot of variety in laws and demographics. (Mexico deserves the same analysis, by the way.)

Many states have murder rates that place them on the short list of low-crime places in the world.

Why do we conveniently ignore them?

The US murder rate is being driven up by a few high-murder states such as Maryland, Louisiana, South Carolina, Delaware, and Tennessee. In the spirit of selective use of data, let's just leave those states out of it, and look at some of the low-crime ones:


But you know that’s not the conclusion we're supposed to come to.Comparisons can never work in that direction. The comparisons should only be used to compare the US to countries with restrictive gun laws and low murder rates. Comparisons with countries that have restrictive gun laws (and/or few private guns) and murder rates similar to or higher than US rates (i.e., Latin America, the Caribbean and the Baltic States.)
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe

Except for that damned Constitution....the one that says their citizens have the Right...not the priviledge to Keep and Bear Arms....

If you think the NY law violates the 2nd amendment
Take it to court

That's what they are there for
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe

Except for that damned Constitution....the one that says their citizens have the Right...not the priviledge to Keep and Bear Arms....

If you think the NY law violates the 2nd amendment
Take it to court

That's what they are there for

Trump has to appoint one more real Justice to the court...then we can go...
Universal background checks don't infringe on anyone. They won't completely solve the problem, no one thing ill, but they will help.
Im still not clear on what you mean by that :eusa_whistle:

You sell a gun, whether you are a dealer, or an individual seller, you do a background check. Nothing more than that.
So in order for me to give my son a family heirloom, i will need to pay a firearm dealer to conduct a background check?

Works for me
You have to check to see he has a drivers license before you let him drive your car
Ahhh, equating fundamental rights with driving cars. Excellent fallacious cliche there RW

Doesnt the gun lobby say "ban cars because they kill people as well" ?

Is that a fallacy ?
Because everything that can be said about the subject has been said. Gun nuts are either adamantly opposed any additional regulation, or think a crackdown on all people of color will fix the problem. We have people who should never be near a gun who are legally able to buy all they want.
Ok, thanks for the worthless posts.
If you decide you want to actually discuss it, let me know.

So do you have any ideas of how to reduce the problem, or are you just content to accept so many deaths as the price of everyone being able to carry a gun around?
Well, we cant keep people from killing themselves.
What can we do about gangs?
I am OK with regulations as long as it doesnt infringe on anyones fundamental right to own a weapon

Universal background checks don't infringe on anyone. They won't completely solve the problem, no one thing ill, but they will help.

Yes...they do.....they would cost money to do and they require universal gun registration...both are violations of the Constitution and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Do background checks from licensed dealers require gun registration?

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