New York "SAFE" act turning into a gun ban program...

Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.

Please....enlighten us.....what reasonable gun laws? And please, explain how they work to stop criminals and mass shooters from physically getting and using guns. We keep waiting for you to list one that actually does what you say it will do....and after we explain how it won't do anything you say it say we refuse to join the converstaion about reasonable gun laws.......
Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
IKR? Crazy people also deserve to have the right to free speech and discrimination against them for their skin color restricted as well.
Oy vey!
I do think crazy people should be restricted but i dont like the way anybody wants to do it. They cant seem to come up with a way that wont restrict law abiding sane people.
Maybe thats what the NRAs problem is as well? IDK

Simple universal background checks would be a step in the right direction.

So....please...tell us....criminals use straw buyers to buy guns. A straw buyer is someone who can already pass a mandatory, federal background check. So...if they can pass a federal background does a universal background check stop a straw buyer from passing the background check for the private sale, and then sell or give the guns to criminals...the way they are already doing it through gun stores? And of course you won't address the fact that universal background checks need universal gun registration which is the only reason anti gunners push universal background checks, because they already know that universal background checks won't work, just as current federal background checks don't work.

And, the Haynes v. UNited States supreme court decision already states that criminals don't have to register their illegal guns....since it violates their Right against self incrimination...which means the only people burdened by both universal background checks and gun registration...are law abiding people, the ones who are not using guns to commit crimes....

And for mass public shooters....they already can pass federal background checks, so if they want a gun from a private seller, they will pass a universal background check too..

So the magic of universal background checks? They cost more time and more money for the law abiding citizen.....and do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....

Wow...I can see why it would be silly for pro 2nd Amendment people to oppose them......

Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
The "crazies" aren't the biggest risk. They just make the news more often. The blacks are the dangerous demographic.

Shup Bigot.
well, technically..... most gun deaths are suicide and gang related. If we cut that out, we would have an amazing gun death statistic.

And we are making no efforts to limit access to guns by those 2 groups.

We have made all the efforts is against the law for gang members to own, carry or use a is against the law to commit suicide....

Please....tell us how you plan anything else...
Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
IKR? Crazy people also deserve to have the right to free speech and discrimination against them for their skin color restricted as well.
Oy vey!
I do think crazy people should be restricted but i dont like the way anybody wants to do it. They cant seem to come up with a way that wont restrict law abiding sane people.
Maybe thats what the NRAs problem is as well? IDK

Simple universal background checks would be a step in the right direction.
What do you mean by that?

Its been explained at least a million times. I don't care to play that game again. have yet to show that universal background checks would stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns. You have been shown, in detail, how criminals get around current background checks, and will use the same method to get around universal ones for private sales......and how mass shooters easily pass universal background checks...

That you can't justify your position is on you...and then you claim we won't join the discussion....
Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
IKR? Crazy people also deserve to have the right to free speech and discrimination against them for their skin color restricted as well.
Oy vey!
I do think crazy people should be restricted but i dont like the way anybody wants to do it. They cant seem to come up with a way that wont restrict law abiding sane people.
Maybe thats what the NRAs problem is as well? IDK

Simple universal background checks would be a step in the right direction.

You do realize that New York already has universal background checks...right? And over 300 murders a many of the criminals using those illegally purchased guns went through a background check do you think?
The people of New York have decided they want to be safe

Who can blame them

Everytown on Twitter

Our gun nuts are so proud of this.
The "crazies" aren't the biggest risk. They just make the news more often. The blacks are the dangerous demographic.

Shup Bigot.
well, technically..... most gun deaths are suicide and gang related. If we cut that out, we would have an amazing gun death statistic.

And we are making no efforts to limit access to guns by those 2 groups.
Suicide is a choice, and they can just jump off a bridge if they don't have guns.

We'd restrict access to the gangs, but liberals would cry racism.

Yes, and if people didn't have cars, they could just walk to the next state for Christmas at Grandma's. Your talking point makes no more sense than that.
How stupid does a person have to be to think that in order to commit suicide, one needs to go to the next state?
Right? Who cares about rights? Not important at all

I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
IKR? Crazy people also deserve to have the right to free speech and discrimination against them for their skin color restricted as well.
Oy vey!
I do think crazy people should be restricted but i dont like the way anybody wants to do it. They cant seem to come up with a way that wont restrict law abiding sane people.
Maybe thats what the NRAs problem is as well? IDK

Simple universal background checks would be a step in the right direction.
What do you mean by that?

Its been explained at least a million times. I don't care to play that game again.

You bash people for not wanting to do anything about it, yet, you dont even want to discuss what you think we need to do? Whats the point of even logging on?
I guess that's what happens when the NRA is a whiny bitch, and refuses to join the conversation about reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. They get ignored. Grow up.
The "crazies" aren't the biggest risk. They just make the news more often. The blacks are the dangerous demographic.

Shup Bigot.
well, technically..... most gun deaths are suicide and gang related. If we cut that out, we would have an amazing gun death statistic.

And we are making no efforts to limit access to guns by those 2 groups.
Suicide is a choice, and they can just jump off a bridge if they don't have guns.

We'd restrict access to the gangs, but liberals would cry racism.
I wonder how often Congressman Scalise or the people at the shitkicker concert in LV said "it`s just blacks shooting blacks"? Of course "blacks" isn`t the word they would use.
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe
So my state is allowed to discriminate against negroes and regulate free speech. You know, because they feel it will keep them safe.
Im digging this "destruction of rights because..." thing you statists got going on.
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe
So my state is allowed to discriminate against negroes and regulate free speech. You know, because they feel it will keep them safe.
Im digging this "destruction of rights because..." thing you statists got going on.

Thank you Capt Hyperbole

New York operates within the bounds of the Constitution. Anyone who feels otherwise has access to the courts. I'm sure the NRA would support you

The LIBERAL AGENDA has always been to remove all guns from the United States no matter how they water it down or deny it.
New York is entitled to pass gun laws that they believe are needed to keep them safe
So my state is allowed to discriminate against negroes and regulate free speech. You know, because they feel it will keep them safe.
Im digging this "destruction of rights because..." thing you statists got going on.

Thank you Capt Hyperbole

New York operates within the bounds of the Constitution. Anyone who feels otherwise has access to the courts. I'm sure the NRA would support you
Yes, DC and Chicagos were too... Until they got struck down :rolleyes:
You cant make a fundamental right unlawful.
That wasnt hyperbole, BTW. Thats called a "pandoras box" you bedwetters like to open.
Yep......nothing the anti gunners do is ever intended to actually keep people safe, or to allow gun owners to keep their guns.....

NRA-ILA: The Truth About New York State's Firearm Recertification Law - The Truth About Guns

The recertification form requires that the licensee disclose his or her “name, date of birth, gender, race, residential address, social security number, [and] firearms possessed by such license holder,” along with the listed identifying details (make, model, caliber, and serial number). (“Firearm” under the applicable New York law means a handgun or other gun of a size which may be concealed upon the person.)

A failure to recertify operates as an automatic revocation of the license. Possession of a “firearm” without a valid license is a criminal offense, and the revocation makes the person ineligible to apply for or renew a license. Once a license is revoked, state law mandates that every gun owned or possessed by the licensee be “surrendered” to a law enforcement agency.

A New York State Police field guide on the SAFE Act, prepared by attorneys for the Division of State Police, unequivocally instructs officers that when “a licensee becomes ineligible to hold a pistol permit, the Safe Act requires the person to surrender all firearms to police, including all rifles and shotgunsfor which no license or registration is required.” (Emphasis in the original.)

Should the person fail to comply by turning in every gun, the SAFE Act (codified as NY Penal Law § 400.00(11)(c)) not only authorizes but requires that police officers confiscate such property: the guns “shall be removed and declared a nuisance and any police officer or peace officer acting pursuant to his or her special duties is authorized to remove any and all such weapons.”

Once the gun is deemed a “nuisance,” the owner loses the ability to reclaim or legally transfer it. State law directs that nuisance guns be destroyed without the need for a court order or other judicial proceedings, and courts have confirmed that a person has no “legitimate possessory interest” in firearms for which he or she has no license.

The policy of recertification is clear: licensees who fail to comply – by inadvertently missing the deadline, for example – face having all guns, and not just the firearms covered by the license, permanently confiscated by law enforcement officers.

Far from being overblown hyperbole, describing the recertification law as “the camel’s nose in the tent of gun confiscation” is not only accurate but arguably, an unduly benign portrayal of a grossly disproportionate regime to enforce recertification through mandatory surrender, police seizure, and destruction of otherwise legal property.

Even assuming that license recertification is “a step for safety,” as the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence member claims [in a recent editorial] , it’s not clear how much less secure or safe residents would be if the recertification process included, instead, a grace period for late compliance or imposed a penalty fee for licensees who miss the deadlines but are eligible to recertify.
I guess New York residents can feel safer in their homes once their guns are confiscated.....even though Democrats swore confiscation would never happen... :iagree:
I am so glad I escaped that shit hole state.
Problem is, so many liberals are leaving that shit hole and infecting other states with their liberal voting patterns. It's like a bunch of locusts gobbling up everything in their path.
New Yorkers moved to CA, put liberals in charge, then when CA became a shit hole they spread to OR, WA, CO, NV, and so-on.

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