New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Sorry, going to college does not mean crap.

This is a thug:

Or just someone who gets irritated with the crappy attitudes of these immigrant store owners.
Either you didnt see the store video, which means youre a dumbass for even commenting on shit you know nothing about, or you saw the video, in which case youre a liar... Brown clearly had the attitude in that video.

So which is it, are you a dumbass, or are you a liar?
Joe, I feel you're on the wrong side of the issue here.

Since Aug 9th more and more evidence has been leaked.

No some say Brown was charging Wilson.

He shot an unarmed kid. Period.

Michael Brown was not a kid. He was 18. At 18 you are a legal adult.

Not holding a weapon doesn't mean you're incapable of hurting someone. Mr. Brown was a big man, and was capable of physically harming the officer.
Good kid? On his way to college? I challenge you to prove either one of those claims. He wasnt good, nor was he enrolled in college. Just because someone said he was going to go to TECHNICAL college, doesnt mean its true.
Michael Brown probably qualified as a "good kid" in JoeB's Chicago neighborhood. After all, he hadn't killed anyone yet as for as anybody knew.
Everyone on this thread ''knows'' -- but no one lives in Ferguson; no one is a witness; no one is on the grand jury reviewing the evidence.

The only thing I have learned from this thread is that bigotry and racism still thrive in the US, and that some people are incapable of self-expression beyond name-calling.
Everyone on this thread ''knows'' -- but no one lives in Ferguson; no one is a witness; no one is on the grand jury reviewing the evidence.

The only thing I have learned from this thread is that bigotry and racism still thrive in the US, and that some people are incapable of self-expression beyond name-calling.

Plenty of evidence out there proving Mike Brown was a thug.
That makes all the other evidence that much easier to believe.
You've been played. Others make good livings playing fools like you.

Are there some race pimps milking this? Yup.

Do they still have a good point.

Hey, here's an easy thing for you. Imagine that Michael Brown was YOUR kid. (Hypothetically).

If it was YOUR child who was gunned down in the street and left out in the open for hours, would you be saying smack like 'Well, h e shouldn't have took those cigars."

I don't think so. You'd be demanding answers. You'd be demanding someone be held to account.

You idiot! - MB wasn't just some thieve'n punk, he was violent. He tossed the store clerk around like a rag doll, intimidated drivers in the middle of the street, grabbed a police officer by the neck, punched him in the face, tried to take his gun to kill him. MB was a danger to citizens as well as police. The law is clear that officer Wilson had the right to even shot him in the back to stop the fleeing felon.
You've been played. Others make good livings playing fools like you.

Are there some race pimps milking this? Yup.

Do they still have a good point.

Hey, here's an easy thing for you. Imagine that Michael Brown was YOUR kid. (Hypothetically).

If it was YOUR child who was gunned down in the street and left out in the open for hours, would you be saying smack like 'Well, h e shouldn't have took those cigars."

I don't think so. You'd be demanding answers. You'd be demanding someone be held to account.
If BM had been my kid I would have been screwed.
BM was a negro with HPD, a fucking scumbag bully. The entire negro community knows all about BM. They are shit scared to say anything.
Is it any wonder why the other races on the planet think negroes are scum......and treat them as such.
If I were his father and I saw what he did to the little asian man I would have put a 'pill' in BM's simian head and done the world a favor. Seriously.
The largest ever study of the effects of the main psychoactive component of cannabis suggests that it can cause paranoia in vulnerable individuals

Cannabis really can trigger paranoia Science
That's true. It can invoke latent paranoia. But paranoia does not incite larcenous, flagrantly assaultive, behavior.
Dear God you are really a 'pant-load'. "Latent paranoia" can manifest itself in many ways. Including all the behaviors you mention.
Get a life pal.
People [and especially ignorant or poorly educated people] ''know'' for sure only what they want to ''believe.''
The 'tolerance' fuse for allowing negroes to pretty much get away with anything has been burning for a couple of decades.
Cast your mind back to the sixteenth century. Imagine if the Portuguese and Dutch and later the British had not bought what the village chiefs were selling. IE negro slaves.
What would Africa look like now?
People coming to America from mainly European countries to make a better life for themselves wouldn't be 'burdened' having to look after the negro.
And Africa would be one happy continent busy eating their fellow man.
I bet deep down a lot of local Ferguson people are RELIEVED that Thug Mike is dead and wont be acting like their own "Debo" anymore, for those who get that reference.
The 'tolerance' fuse for allowing negroes to pretty much get away with anything has been burning for a couple of decades.
Cast your mind back to the sixteenth century. Imagine if the Portuguese and Dutch and later the British had not bought what the village chiefs were selling. IE negro slaves.
What would Africa look like now?
People coming to America from mainly European countries to make a better life for themselves wouldn't be 'burdened' having to look after the negro.
And Africa would be one happy continent busy eating their fellow man.

Immigrants from Europe and Asia met with WASP intolerance. The Know-Nothings of the 1840's opposed the Irish. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, Southern Europeans and Jews were deemed to be anarchists [1890-1920]. Native Americans were dispossessed of their own land. Afro-Americans have made significant cultural and scientific contributions to American society [eg, Booker T. Washington, George W. Carver , Thurgood Marshall, not to mention black actors and musicians]. We all need to live together with respect for each other.
BM was 'headed' to a course on how to hand screw drivers to refrigerator repairmen. He got into the course through AA.......He was 'streamed' through grade ten.

You guys are really invested in him being a bad person.
Either you didnt see the store video, which means youre a dumbass for even commenting on shit you know nothing about, or you saw the video, in which case youre a liar... Brown clearly had the attitude in that video.

So which is it, are you a dumbass, or are you a liar?

I saw it. All I saw was a couple guys having an argument and pushing each other. I didn't see anyone steal anything. ANd, oh, yeah, the store didn't report a robbery. You guys keep leaving that part out.
The 'tolerance' fuse for allowing negroes to pretty much get away with anything has been burning for a couple of decades.
Cast your mind back to the sixteenth century. Imagine if the Portuguese and Dutch and later the British had not bought what the village chiefs were selling. IE negro slaves.
What would Africa look like now?
People coming to America from mainly European countries to make a better life for themselves wouldn't be 'burdened' having to look after the negro.
And Africa would be one happy continent busy eating their fellow man.

Hey, Mac, buddy, here's an open case of racism, you can denounce it and totally prove me wrong.

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