New York Times reporter Brent Renaud killed in Ukraine

He was a freelancer, and FORMERLY employed by the NYT.
He wasn't on assignment for the new York times.
You know everything about everything.

He had NYT press badge.

All white women love an accent. It's your white women breeding with black and brown men that is helping to replace your lot. 😆
I know a lot of black Irish men, nice tans, and love to beat the shit out of blacks. Lol white woman love ‘em. Blacks will never ever dominate the white man. Never .. I know it’s a fantasy of yours.. sorry to break the news to you lol
Some evidence that he was shot by Ukranian forces. The other reporter in the car said they got shot as they crossed a checkpoint within Ukranian controlled territory, so it would have been tough for Russians to be shooting at them. Doesn't change anything - just another example of ambiguous information coming out of there.

You moron, there are quite a few white people (mostly from England) who've moved to Jamaica. And we didn't come here for you. We came here for your land and your country and there's nothing a cuck like you can do about it.
Your great grandchildren will be sent back to Africa where they belong.
Trolls often have to unwittingly employ the non sequitur fallacy, given their intellectual deficiencies. These deficiencies are what pushed them to be trolls in the first place.
LOL. Everything must seem like a non sequitur fallacy to you.
Your great grandchildren will be sent back to Africa where they belong.
How? I ask you cucks for real strategy, real policy. What policy is going to send my great grandchildren back to Africa? By then you whites will be a minority in your own country. I have real world facts. Birth right citizenship is a fact. Your demographic decline is a fact. Don't you clowns realize that when I present facts and you all come back with this fanboy fanfiction that all it does is prove to me what hilarious commando cosplayers you all are? 😆
That's what someone who doesn't know what a non sequitur is would say.
Of course I do. Morons like you, who for some reason believe in an odd alternate reality, see non sequitur fallacies every time they argue with someone who lives in the real world and has even a little bit of common sense.

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