New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

The better question is why shouldn't they have ?
Because each Tower had 47 vertical box columns that would have prevented exactly that except for some other force like thermite.
When most of them were severed it would not have prevented it from happening;.
They pancaked because all of the government paid experts and the TEE VEE told everyone they pancaked. But, had anyone actually bothered to watch that 9/11 whistle blower documentary? They would know it isn't that simple.
There is no such documentary.
Military grade nanothermite detonators.
Indeed,as is always the case here everyday,candyass,leftwinger,Donald h,surada sockpuppet, and Allen Dulles the third get checkmated and can only cry in defeat knowing buildings don’t explode upwards in powder if they are just going to merely collapse,never has happened in the history of mankind,they can only sling shut in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :auiqs.jpg:
Dumbass westall claims to be a pilot and yet actually believes this babble,he expects us to believe his babble and ignore all the best pilots in the country at pilots fir truth.not only that he goes around trolling ignoring facts the fbi is an evil organization yet even though he himself admits the fbi is evil,when I bring up the fact the fbi illegally confiscated the film from the gas station and the treason thst cheney committed that day,he ignores all that and deflects,it’s as though he is controlled opposition or something,he refuses to grow up and address those facts and won’t answer the question on why does he believe the cia killed kennedy and the fbi is an evil organization yet the fbi did not cover anything up that day. :uhoh3:

The guy does nothing but troll when you ask him to answer those questions,he just goes into deflect mode,why he trolls land deflects like thst I just don’t get.
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You won’t reason with this stupid fuck,he also believes in magic bullets and the Warren report.
You mean that report you never read?

Oh BTW it is YOU who believes in tbhose magic bullets. Not me and you do not have anyone on ignore
Yep that’s why Allen won’t address the evidence and ignores it cause we’re full of shit, :abgg2q.jpg:
There is no allen here but I always address evidence

The problem is liars and fruads like you and the other mike never present any to address
I have no idea if Brandon got 80 million votes. And I’ve never argues that the election was on the up and up.

But that is, of course, the topic of some other thread.

That might work for Towers 1 & 2. I am not even going to argue 1 & 2. There is too much obfuscation and distraction there.

I was addressing tower 7. You can't address seven, because NIST classified all their data and computer modeling for tower seven. This would be like, if the UN's IPCC, NASA, and the London Imperial College, all did modeling to tell the world's population, that climate change is happening, and how soon it would affect everyone, but then said, they had classified all the data and modeling.

You know what folks would call that?

They would call that bullshit.

This is precisely what NIST has done with the data and modeling around building seven. Yet? Because the entire corporate/government media Eco-system echos the exact same story, on the left, right, and government funded networks, folks don't question it.

As far as the election story goes, I could give instance after instance that the establishment media cabal has gas-lit the public with lies. I think you missed the point.
There is no such documentary.

911 Whistleblowers (FULL DOCUMENTARY | 2019)​

“But someone would have talked,” say the self-styled skeptics who believe the government’s official conspiracy theory of 9/11. But there’s a problem with this logically fallacious non-argument. “Someone” did talk. In fact, numerous people have come out to blow the whistle on the events of September 11, 2001, and the cover-up that surrounds those events. These are the stories of the 9/11 Whistleblowers.

Blowing the Whistle on 9/11 - James Corbett on The Whistleblower Newsroom​

James joins Kristina Borjesson and Celia Farber of The Whistleblower Newsroom to discuss 9/11 Whistleblowers. Using whistleblowers and a laser beam focus on the forensic evidence, this conversation exposes just how preposterous the official 9/11 narrative really is.


Keep it up, no skin off my nose.
Dumbass westall claims to be a pilot and yet actually believes this babble,he expects us to believe his babble and ignore all the best pilots in the country at pilots fir truth.not only that he goes around trolling ignoring facts the fbi is an evil organization yet even though he himself admits the fbi is evil,when I bring up the fact the fbi illegally confiscated the film from the gas station and the treason thst cheney committed that day,he ignores all that and deflects,it’s as though he is controlled opposition or something,he refuses to grow up and address those facts and won’t answer the question on why does he believe the cia killed kennedy and the fbi is an evil organization yet the fbi did not cover anything up that day. :uhoh3:

The guy does nothing but troll when you ask him to answer those questions,he just goes into deflect mode,why he trolls land deflects like thst I just don’t get.
Sometimes, folks identify and have the affiliation with a party or political personality, be so much a part of their ego, or persona, it does not matter what you tell them.

If I have told you once, I have told you a million times, the NFL is rigged, it is a cartel. Intellectually, YOU KNOW, that all the owners meet, and decide who is going to win the super-bowl before the season even starts. They intentionally create entertaining story lines as the season progresses.

And yet? You like to watch the games, you suspend your intellectual knowledge of this, it's like you disassociate your personality in two, because NFL was part of your childhood, and you enjoy it, like folks enjoy professional wrestling.

It does not matter to you, this is how you explain this. Just as you can explain to some Catholics, Jews, or Muslims, the corruption in their religions, saying that the higher power is perfect, the leaders of their religions have been corrupted by the NWO? And give them the proof, they WILL NOT CARE. IT is that much a part of who they identify as part of who they are.

SO? Don't let it bother you. IF you like a person, let them be who they are, and believe what they want to believe. This? You can then, and should then, expect in return. It is one of the foundational principles of America.

Agree with them on what you can agree with them on, and agree to disagree on what you can't. Certainly, you and I have never agreed on everything, it does not mean I respect you any less.
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