New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

That might work for Towers 1 & 2. I am not even going to argue 1 & 2. There is too much obfuscation and distraction there.

I was addressing tower 7. You can't address seven, because NIST classified all their data and computer modeling for tower seven. This would be like, if the UN's IPCC, NASA, and the London Imperial College, all did modeling to tell the world's population, that climate change is happening, and how soon it would affect everyone, but then said, they had classified all the data and modeling.

You know what folks would call that?

They would call that bullshit.

This is precisely what NIST has done with the data and modeling around building seven. Yet? Because the entire corporate/government media Eco-system echos the exact same story, on the left, right, and government funded networks, folks don't question it.

As far as the election story goes, I could give instance after instance that the establishment media cabal has gas-lit the public with lies. I think you missed the point.

just so you know,this is another trollboy beal same as nazi,same as him he wont address evidence that jfk was killed by several shooters and the evidence oswald was innocent so same as shill nazi,you wont get anywhere with this trollboy either.
Sometimes, folks identify and have the affiliation with a party or political personality, be so much a part of their ego, or persona, it does not matter what you tell them.

If I have told you once, I have told you a million times, the NFL is rigged, it is a cartel. Intellectually, YOU KNOW, that all the owners meet, and decide who is going to win the super-bowl before the season even starts. They intentionally create entertaining story lines as the season progresses.

And yet? You like to watch the games, you suspend you intellectual knowledge of this, it you like you disassociate your personality in two, because NFL was part of your childhood, and you enjoy it, like folks enjoy professional wrestling.

It does not matter to you, this is how you explain this. Just as you can explain to some Catholics, Jews, or Muslims, the corruption in their religions, saying that the higher power is perfect, the leaders of their religions have been corrupted by the NWO? And give them the proof, they WILL NOT CARE. IT is that much a part of who they identify as part of who they are.

SO? Don't let it bother you. IF you like a person, let them be who they are, and believe what they want to believe. This? You can then, and should then, expect in return. It is one of the foundational principles of America.

Agree with them on what you can agree with them on, and agree to disagree on what you can't. Certainly, you and I have never agreed on everything, it does not mean I respect you any less.
dude you need to tell what you told me about the NFL to the other mike NOT ME,he is the one that wont face reality the NFL is a corrupt cartel and these playoff and superbowls are as fixed as elections are.,not me tell him not me. Incredibly he still lives in a fantasy that the patriots falcoms superbowl was totally fixed for the pats to come back and win. no matter how much evidence you give him the history that they have always had the refs in their pockets and they NEVER have bad calls go against them in close games at the end that its always the other team,he lives in a fantasy these games are not fixed.:cuckoo:

I dont even try and reason with him on that anymore,maybe he might listen to you.

You are preaching to the choir,last years superbowl was the first one i had watched in over ten years. I have ALSO told you several times that the Rams are the ONLY team I watch ONLY because i LOVE their uniform colors,i ONLY watch them just for that pleasure dude.:biggrin:

now if i stopped watching football altogether tomorrow including the rams and that would end the NFL,i would do that in a heartbeat but me and you know that me doing that is not going to solve the problem me not watching Ram games anymore.

oh and its not about party for westall,he HAS admitted and agrees with me bush is evil and corrupt yet he wont look at the evidence of 9/11. its like he never reads what he is posting.:uhoh3:
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just so you know,this is another trollboy beal same as nazi,same as him he wont address evidence that jfk was killed by several shooters and the evidence oswald was innocent so same as shill nazi,you wont get anywhere with this trollboy either.
No, BackAgain, is a very old and respected forum member. He used to have a much, much old handle, one whom I am sure you had agree on many other topics.

He is genuine on a great many topics.

When you are that old, and have lived in this nation and had rock solid faith in its institutions for that vast majority of it your life, when that nation had not been so corrupt for most of you life, there really is not a reason to question most of the paradigms we have been sold.

I disagree with most of the old folks in my family. All of them believe the same things. I could give them evidence to the contrary, their refusal to look at, or even accept it, does not mean they are agents of the government , or trolls, it just mean they need the security of the STATE to tell them what reality is.

Even I know better than to discuss topics like JFK, 911, COVID, the election, etc. with my family. I do, sometimes, get irritated, if I am at a family function, and my mom reminds my kid to get his updated booster shot for COVID. But, even then, I don't say anything. I raised him. I know he isn't a dummy. I knows better than to just accept the cabals narratives.

Just because someone believes these mass media/government/cabal psyops, does not mean they are a shill, troll, etc. That is the point of them, to fool the masses, and to move them into accepting the technocratic fourth industrial revolution.

If folks watched the content in those Corbett Reports on the similarity of the COVID/911, the point is, they BOTH took away civil rights/civil liberties, and ushered in a digital technocracy.

But, you should think about your affect, before you accuse folks of being "trolls," or "shills." A lot of these folks, just trusted what people like this told them, and it was JUST THE FACTS, no lies.

dude you need to tell what you told me about the NFL to the other mike NOT ME,he is the one that wont face reality the NFL is a corrupt cartel and these playoff and superbowls are as fixed as elections are.,not me tell him not me. Incredibly he still lives in a fantasy that the patriots falcoms superbowl was totally fixed for the pats to come back and win. no matter how much evidence you give him the history that they have always had the refs in their pockets and they NEVER have bad calls go against them in close games at the end that its always the other team,he lives in a fantasy these games are not fixed.:cuckoo:

I dont even try and reason with him on that anymore,maybe he might listen to you.

You are preaching to the choir,last years superbowl was the first one i had watched in over ten years. I have ALSO told you several times that the Rams are the ONLY team I watch ONLY because i LOVE their uniform colors,i ONLY watch them just for that pleasure dude.:biggrin:

now if i stopped watching football altogether tomorrow including the rams and that would end the NFL,i would do that in a heartbeat but me and you know that me doing that is not going to solve the problem me not watching Ram games anymore.

oh and its not about party for westall,he HAS admitted and agrees with me bush is evil and corrupt yet he wont look at the evidence of 9/11. its like he never reads what he is posting.:uhoh3:
I don't care.

I just as soon try to get into arguing about professional wrestling.

That might work for Towers 1 & 2. I am not even going to argue 1 & 2. There is too much obfuscation and distraction there.

I was addressing tower 7. You can't address seven, because NIST classified all their data and computer modeling for tower seven. This would be like, if the UN's IPCC, NASA, and the London Imperial College, all did modeling to tell the world's population, that climate change is happening, and how soon it would affect everyone, but then said, they had classified all the data and modeling.

You know what folks would call that?

They would call that bullshit.

This is precisely what NIST has done with the data and modeling around building seven. Yet? Because the entire corporate/government media Eco-system echos the exact same story, on the left, right, and government funded networks, folks don't question it.

As far as the election story goes, I could give instance after instance that the establishment media cabal has gas-lit the public with lies. I think you missed the point.
I can’t address anything classified. I can address things that aren’t classified. We do know that the building itself was damaged by falling debris from the planes strike into one of the towers. We do know that it also set the building on fire. We also know that Bldg 7 had a huge supply of in/building stored fuel. We know that fire did rage and that there was no way for it to be effectively fought in the midst of the terrorist attacked, the fires, collapsing structures and associated debris.

I assure you: I am not a mechanical engineer nor am I a forensic expert in the field. Nonetheless, I credit the things we know and the logical inferences derived from what we do know and what ensued.

I see no merit in any guess or conjecture or theory that bldg 7 collapsed for any other reason(s).
just so you know,this is another trollboy beal same as nazi,same as him he wont address evidence that jfk was killed by several shooters and the evidence oswald was innocent so same as shill nazi,you wont get anywhere with this trollboy either.
Just so you know something correct. I deny the magic bullet theory. I have posted as much recently. I have not claimed that the Warren Report was correct in its “determination” that it was merely a “lone assassin” who killed President Kennedy.

I discredit the alleged “evidence” that Oswald was “innocent.” If you believe that JFK was assassinated by more than one shooter, that doesn’t exactly exculpate Oswald. Fuckin’ Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t have to be the “sole” assassin to be a part of the conspiracy and “an” assassin.

So, if I’m the one you’re labeling a “troll boy,” you are barking up the wrong tree. It wouldn’t be the first wrong tree you’ve ever barked up.
the evidence oswald was innocent
I don't know what evidence you think you know about Oswald being innocent, but according to the Gemstone files, he was part of the conspiracy. He was just set-up as the patsy, but he was, more than likely, part of it.
I don't know what evidence you think you know about Oswald being innocent, but according to the Gemstone files, he was part of the conspiracy. He was just set-up as the patsy, but he was, more than likely, part of it.
there is no evidence he fired a shot though,everybody knows that.
I don't know what evidence you think you know about Oswald being innocent, but according to the Gemstone files, he was part of the conspiracy. He was just set-up as the patsy, but he was, more than likely, part of it.
Yes I tend to believe that too. He was the patsy just as he stated.

How perfect was it to use a marine who defected to the USSR, recently publicly professed his love of communism and Castro, and was magically in the TSBD building that day when the motorcade made a very sharp tight slow turn right in front of that building.

Plus he had multiple ties to the CIA.

Ruby had to kill him to silence him.
Yes I tend to believe that too. He was the patsy just as he stated.

How perfect was it to use a marine who defected to the USSR, recently publicly professed his love of communism and Castro, and was magically in the TSBD building that day when the motorcade made a very sharp tight slow turn right in front of that building.

Plus he had multiple ties to the CIA.

Ruby had to kill him to silence him.
of course he was the patsy as stated and there is ZERO evidence he fired a shot,you look at photos a couple of witnesses took that were out of towners so they took photos of the depository and one of them being the sixth floor window seconds before the assassination took place,you see NOBODY in that sixth floor window, i will find that pic and show it in a second. nazi troll always ignores that photo as well as the testimony of the two girls who said they never saw oswald go down the stairs when they went down them seconds after the shooting,

must be lonely being on that deserted island screaming at everybody desperate to get them to listen to him.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
of course he was the patsy as stated and there is ZERO evidence he fired a shot,you look at photos a couple of witnesses took that were out of towners so they took photos of the depository and one of them being the sixth floor window seconds before the assassination took place,you see NOBODY in that sixth floor window, i will find that pic and show it in a second. nazi troll always ignores that photo as well as the testimony of the two girls who said they never saw oswald go down the stairs when they went down them seconds after the shooting,

must be lonely being on that deserted island screaming at everybody desperate to get them to listen to him.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

here it is as promised the ovwerwhelming proof that proves oswald did not fire a shot. these were photos taken by witnesses who said they took them seconds after the shooting and beforehand as well of the sixth floor building.

nazi shill trollboy will of course say these bystanderss never said they took the photo seconds afterward and beforehand,we all know that.hahahahahahaha

can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he i said,must suck to be him to be on that deserted island where nobody is listening to his shouting.HEE HEE.



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The University of Alaska did a 2-year study.
Save the bullshit for the Sunday school kids.

The bullshit is from you, amigo.

Cite the University of Alaska study and don’t just play a pretty video of model simulations.

Why should their modeled simulations be given greater credence than the NIST REPORT?


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