New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

I don't know what evidence you think you know about Oswald being innocent, but according to the Gemstone files, he was part of the conspiracy. He was just set-up as the patsy, but he was, more than likely, part of it.
The gemstone files are not evidence. They afe completely manufactured with no credibility or source material.

Much liek your claim of a documentary on whistle blowers which does not exist.

The video you linked to had NO whistle blowers it only had people who heard something somewhere from someone else.

Second hand information does not make one a whistle blower.

He acted alone
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here it is as promised the ovwerwhelming proof that proves oswald did not fire a shot. these were photos taken by witnesses who said they took them seconds after the shooting and beforehand as well of the sixth floor building.

nazi shill trollboy will of course say these bystanderss never said they took the photo seconds afterward and beforehand,we all know that.hahahahahahaha

can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he i said,must suck to be him to be on that deserted island where nobody is listening to his shouting.HEE HEE.

View attachment 696675
You suck at this.

Lack of a person in a photoghraph proves nothing,

Your stupid ass thinks he would have posed for a -picture after commiting murder.
of course he was the patsy as stated and there is ZERO evidence he fired a shot,you look at photos a couple of witnesses took that were out of towners so they took photos of the depository and one of them being the sixth floor window seconds before the assassination took place,you see NOBODY in that sixth floor window, i will find that pic and show it in a second. nazi troll always ignores that photo as well as the testimony of the two girls who said they never saw oswald go down the stairs when they went down them seconds after the shooting,

must be lonely being on that deserted island screaming at everybody desperate to get them to listen to him.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
He was no patsy and the evidence is overwhelmiong that he is the only one who fired any shots.

The two girls went down minutes not seconds.

You failed as always
Yes I tend to believe that too. He was the patsy just as he stated.

How perfect was it to use a marine who defected to the USSR, recently publicly professed his love of communism and Castro, and was magically in the TSBD building that day when the motorcade made a very sharp tight slow turn right in front of that building.

Plus he had multiple ties to the CIA.

Ruby had to kill him to silence him.
He did not profess to be a marxist RECENTLY before defectring he professed it since he was a young teenager.

He had no ties to the CIA

Ruby waited two days to supposedly silence him which proves no conspiracy.

He was not magically in the building he needed a job and applied for it and got it before the route was planned.
Just so you know something correct. I deny the magic bullet theory. I have posted as much recently. I have not claimed that the Warren Report was correct in its “determination” that it was merely a “lone assassin” who killed President Kennedy.

I discredit the alleged “evidence” that Oswald was “innocent.” If you believe that JFK was assassinated by more than one shooter, that doesn’t exactly exculpate Oswald. Fuckin’ Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t have to be the “sole” assassin to be a part of the conspiracy and “an” assassin.

So, if I’m the one you’re labeling a “troll boy,” you are barking up the wrong tree. It wouldn’t be the first wrong tree you’ve ever barked up.
Having a reasonable discussion and opinion about it is fine. You are coming close to the truth however.

LARAM GIPPER MISTER BEALE, THE OTHER MIKE and and a few others are absolute liars who make up claims about evidence as they go. They do this bnecause they are immature and have no real life. Their entire identity rests on believing in conspiracies because they are losers. When challenged they get hurt because all they have to feel better about themselves is " i know better than everyone else "

Here is how it works with LARAM. He reads everything I post and then claims to ignore me. He does this because years ago I proved him wrong and that shatters his brittle tiny little sense of self worth. So he claims to ignore while responding to every post with massive emojis and insults.

What I peroved him wrong about is the magic bullet theory. Like many conspiracy nuts he thinks the magic bullet theory proves a conspiracy because the government needed to lie and did so by dreaming up this insane bullet trajectory within the Warren Commission report.

The problem is they never did.

The absolute fact is that there is not andnever has been any description of as magic bullet in the Warren Commission report. They never described a bullet turning in mid air or reversing in midair or pausing in mid air or doing anything abnormal. It was never in pristine conditi0on and that is also proven fact.

The Magic Bullet theory was actually dreamed up by conspiracy theorists , specifically Jim Garrison , to attack the Report. Unfortunately it has been disproven because the theory rests on the report actually recording something which it never did.

No conspiracy theorist will EVER provide a citation for this theory. As in none will tell you what page or chapter within the report where you can read about the magic bullet. The commision never made any such claim or description. They never alluded to it or implied it or insinuated it. The bullet holes line up without any need for changes in direction.

These are all facts.

Now the acolytes such as GIPPER AND LARAM will always repeat this theory because they are too laze to do proper research and read the report. They just believe what they are told.

Gipper will calll me a liar but he knows these are fadcts he has admitred he never read the report because he is braindead and only makes knee jerk reactions to shit he heard somewhere.
Having a reasonable discussion and opinion about it is fine. You are coming close to the truth however.

LARAM GIPPER MISTER BEALE, THE OTHER MIKE and and a few others are absolute liars who make up claims about evidence as they go. They do this bnecause they are immature and have no real life. Their entire identity rests on believing in conspiracies because they are losers. When challenged they get hurt because all they have to feel better about themselves is " i know better than everyone else "

Here is how it works with LARAM. He reads everything I post and then claims to ignore me. He does this because years ago I proved him wrong and that shatters his brittle tiny little sense of self worth. So he claims to ignore while responding to every post with massive emojis and insults.

What I peroved him wrong about is the magic bullet theory. Like many conspiracy nuts he thinks the magic bullet theory proves a conspiracy because the government needed to lie and did so by dreaming up this insane bullet trajectory within the Warren Commission report.

The problem is they never did.

The absolute fact is that there is not andnever has been any description of as magic bullet in the Warren Commission report. They never described a bullet turning in mid air or reversing in midair or pausing in mid air or doing anything abnormal. It was never in pristine conditi0on and that is also proven fact.

The Magic Bullet theory was actually dreamed up by conspiracy theorists , specifically Jim Garrison , to attack the Report. Unfortunately it has been disproven because the theory rests on the report actually recording something which it never did.

No conspiracy theorist will EVER provide a citation for this theory. As in none will tell you what page or chapter within the report where you can read about the magic bullet. The commision never made any such claim or description. They never alluded to it or implied it or insinuated it. The bullet holes line up without any need for changes in direction.

These are all facts.

Now the acolytes such as GIPPER AND LARAM will always repeat this theory because they are too laze to do proper research and read the report. They just believe what they are told.

Gipper will calll me a liar but he knows these are fadcts he has admitred he never read the report because he is braindead and only makes knee jerk reactions to shit he heard somewhere.
The so called “magic bullet” should have shown massive distortion and damage having been fired into and through several body parts including wrist bone. That mere fact that it had nothing more than a slight bending curve to it does undercut the claim that it was the bullet that caused all those wounds of exit and entry.

Accordingly, the conclusion is that it didn’t. Therefore, at least another shot had to have been fired. With a fourth shot, at least a second shooter had to have been involved.
The so called “magic bullet” should have shown massive distortion and damage having been fired into and through several body parts including wrist bone. That mere fact that it had nothing more than a slight bending curve to it does undercut the claim that it was the bullet that caused all those wounds of exit and entry.

Accordingly, the conclusion is that it didn’t. Therefore, at least another shot had to have been fired. With a fourth shot, at least a second shooter had to have been involved.
Not true.

It passed through soft tissue which would not cause massive damage but would slow it down.

When it struck bone the damge would be what we see done to it.

There was no other bullet recovered or fragment of another and the wounds line up. Bullets do sometimes cause multiple wounds to multiple victims. How damaged or undamaged they are afterwards is unpredictable. There is nothing out of the ordinary about a bullet doing what this one did. The damage done to it is consistent with what it did.
Not true.

It passed through soft tissue which would not cause massive damage but would slow it down.

When it struck bone the damge would be what we see done to it.

There was no other bullet recovered or fragment of another and the wounds line up. Bullets do sometimes cause multiple wounds to multiple victims. How damaged or undamaged they are afterwards is unpredictable. There is nothing out of the ordinary about a bullet doing what this one did. The damage done to it is consistent with what it did.
That’s not how bullets work. Once a bullet hits a bone with sufficient force to shatter that bone, the bullet gets badly distorted.
You are a proven liar.

The evidence is massive.

The Truth Richkid-Worshiping Americans Can't Handle

JFK was a loose cannon, an arrogant and ignorant fraternity bully who almost started World War III. The US had nuclear missiles in Turkey that were just as close to Russia as Cuba is to the United States.

Khrushchev, misjudging Kennedy's instability and desire to play tough guy after letting Cuban patriots get slaughtered on the beach of the Bay of Pigs, thought that JFK would take our missiles out of Turkey in exchange for Russians taking their missiles out of Cuba, all done behind the scenes and hidden from the Camelotized media and the American public, too, as usual.

But JFK, and his even more aggressive brother, decided to create a showdown and force Russia to back down and look like cowards. That's not at all characteristic of Russians, so the KGB demanded a price from the CIA. JFK and Bobby would be assassinated and Khrushchev would be removed from power. So it was a joint operation between Deep State agencies in both countries. The Mafia and some ultra-conservatives like H.L. Hunt and the Cuban refugees from Castro's tyranny were thrown in to confuse investigative free-lance writers. Oswald, a bitter Leftist misfit, may have been tricked by his KGB bosses into showing up at the right place and time or actually doing the killing.
The Truth Richkid-Worshiping Americans Can't Handle

JFK was a loose cannon, an arrogant and ignorant fraternity bully who almost started World War III. The US had nuclear missiles in Turkey that were just as close to Russia as Cuba is to the United States.

Khrushchev, misjudging Kennedy's instability and desire to play tough guy after letting Cuban patriots get slaughtered on the beach of the Bay of Pigs, thought that JFK would take our missiles out of Turkey in exchange for Russians taking their missiles out of Cuba, all done behind the scenes and hidden from the Camelotized media and the American public, too, as usual.

But JFK, and his even more aggressive brother, decided to create a showdown and force Russia to back down and look like cowards. That's not at all characteristic of Russians, so the KGB demanded a price from the CIA. JFK and Bobby would be assassinated and Khrushchev would be removed from power. So it was a joint operation between Deep State agencies in both countries. The Mafia and some ultra-conservatives like H.L. Hunt and the Cuban refugees from Castro's tyranny were thrown in to confuse investigative free-lance writers. Oswald, a bitter Leftist misfit, may have been tricked by his KGB bosses into showing up at the right place and time or actually doing the killing.
All speculation with no evidence.
That’s not how bullets work. Once a bullet hits a bone with sufficient force to shatter that bone, the bullet gets badly distorted.

Yes it is how bullets work. How distorted depends on how fast it is going. The bullet was in fact distorted just as it should have been
The Truth Richkid-Worshiping Americans Can't Handle

JFK was a loose cannon, an arrogant and ignorant fraternity bully who almost started World War III. The US had nuclear missiles in Turkey that were just as close to Russia as Cuba is to the United States.

Khrushchev, misjudging Kennedy's instability and desire to play tough guy after letting Cuban patriots get slaughtered on the beach of the Bay of Pigs, thought that JFK would take our missiles out of Turkey in exchange for Russians taking their missiles out of Cuba, all done behind the scenes and hidden from the Camelotized media and the American public, too, as usual.

But JFK, and his even more aggressive brother, decided to create a showdown and force Russia to back down and look like cowards. That's not at all characteristic of Russians, so the KGB demanded a price from the CIA. JFK and Bobby would be assassinated and Khrushchev would be removed from power. So it was a joint operation between Deep State agencies in both countries. The Mafia and some ultra-conservatives like H.L. Hunt and the Cuban refugees from Castro's tyranny were thrown in to confuse investigative free-lance writers. Oswald, a bitter Leftist misfit, may have been tricked by his KGB bosses into showing up at the right place and time or actually doing the killing.
Some of what you state is accurate, but much isn’t. Oswald wasn’t a leftist. He was a fanatical right winger/cold warrior playing a part for his handlers, who all had ties to Allen’s grandpa Allen “Killer” Dulles.

Also I doubt there was any collusion between the deep state of the USSR and USA.

The bullshit is from you, amigo.

Cite the University of Alaska study and don’t just play a pretty video of model simulations.

Why should their modeled simulations be given greater credence than the NIST REPORT?

I had already posted and cited the University of Alaska study, you choose to ignore it, that, if anyone had wanted to look at the scholarly work that made the work of NIST irrelevant, they could have read it, it is open to be peer-reviewed, and looked at by the public;

Post #18. It is why I did not respond to your post on WTC 7, because it is clear, you do not want an honest conversation, you have your beliefs, I have mine. Mine are based on facts, science and engineering, yours are based on classified data, classified modeling, and government propaganda. Thus, we can't have an honest conversation. No point in even trying.




Here is what you base your entire world view, and premise of the collapse of WTC7 on;


And. . .

Why should their modeled simulations be given greater credence than the NIST REPORT?
The reason? The University of Alaska data and modeling, is out in the open, all of their data is open to peer review, anyone can question it. The NIST data and modeling is classified. It cannot be peer reviewed or questioned, much like the COVID narratives by the establishment, and the Dominion election source data.
Some of what you state is accurate, but much isn’t. Oswald wasn’t a leftist. He was a fanatical right winger/cold warrior playing a part for his handlers, who all had ties to Allen’s grandpa Allen “Killer” Dulles.

Also I doubt there was any collusion between the deep state of the USSR and USA.
He was never a right winger he was a marxist for most of his life. You have no evidence to the contrary and your personal claim is not valid or credible

He had no ties whatsoever to the CIA or dulles.

Provide evidence for your claims i have asked 100 or more times and you never post any
Yes it is how bullets work. How distorted depends on how fast it is going. The bullet was in fact distorted just as it should have been
It was barely distorted at all.

How Much Damage Should Have Occurred?​

Tests were carried out on behalf of the Warren Commission by the Department of Defense at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. Two experiments suggested strongly that the CE 399 bullet had not caused Connally’s wounds:

  • Bullets of the same type as CE 399 were fired into the wrist bones of ten human cadavers. All ten bullets were severely deformed, unlike CE 399.
  • One bullet was fired into a goat’s rib, and was flattened substantially more than CE 399. Another bullet was fired into a block of gelatin, and was only moderately flattened, like CE 399.
In the words of Dr Joseph Dolce, the US Army’s most senior expert in wound ballistics, “one bullet striking the President’s neck, the Governor’s chest and wrist, should be badly deformed, as our experiments at the Edgewood Arsenal proved.” Dr Dolce was not called to testify before the Warren Commission. The Edgewood Arsenal report, Wound Ballistics of 6.5–mm Mannlicher–Carcano Ammunition, was withheld from the public for ten years, and only made available as the result of a law suit under the Freedom of Information Act by the researcher Harold Weisberg.
I had already posted and cited the University of Alaska study, you choose to ignore it, that, if anyone had wanted to look at the scholarly work that made the work of NIST irrelevant, they could have read it, it is open to be peer-reviewed, and looked at by the public;

Post #18. It is why I did not respond to your post on WTC 7, because it is clear, you do not want an honest conversation, you have your beliefs, I have mine. Mine are based on facts, science and engineering, yours are based on classified data, classified modeling, and government propaganda. Thus, we can't have an honest conversation. No point in even trying.




Here is what you base your entire world view, and premise of the collapse of WTC7 on;

View attachment 697208

And. . .

View attachment 697209

in reality, I just reviewed it. But, not being an engineer or physicist, I look for more concrete pieces which laymen can handle.

When was the first critique of the Alaska study?

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