New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul rants the border is ‘too open’ and demands a ‘limit on who can come across.’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Sounds pretty racist to me!
Oh wait. A Democrat said that.
Never mind. Very America loving and logical statement.

Now if we only had someone in the White House who enforced existing laws. Here statement directed at Congress is stupid.

Southern States: ramp up those bus loads of illegals to those sanctuary cities and States.

New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul ranted about failing immigration policies saying the southern border is ‘too open’ and demanded a limit on how many people can stream over into the US.

During a Sunday appearance on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ Hochul said she feels the country’s border is currently too much of a free-for-all.

A record 260,000 migrants flooded across the border last month alone, causing chaos not only in border states that are ill-equipped to stomach such massive population influxes but in sanctuary states like New York.

‘We want [Congress] to have a limit on who can come across the border,’ said Hochul.

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Donald Trump was right: The mayor of America’s Sanctuary City just said no mas to illegals.

There IS a limit on who can come across. It is written into our existing immigration laws. There is a limit on who can come in under "refugee" status, and yet "we" allow millions in, knowing that their application could never be approved under existing guidelines (seeking better economic opportunities does not make you a "refugee").

We have a President who openly flouts our immigration laws, and they want to impeach him for being corrupt? How about refusing to comply with your oath of office as a "high crime"?
There IS a limit on who can come across. It is written into our existing immigration laws. There is a limit on who can come in under "refugee" status, and yet "we" allow millions in, knowing that their application could never be approved under existing guidelines (seeking better economic opportunities does not make you a "refugee").

We have a President who openly flouts our immigration laws, and they want to impeach him for being corrupt? How about refusing to comply with your oath of office as a "high crime"?
Per international law you can’t cross thru a sanctuary nation (Mexico) to travel to another and claim political asylum.
The statements by Governor Kathy Hochul seem balanced and correct. The Dems should limit the number of refugees coming across the border to claim amnesty. Lots of ways to do this. Working with other governments like Mexico is one way, and stricter policy toward illegal border crossings in general is another. If present rates continue, the Biden Administration will have to follow the N.Y. Governor’s suggestions, or come up with its own tougher policy. It should take action asap.
But . . . but . . . migrants HELP the economy, remember? Who does Hochul think will pick whatever crops grow upstate now that it's harvest time?

Does she want rich Dems to have to scrub their own toilets?
When Hochul says the border is too open, that's really code for "I'll take an additional hundred busses a day for the rest of the year".
New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul ranted about failing immigration policies saying the southern border is ‘too open’ and demanded a limit on how many people can stream over into the US.

The solution is to stop electing Democraps. And that includes this forked-tongued bitch.
Maybe we should ship Hamas to New York. I am sure Governor Hochul will approve of that. Hey, I am sure it's just a matter of time - if not already - they will be here with the sleeping cells throughout the US.

But since Biden is too stupid to understand that, and wants "Open Borders". I say, "It's Hunting Season"!

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