New Zealand Attacker Visited Turkey Numerous Times For Extended Stays.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Things aren’t as cut and dried like we are lead to believe. Turkey is a hot bed of radicalism, and for a man who hates Muslims, he sure spent a lot of time living with them, training with them, and being groomed for his mission.

The tip-off was in His “Manifesto” which listed so called “Enemies of Islam” as
Inspiration, like China, Donald Trunp and a list of others that read more like a grievance list rather than a whose who of inspiration. Putin is more brutal towards terrorists than anyone in that list. He doesn’t even get an honorable mention. Jihadists hate Putin.

They hate Eedogan too. The attacker’s mention of Erdogan and his plea to have someone kill him was strange also since Erdogan is not well liked by more Radical Elements of Islam and has had numerous attempts on his life! That was more than enough for me to declare the attacker as Jihadist himself.

The Manifesto was meant to be found, meant to be left as planted “evidence” after the attacker no doubt detonated his car bomb, with him in it, leaving far less evidence for the police to go on. The explosives failed.

What else failed was the fact that The Attacker tipped off The Police and The Government a good 10 minutes before the attack, but the email wasn’t read. Because of that, The Attacker did not get his planned confrontation with The Police. He was either going to commit suicide by cop, or suicide via car bomb, or both. Either way, he wasn’t meant to live.

His attack, rather than a poorly planned random act of obscene violence more resembles a planned assault rehearsed, and practiced by a trained professional. Who trained in Turkey, Pakistan &
North Kores. It was meant to enrage Islam, not punish it.

Note: I did some early research, and now a lot of information on this guy is missing. Most notable is that he traveled to Turkey frequently for extended stays.

All you can find now was that he was in Turkey twice which conflicts earlier
Reports coming out of Turkey itself, and he visited Pakistan, North Korea, as well as Bulgaria and may have spent time in Iran.

New Zealand Attack Suspect Visited Turkey: Senior Turkish Official

It's time to designate Turkey as a sponsor of terrorism
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I thought for sure someone would like to discuss the real possibility that this was a False Flag Attack.

Muslims are commanded to deceive Infidels by any means necessary for The Cause of Islam, even Murder and terrorism and killing
Of other Muslims is permitted in The cause of Jihad.

The attacker spent a tremendous amount of time in The Middle East in many of the Hot spots of Terrorism, Turkey, Iran & Pakistan, and even North Korea.
I thought for sure someone would like to discuss the real possibility that this was a False Flag Attack.

Muslims are commanded to deceive Infidels by any means necessary for The Cause of Islam, even Murder and terrorism and killing
Of other Muslims is permitted in The cause of Jihad.

The attacker spent a tremendous amount of time in The Middle East in many of the Hot spots of Terrorism, Turkey, Iran & Pakistan, and even North Korea.
I think if that was his logic he would have chosen american soil cuz that would have created the greatest impact
More proof that the attacker was an Islamic Jihadist posing as a White Supremacist.

The attacker visited the 12th and 5th leading Terrorist Nations on Earth, including visiting the Number 1 Terrorist State on The Planet, Iran and then North Korea!

In addition to that Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are all Sunni Islam which also tells you this guy is a Sunni.

Turkey previously was 9th ranked in terrorism.

Turkey ranks 12th on terrorism list, records largest fall across Europe - Turkey News

Turkey ranked 12th on the list, between Democratic Republic of Congo and Libya. Turkey had ranked 9th in last year's index lead by Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Syria and Pakistan.

North Korea is the most hostile Nation on Earth towards Christianity, so it’s no wonder he staged this attack at “Christchurch”. This whole this was staged and the attacker is a Jihadist Muslim posing as a White Supremacist.

North Korea is worst place for Christian persecution, group says
I disagree.

There was a reason he chose “Christchurch New Zealand”

I thought for sure someone would like to discuss the real possibility that this was a False Flag Attack.

Muslims are commanded to deceive Infidels by any means necessary for The Cause of Islam, even Murder and terrorism and killing
Of other Muslims is permitted in The cause of Jihad.

The attacker spent a tremendous amount of time in The Middle East in many of the Hot spots of Terrorism, Turkey, Iran & Pakistan, and even North Korea.
I think if that was his logic he would have chosen american soil cuz that would have created the greatest impact
We muslims along minorities we dont need a confirmation that the orange and minions are racist bigots. See ya in 2020...check out the exit polls.
Aramoana to Christchurch: New Zealand’s Relationship With Guns - The Atlantic

"After Aramoana, New Zealanders have chosen a path that focuses on regulation, with only selective prohibition. Legislation passed in 1992 amended the 1983 Arms Act, placing restrictions on the sale of military-style semiautomatic (MSSA) rifles and introducing 10-year limits for firearm licenses, requiring that holders reapply in order to maintain legal access to their armories."
Oh brother . Another embarrassing attempt to paint this obvious conservative racist d bag as anything other than the conservative that he is.
Oh brother . Another embarrassing attempt to paint this obvious conservative racist d bag as anything other than the conservative that he is.

Yea, lots of conservatives and white nationalists like to spend their spare time in Turkey and Pakistan.
Oh brother . Another embarrassing attempt to paint this obvious conservative racist d bag as anything other than the conservative that he is.

Yea, lots of conservatives and white nationalists like to spend their spare time in Turkey and Pakistan.

Yeah. Like those places are crawling wh hippee liberals?
And North Korea and Iran is really where The White Supremacist Mivement is Strong!

This guy was a Muslim Terrorist.

Oh brother . Another embarrassing attempt to paint this obvious conservative racist d bag as anything other than the conservative that he is.

Yea, lots of conservatives and white nationalists like to spend their spare time in Turkey and Pakistan.
People are also asking...who paid for his travel to the middle East?

So many questions.....that must be answered.
We muslims along minorities we dont need a confirmation that the orange and minions are racist bigots. See ya in 2020...check out the exit polls.

I thought Islam was a religion, not a race.

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