News crew shot **warning graphic**

Too bad, Rush is wrong again.

Personally, I can't figure how you're right, wrong, or otherwise. Since you don't listen to him and all you know about him is second-hand information, rumors, and innuendo, you're not in much of a position to have any kind of an opinion.

And please don't repeat the often-used lie "I've listened to his show". That get old.

Sure, I have as much of an opinion on Rush (someone who's information is in the public) as you can have about me (someone who you know nothing about). See? You should take your own advice. You dont know me so unlike you I'm not confused on if you're right or wrong. You're wrong and pwned yourself

Da fuq you talking about? You're the one who came to an erroneous conclusion without reviewing all of the facts. You people on the left are rather good at doing that too, I might add. That's why we call you people "low-information voters".

Ok let me go slow for you here buddy.

You said that I dont know anything about Rush therefore I shouldnt have an opinion

Then you had an opinion on me despite not knowing anything about me....going against your previous logic

Rush said it, you dont like that I know it but I do. Now are you saying Rush didnt say that? Or Not?
White man shoots blacks Instant news with details on the shooter and speculation as to why he was a racist. Black man shoots whites, no mention of his race and you are left guessing who he was. And even after it is proven he shot the whites BECAUSE they were white no comments on the racism.
The photos speak for themselves. Besides, it was an ex-employee that was unhappy about being fired. I fail to see where racism comes into the picture. It wasn't a random shooting, nor a random act.
I am not at all surprised that Rush Limbaugh was thrilled the killer was black.

Not surprised a'tall.
The alleged shooter filed several law suits alleging racial bias which were found to be groundless. Is it possible that the current political climate that encourages Black violence as a remedy for perceived injustice was a factor in causing him to snap and plan and commit the murder of White former associates?

Yup - blacks have been taught to blame their failure on racism despite all the affirmative action favors they get in going to college and getting a job. Fact is blacks are mentally inferior and then make things worse by not trying in school.
I am not at all surprised that Rush Limbaugh was thrilled the killer was black.

Not surprised a'tall.

If he'd been white, you liberals would have been thrilled and this would be the big story of the day and the racial identity of the shooter and his victims would not be censored.
The bigots are now going to rest their hope on the killer's manifesto being one long victim screed about whites. This will give them the cover they need to unfurl their own bigotry and retroactively excuse their preemptive bigotry.
Well the retards have shown up. I'm done with this thread.

You mean you found out the shooter was black and you can't spew your racism....
The bigots are now going to rest their hope on the killer's manifesto being one long victim screed about whites. This will give them the cover they need to unfurl their own bigotry and retroactively excuse their preemptive bigotry.

Who are the bigots you speak of? The racist patronizing left wing white guilt elistists who do not know it is racist to patronize people for their race?

Like you.

Oh, I am sure there are many blacks and Mexican families that live in your little armed gated communities. I am sure.

Uuuhhh, huh.
Killing white people on live TV and the president says .........
No, I didn't hear either of the Bushes or the president of Faux news say anything!...Has the Speaker of the House commented or the Supreme Court>
"Today" talked about this incident but no pics and the racial identities were censored.

Limbaugh: Media conflicted since TV shooter is black

aug 26 2015 Radio host Rush Limbaugh said the national news media will be conflicted in their reporting on Wednesday’s slaughter of a Virginia news crew live on the air because the shooter was reportedly a black man, and his victims were white.

The shooter has been identified as Vester Flanagan, 41, who also went by the professional name of Bryce Williams. The victims are reporter Alison Parker, 24, and photographer Adam Ward, 27, who were gunned down during a live broadcast from the Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia.
Only reason we heard about it at all is because it was caught on tape and involved the media.
Rush is wrong & you are correct. The media always freak-out when one of their own is affected. Just look at how they reacted to Trump ejecting a reporter who was started ranting his own political speech instead of Q & A.
Killing white people on live TV and the president says .........
No, I didn't hear either of the Bushes or the president of Faux news say anything!...Has the Speaker of the House commented or the Supreme Court>
Obama has never commented on a killing of a black on the day of the killing. But the retards have never noticed that.

And he usually doesn't comment until asked by a reporter.

If Obama is asked about this killing and comments on it, that will slide right off the retards' confirmation bias.
The bigots are now going to rest their hope on the killer's manifesto being one long victim screed about whites. This will give them the cover they need to unfurl their own bigotry and retroactively excuse their preemptive bigotry.


As soon as the media did not give the dudes race I think just about everyone knew he was black, and the facts proved true enough.

What the hell is your problem?

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