News crew shot **warning graphic**

How then do I already know that the perp was black and the victims white?


True. Maybe that's why they're called "low-information voters". Everything the left knows is word of mouth, comes from late-night comedians, or comes from some left-wing blog. I knew everything about the shooting before it was on talk radio.
Here you go, a great story about a father who taught his 14 year old son gun safety and a respect for firearm, and bought him his own 22lr rifle to be responsible for...which he used to protect his brother and sister from home invaders when they broke down the door of their North Las Vegas home...

Home invasion.png

14-year-old Andrew Mason refused to respond to the two teenagers repeatedly ringing the doorbell of his North Las Vegas home. Instead, he hustled his younger siblings to a closet, grabbed his cell phone, and loaded his .22LR rifle. The two criminals force their way through the front door in a home invasion.

When the teens opened the door where Andrew was hiding, they found themselves staring down the barrel of his rifle.

A North Las Vegas teen is being hailed a hero after scaring home invaders away with a rifle and protecting his young brother and sister in the process.

The break-in occurred in the middle of the day at a home located near Ann Road and Aliante Parkway...(more at link)

Too bad, Rush is wrong again.

Personally, I can't figure how you're right, wrong, or otherwise. Since you don't listen to him and all you know about him is second-hand information, rumors, and innuendo, you're not in much of a position to have any kind of an opinion.

And please don't repeat the often-used lie "I've listened to his show". That get old.

Sure, I have as much of an opinion on Rush (someone who's information is in the public) as you can have about me (someone who you know nothing about). See? You should take your own advice. You dont know me so unlike you I'm not confused on if you're right or wrong. You're wrong and pwned yourself

Da fuq you talking about? You're the one who came to an erroneous conclusion without reviewing all of the facts. You people on the left are rather good at doing that too, I might add. That's why we call you people "low-information voters".
Here you go, a great story about a father who taught his 14 year old son gun safety and a respect for firearm, and bought him his own 22lr rifle to be responsible for...which he used to protect his brother and sister from home invaders when they broke down the door of their North Las Vegas home...

14-year-old Andrew Mason refused to respond to the two teenagers repeatedly ringing the doorbell of his North Las Vegas home. Instead, he hustled his younger siblings to a closet, grabbed his cell phone, and loaded his .22LR rifle. The two criminals force their way through the front door in a home invasion.

When the teens opened the door where Andrew was hiding, they found themselves staring down the barrel of his rifle.

A North Las Vegas teen is being hailed a hero after scaring home invaders away with a rifle and protecting his young brother and sister in the process.

The break-in occurred in the middle of the day at a home located near Ann Road and Aliante Parkway...(more at link)

Good on him! Gun-control originated with the Klan, who were all Democrats. They didn't want black people to defend themselves.

Not much has changed.
What a disaster for the blacklivesmatter movement.
I'm sure someone from that side will tell us this is all the fault of the white racist female reporter.
Don't hold your breath.

Too late now to retract all the bullshit race-based assumptions made in this topic.

Oh, still a fucking hypocrite eh? Maybe they have not mentioned on the piece of shit left wing networks you watch has not yet reported to you that he cried racism everywhere. He was a direct product of this pathetic victimology movement over the last 50 years of your pathetic democrats and it has culminated with this pathetic race dividing administration.

Don't you think it is pathetic how the negro people (ooops, did I do it again?) chant and cry they have it so bad while they have never had it better at any time anywhere?

Pathetic, don't you think?

Is that a racist statement or a factual statement? Can they be both?

What a fucking disaster for the so called insidious blacklivesmatter movement.
The alleged shooter filed several law suits alleging racial bias which were found to be groundless. Is it possible that the current political climate that encourages Black violence as a remedy for perceived injustice was a factor in causing him to snap and plan and commit the murder of White former associates?
Already, the idiot governor is calling for more gun restrictions. The bodies probably are even cold yet.
I wonder if that grandstanding moron can tell us what law they could pass that would have singled this guy out and prevented him from getting a gun.
My guess is that he had no prior convictions and passed a background check w/o issue.
The reaction to that will be that background check need to include "mental instability" and any number of subjective tests.
-Have you ever talked about visiting violence against others? No gun.
-Have you ever talked about suicide? No gun.
-Have you ever taken medication for depression, anxiety or stress? No gun
-Have you ever made racists comments or displayed a flag related to the CSA? No gun.
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Most MSM Outlets still refuse to report that the man who committed this heinous crime was an African American.

Bullshit. Liar.

They are reporting who did it, dumb ass. Another employee at the TV station. Vester Lee Flanagan. How's that for a big scary negro name, huh? I bet you wish it was Leroy Mujamba or something that rhymes with Obama.

NBC: Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams, Named as Suspect in Live TV Shooting in Virginia

ABC: What We Know About Suspect in On-Air Shooting

I see you are positively THRILLED it was a negro!

Well I'm glad you find the murder of two people amusing. I don't.

And yet you don't find the murder of two people a basis to question the Gun Fetish culture that makes their murders a routine occurrence? :eek:

I've already said before, the American gun culture doesn't routinely murder anyone. Firearms are for hunting, sport, and self-defense, not murder. Ask all those black street thugs in Chicago or any other city, how many legally bought their firearms, how many belong to the NRA, or how many belong to a gun club.

Thank you for admitting to being sycophantic supporter of the NRA sponsored Gun Fetish culture that is causing endless pain and suffering to Americans on a daily basis.

Quit being an obtuse dumbass. I support the NRA even though I'm not a member. The gun fetish culture you're referring to is the liberal Hollywood film industry and music industry. They are the ones glorifying gun violence, crime, and murder, Not the NRA. The NRA stands for the legal gun owners in this country, not the criminals, who in most cases are liberals.

The problem lies with the way your side sees guns, not mine. Was it a conservative film-maker who made "Straight Outta Compton"?

Why am I not surprised that you have become defensive after being exposed as a supporter of the Gun Fetish cult in this nation?
:bsflag: :anj_stfu: :asshole: :fu:
Most MSM Outlets still refuse to report that the man who committed this heinous crime was an African American.

Bullshit. Liar.

They are reporting who did it, dumb ass. Another employee at the TV station. Vester Lee Flanagan. How's that for a big scary negro name, huh? I bet you wish it was Leroy Mujamba or something that rhymes with Obama.

NBC: Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams, Named as Suspect in Live TV Shooting in Virginia

ABC: What We Know About Suspect in On-Air Shooting

I see you are positively THRILLED it was a negro!


Light skinned Negro..
What a disaster for the blacklivesmatter movement.
I'm sure someone from that side will tell us this is all the fault of the white racist female reporter.
Don't hold your breath.

Too late now to retract all the bullshit race-based assumptions made in this topic.

Oh, still a fucking hypocrite eh? Maybe they have not mentioned on the piece of shit left wing networks you watch has not yet reported to you that he cried racism everywhere. He was a direct product of this pathetic victimology movement over the last 50 years of your pathetic democrats and it has culminated with this pathetic race dividing administration.

Don't you think it is pathetic how the negro people (ooops, did I do it again?) chant and cry they have it so bad while they have never had it better at any time anywhere?

Pathetic, don't you think?

Is that a racist statement or a factual statement? Can they be both?

What a fucking disaster for the so called insidious blacklivesmatter movement.
I find it ironic you are whining about people who cry about being a victim.
Good on him! Gun-control originated with the Klan, who were all Democrats. They didn't want black people to defend themselves.

Not much has changed.

Totally agree.

Thankfully, more and more law abiding Americans are throwing off the yoke of the anti- Second Amendment liberal platform...especially in the African-American community.

african americans1.png
Apparently he was one of those angry annoying self righteous gays.

I just have to post this. I, just have to post this.

Just in case you do not think you have something to fear from an angry homo....

The alleged shooter filed several law suits alleging racial bias which were found to be groundless. Is it possible that the current political climate that encourages Black violence as a remedy for perceived injustice was a factor in causing him to snap and plan and commit the murder of White former associates?

I wouldn't say the shithead "snapped" That was cold, calculated murder.

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