News crew shot **warning graphic**

According to the PC police, the TRUTH is racist.

13% of the population is black, yet 52% of homicides are committed by black offenders AND 47% of homicide victims are black.

But, in the name of Political Correctness, these facts must be ignored.
From the shooter, if you haven't already seen it

“Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…”
“What sent me over the top was the church shooting. And my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them."
So this ass hole just wanted revenge against a racially motivated shooting, and the way he did that was to create another racially motivated shooting.

You race haters make me sick, on both sides
too subtle for you, snake? hypocrisy, double standard. think about it, idiot.
Is this about your feelings, again? I have seen it on TCW reported by black and white reporters, they have reported he is black and the victims white, they don't know if it is racist.

thats exactly the point. if the races were reversed the media and the race industry would have already declared it a racist hate crime, and you know it.
I am thinking back to Ferguson and New York and elsewhere. Some were branded such right out of the gate and some were not. So your point, while well made, is iffy. This guy, I have watched the camera man's and the shooter's footage both. The action was personal and premeditated. I don't he was shooting them because they were white, but because they represented the station from where he was fired. But maybe so.
They had his film of the shooting up, and suspended his Twitter account while I was watching. He's definitely the perp.

Knew somebody had to trap it.

Disturbing, wasn't it?

But the fact that you would turn a tragedy into a personal attack says a lot about your character. Nobody else on these boards has had the audacity to do that

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