News crew shot **warning graphic**

What a disaster for the blacklivesmatter movement.
I'm sure someone from that side will tell us this is all the fault of the white racist female reporter.
Don't hold your breath.

Too late now to retract all the bullshit race-based assumptions made in this topic.

Oh, still a fucking hypocrite eh? Maybe they have not mentioned on the piece of shit left wing networks you watch has not yet reported to you that he cried racism everywhere. He was a direct product of this pathetic victimology movement over the last 50 years of your pathetic democrats and it has culminated with this pathetic race dividing administration.

Don't you think it is pathetic how the negro people (ooops, did I do it again?) chant and cry they have it so bad while they have never had it better at any time anywhere?

Pathetic, don't you think?

Is that a racist statement or a factual statement? Can they be both?

What a fucking disaster for the so called insidious blacklivesmatter movement.
My goodness, you are such a victim.....a victim who is victimized by others claiming victimhood.

He said that according to the Koran, “retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breast of those whose children have been slain.”

“So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us,” Farrakhan shouted. “Stalk them, and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

08/04/2015 ... Farrakhan: ‘We Must Rise Up And Kill Those Who Kill Us’ [VIDEO]
Killing white people on live TV and the president says .........

Give him a break, he's still on the front 9.

As soon as he bogies the 18th, his caddy will let him know what went on while he had his head down.
White man shoots blacks Instant news with details on the shooter and speculation as to why he was a racist. Black man shoots whites, no mention of his race and you are left guessing who he was. And even after it is proven he shot the whites BECAUSE they were white no comments on the racism.
The photos speak for themselves. Besides, it was an ex-employee that was unhappy about being fired. I fail to see where racism comes into the picture. It wasn't a random shooting, nor a random act.
Actually this latest report which still fails to identify the shooter as black has a manifesto by him in which he rants about getting even for the Church shooting. Pretty clear it was racially motivated. Of course the police are claiming they are clueless as to his motive.CBS journalists shot and killed during live broadcast in Virginia; suspect dead
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.
Black and gay. A double victim in life's lottery. Enough blame game going around and some idiot will take it seriously.

Here's the asshole's body cam video of the shooting. WARNING it's up close and personal.
Sorry, but your snuff video is no longer available.
It's still out there. See, when things are posted to the Internet, they never really go away.

Didn't your momma warn you about that?
Hours after the incident and this is ABC...

MONETA, Va. (AP) — The latest on the fatal on-air shooting of two TV station employees in central Virginia (all times local):

11:55 a.m.

ABC News says it received a fax from someone who claimed to be Bryce Williams, a person on the staff at the Virginia station that saw two employees fatally shot on air.

ABC News says on its website that sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it received the fax. It describes it as a lengthy document of 23 pages. ABC News says it has turned the document over to authorities. ABC News did not offer any other details.
Actually for there to be a fair comparison.

They have to catch alive, have a trial and let him go free because he felt his life was under threat....

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