News crew shot **warning graphic**

Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.
Its liberals fault that conservatives are racists?
I never said he was. I said he admitted using it. Are you saying he was arrested and you just want the date?
I didnt say you said he was. I asked Hawk when he was arrested for cocaine. You jumped in so you are now stuck with answering the question.

I did answer it. and if you go back and read, I don't think anyone said obozo was arrested for cocaine use.
So in keeping with Hawks point then you agree he could have never gone to prison over it then right?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" to quote one of your heroes.
The difference is that Hawk disappeared like a fart in the wind and you "leaped before you looked" to quote one of your heroes and now you look like an ass.

nope, you have tha ass look on this one. enjoy!
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.
Where are the protesters? where is the outrage? where are the hate crime advocates? where is sharpton, where is jackson? where is obama? where is the left wing media? ---------------------------------crickets-------------------------------------and more crickets
Your "feeling" of racism is showing. The killing was by a citizen of other citizens. Not a copy in sight.

horseshit! If the races were reversed there would be riots in every city, sharpton would be giving speeches stirring shit up, obama would be crying racism, and you fricken well know it.

A flag has been banned because of one white asshole, can we ban rap music because of this one black asshole?
Your fallacy is that a cop was not involved this time.

So a killing can only be racist if its done by a cop? How about the black cops in Baltimore? are they racist? they are accused of killing a black guy so they must be racist, right?
Not at all, but those were the incidents you were giving, cops killing citizens. Once again, a non sequitur. Tell me why this killing was racist motivated. I think it was personal. either for something that happened at the job or hatred toward the girl and fiance, the camerman, for unrequited love.

Right now, we have opinions, no fact.
He may have said something in his books, but Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine.

Bush is no longer president, obozo is. and he is doing a terrible job.

Doesn't matter. Obama admitted that as a teen he used drugs, but then cleaned up his act and managed to never get arrested.

Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine use before he became President.

The only difference I see is that Obama was smart enough to not get arrested, and Jr. wasn't.

maybe he was arrested under his Barry Soetoro alias.
So why hasnt that been brought to light? Is it a conspiracy? Ssshhh!

I could not care less. All I want is for that incompetent to be out of the whitehouse and out of power.
IOW you simply got your ass caught in a bear trap and now are trying to gracefully remove it hoping no one notices?
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.

Our mental health system is broken, Agitator.

That's fair enough. I don't understand the objection on keeping the mentally ill from owning firearms, though. It's a no brainer.

You are right...keeping guns out of the hands of the truly dangerously mentally ill is a no brainer....sadly, you anti gun extremists will use it as an excuse to deny every other gun owner that you can find from getting a gun.

You have gun for you.

You visited a social worker in high gun for you.

See....we don't trust you guys. You have made it impossible to do anything effective because you always focus on the people who are law abiding, directing all of your efforts to disarm them, knowing that the measures you adopt will not stop actual criminals or mass shooters.
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.
I didnt say you said he was. I asked Hawk when he was arrested for cocaine. You jumped in so you are now stuck with answering the question.

I did answer it. and if you go back and read, I don't think anyone said obozo was arrested for cocaine use.
So in keeping with Hawks point then you agree he could have never gone to prison over it then right?

"what difference, at this point, does it make?" to quote one of your heroes.
The difference is that Hawk disappeared like a fart in the wind and you "leaped before you looked" to quote one of your heroes and now you look like an ass.

nope, you have tha ass look on this one. enjoy!
Me: Was Obama ever arrested for drugs?
Redfish: He admitted he used drugs.
Me: Was Obama ever arrested for drugs?
Redfish: The sky is blue.
Me: Was Obama ever arrested for drugs?
Redfish: I dont care. Now there!
The alleged shooter filed several law suits alleging racial bias which were found to be groundless. Is it possible that the current political climate that encourages Black violence as a remedy for perceived injustice was a factor in causing him to snap and plan and commit the murder of White former associates?

Yup - blacks have been taught to blame their failure on racism despite all the affirmative action favors they get in going to college and getting a job. Fact is blacks are mentally inferior and then make things worse by not trying in school.
And what do you blame YOUR failure on?
Shootspeeders and JGalt and their ilk are just mad they can't kill people of color with impunity. What a bunch of mentozoids. Oh, well, they are dying out to America's great good.
Racist n!gger kills a few whites! Typical day in the USA! Only news worthy because it happened on air live & involved media reporters.
Shootspeeders and JGalt and their ilk are just mad they can't kill people of color with impunity. What a bunch of mentozoids. Oh, well, they are dying out to America's great good.
I think if someone gave them the green light they would find an excuse to remain in their bunkers. Their rationale would be that it was a setup instead of just admitting they are cowards.
The kluckers in our town, where I would spend summers, were a bunch of drunken, stoned cowardly men.
Shootspeeders and JGalt and their ilk are just mad they can't kill people of color with impunity. What a bunch of mentozoids. Oh, well, they are dying out to America's great good.
I think if someone gave them the green light they would find an excuse to remain in their bunkers. Their rationale would be that it was a setup instead of just admitting they are cowards.
Bunkers...what bunkers???
You mean under their beds...

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