News crew shot **warning graphic**

As far as the "main stream media" ignoring the races of all people involved?

I turned on the news (MSNBC) at 12:00 pm CST (1:00 pm EST), and not only did they show the picture of the blonde lady and the white dude, but they also showed the picture of the black dude that did all the shooting.

Race was not hidden, and they didn't overlook it.

The Rushing Limp Idiot is wrong yet again (surprise).
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.
Thats not what I asked. I asked when was he arrested for cocaine.

I never said he was. I said he admitted using it. Are you saying he was arrested and you just want the date?
I didnt say you said he was. I asked Hawk when he was arrested for cocaine. You jumped in so you are now stuck with answering the question.
17 BLACK PEOPLE WILL BE MURDERED TODAY; actually more because it is summer but and average of 17 every day

I hope you the killers boys too; maybe you wont be called a racist if you do "tiger"

Only 17? That's actually a low number. And most all of them will be killed by other blacks.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you people talk about shit that matters.....these boards are becoming so repetitive and boring...I hate hate hate hate threads....boring
All media outlets have been blasting the airwaves with this shooting because it involved 4 of their own.

And it was LIVE on TV. I notice you guys assign motives a lot in order to form an opinion. Its like you need a reason to be a glass half full guy so you make them up

Racist n!gger kills a few whites! Typical day in the USA! Only news worthy because it happened on air live & involved media reporters.
Without guns, we wouldn't be a nation.

Yes we would be, we'd be a nation of peace loving indians in the white house and white people still trying to figure out how to pick cotton without blacks and not get their hair messed up!!
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.

He may have said something in his books, but Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine.

Bush is no longer president, obozo is. and he is doing a terrible job.

Doesn't matter. Obama admitted that as a teen he used drugs, but then cleaned up his act and managed to never get arrested.

Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine use before he became President.

The only difference I see is that Obama was smart enough to not get arrested, and Jr. wasn't.
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.

Our mental health system is broken, Agitator.

That's fair enough. I don't understand the objection on keeping the mentally ill from owning firearms, though. It's a no brainer.

You are right...keeping guns out of the hands of the truly dangerously mentally ill is a no brainer....sadly, you anti gun extremists will use it as an excuse to deny every other gun owner that you can find from getting a gun.

You have gun for you.

You visited a social worker in high gun for you.

See....we don't trust you guys. You have made it impossible to do anything effective because you always focus on the people who are law abiding, directing all of your efforts to disarm them, knowing that the measures you adopt will not stop actual criminals or mass shooters.
How does believing that his primary motivation was to take revenge on his co-workers that he feel had slighted him contradict believing that his motivations are irrelevant in the face of the fact that he's clearly a lunatic?

well for starters because he had a history of racial delusions and feelings of being oppressed?

Sounds like a symptom of mental illness to me.

can one be mentally-ill and a racist too?

can one be sane and a racist?

yes or no questions genius

Yes to both questions.

I think you're missing the point again.

I'm not missing anything; I think you're equivocating

I'll try to be a simple and straightforward as possible.

When one is mentally ill, particularly the emotional disorders that end in body counts, "racism" is a manifestation of the illness - a symptom. It's a delusion, a justification for other manifestations of the illness. It's an effect, not a cause.

That sort of racism, to me, is irrelevant - just like the messages Charles Manson heard in Beatles songs and David Berkowitz received from his neighbor's dog.
Put it this way, when 21 innocent white babies are gunned down in a fish bowl and the NRA and its supporters DEFEND THE MURDERERS RIGHTS TO BARE ARMS......this is what we as a nation will have to atone to and deal with. You can hate all you want on those of us who believe guns are ruining this nation, you can rally behind the notion that every body should own a gun and you can even suggest, wow, if only the camera man had a gun, none of this would happen, etc....but nothing will solve this nations love for violence and guns and its aftermath until you bastards become its next victims!!

Let me know what your plan is. Please provide your logistical plan to implement your big control plan where you BAN ALL GUNS.

How much prison time? How many will be put in prison? You have enough space? There are over 300 million guns in circulation. How do you get them?

Oh never mind. My rhetorical questions have ruined your ignorant disposition.

Fucking liberals. Now, some of them will say...."we never said we want to ban all guns..."

Of course not.
He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.
Thats not what I asked. I asked when was he arrested for cocaine.

I never said he was. I said he admitted using it. Are you saying he was arrested and you just want the date?
I didnt say you said he was. I asked Hawk when he was arrested for cocaine. You jumped in so you are now stuck with answering the question.

I did answer it. and if you go back and read, I don't think anyone said obozo was arrested for cocaine use.
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

the sad part is you are only pretending it is sarcasm; many of you nutjobs actually believe that.

truth is it is the Left calling for a race war (witness the racist taunts of some of the BLM demonstrations). but you'd rather tell yourself it is whites calling for a race war and blaming liberals for it. lib mental-cases, too clever by half


No one is "calling" for a race war, aside from a few loons on either side.

The right is trying to convince people that a race war is already going on to make them afraid.
Weird how far right loons keep saying a revolution, civil war, backlash is coming then they blame it on a lone Black guy.
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.

Of course he's right when you don't say what the confliction IS you can always say you were right. Your response will be conflicted! Watch!
well, a triple whammy for the leftwingers. this is what they, the Democrat party and Obama has been pushing for. I hope to hell they are happy. they got two INNOCENT people killed. way to go. race baiting and hustling sure pays off. Now go wash the blood off your hands
He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.

He may have said something in his books, but Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine.

Bush is no longer president, obozo is. and he is doing a terrible job.

Doesn't matter. Obama admitted that as a teen he used drugs, but then cleaned up his act and managed to never get arrested.

Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine use before he became President.

The only difference I see is that Obama was smart enough to not get arrested, and Jr. wasn't.

maybe he was arrested under his Barry Soetoro alias.
one of the news channels was reading his manifesto

is it available
Killers love it when we read their manifestos. Its the reason they do these high profile killings. We should boycott any media outlet that posts manifestos.
Thats right. Encourage censorship. Another brilliant idea from the resident idiot.
"Boycott" and "censoring" are two different words. Let me guess, youve got about a 75 IQ? Congratulations, you are officially African! :laugh:
Who said they were the same words? That monkey reading comprehension again eh? Everyone knows they are two different words. What does that have to do with encouraging censorship?
Hey Mr 75, YOU mentioned censoring, not me, then you complained as though I was the one who said it. Keep up boy.
Where are the protesters? where is the outrage? where are the hate crime advocates? where is sharpton, where is jackson? where is obama? where is the left wing media? ---------------------------------crickets-------------------------------------and more crickets
Your "feeling" of racism is showing. The killing was by a citizen of other citizens. Not a copy in sight.

horseshit! If the races were reversed there would be riots in every city, sharpton would be giving speeches stirring shit up, obama would be crying racism, and you fricken well know it.

A flag has been banned because of one white asshole, can we ban rap music because of this one black asshole?
Your fallacy is that a cop was not involved this time.
Hillary blames Virginia news-crew shooting on guns being too 'readily available' – just after touring community college machine shop where students learn gunsmithing

'First of all, I was so, just stricken to think that these two young people doing work that you guys do every single day would be murdered on live television. And I will extend my condolences and sympathies to their families and to their coworkers and pray for the woman who, last I checked, was still in critical condition.

'But I will also reiterate that we have got to do something about gun violence in America. And I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America. But I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths – needless, senseless deaths.

'So, yes, I feel just great heartache at what happened and I want to reiterate how important it is we not let yet another terrible instance go by without trying to do something more to prevent this incredible killing that is stalking our country.'

'And we've had so many terrible instances of it in the last two years, but it happens every day. Intentional, unintentional, murder, suicide, it happens every day and there is so much evidence that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks, if we could just put some "time out" between the person who's upset because he got fired, or the domestic abuse, or whatever other motivation may be working on someone who does this, that maybe we could prevent this kind of carnage.'

'So I hope that in addition to expressing sympathy for those directly affected, that this is – maybe for the media, for the public, for elected officials, for every American, what it hopefully will finally take for us to act.'

Read more: Hillary pushes gun control after praising class for budding gunsmiths
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Oooops, did I copy and paste something again?

BTW the moron press secretary white house asshole also said it.

So, now you know where they will be going with the narrative. Such predictable losers. The worst part is their dumb followers will just clap away and not see how manipulated they are.

Will the democrat voting base morons ever be anything more than dumb cliches and democrat moron talking points?

Please do not tell me the liberals on this board still believe in MAN MADE glowbull warming. not tell me they are that stupid.

Naaah, just kidding. I know they are still that stupid.

Did anyone happen to tell her or obama that gun violence is going down, not up......and it is going down when more people are buying, owning and carrying guns for self defense........

such moronic denial, hypocrisy, and projection from the Left here

it gets sooooooo old

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