News crew shot **warning graphic**

Where are the protesters? where is the outrage? where are the hate crime advocates? where is sharpton, where is jackson? where is obama? where is the left wing media? ---------------------------------crickets-------------------------------------and more crickets
Your "feeling" of racism is showing. The killing was by a citizen of other citizens. Not a copy in sight.

horseshit! If the races were reversed there would be riots in every city, sharpton would be giving speeches stirring shit up, obama would be crying racism, and you fricken well know it.

A flag has been banned because of one white asshole, can we ban rap music because of this one black asshole?
When was rap music the fight song for the confederate losers?
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
Oh I've listened to plenty of Rush, and what he does is create false and misleading impressions.

It's all in how he says stuff.

If he sounds all preterbed, and says something like "Obama brushes his teeth twice a day, when the average American does once"....but says it in a voice that makes you think you shouldbe mad about it.......YOU'LL get all mad, when he's just talking about brushing teeth
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.
Thats not what I asked. I asked when was he arrested for cocaine.
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)
Wait? So this black man wrote he wanted to start a race war to further the republican white leadership?

Um, no. That's not close to what I said.

Wanna try again?
Those views are not contradictory.

Why not?

How does believing that his primary motivation was to take revenge on his co-workers that he feel had slighted him contradict believing that his motivations are irrelevant in the face of the fact that he's clearly a lunatic?

well for starters because he had a history of racial delusions and feelings of being oppressed?

Sounds like a symptom of mental illness to me.

can one be mentally-ill and a racist too?

can one be sane and a racist?

yes or no questions genius

Yes to both questions.

I think you're missing the point again.
i'm betting guno is a whiteboy who thinks he if he calls others "crackers" he will feel like he's "down"

Guno is definitely white. He's suffering from the disease known as "white apologism". It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside but at the end of the day, the bruthas would still kick his cracker ass and take his lunch money.
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

the sad part is you are only pretending it is sarcasm; many of you nutjobs actually believe that.

truth is it is the Left calling for a race war (witness the racist taunts of some of the BLM demonstrations). but you'd rather tell yourself it is whites calling for a race war and blaming liberals for it. lib mental-cases, too clever by half


No one is "calling" for a race war, aside from a few loons on either side.

The right is trying to convince people that a race war is already going on to make them afraid.

you have nothing to back that up; but you don't seem to care if you make a fool of yourself
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
meanwhile negro gangs run wild in the streets....
It was better when it was Caucasian gangs..
Care to make me..
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)
Wait? So this black man wrote he wanted to start a race war to further the republican white leadership?

Um, no. That's not close to what I said.

Wanna try again?
The man wrote it and yet you are claiming it was written to further the Republican agenda. So you are claiming this black gay man wanted to further the republican agenda.
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.

He may have said something in his books, but Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine.
Racist n!gger kills a few whites! Typical day in the USA! Only news worthy because it happened on air live & involved media reporters.

How does believing that his primary motivation was to take revenge on his co-workers that he feel had slighted him contradict believing that his motivations are irrelevant in the face of the fact that he's clearly a lunatic?

well for starters because he had a history of racial delusions and feelings of being oppressed?

Sounds like a symptom of mental illness to me.

can one be mentally-ill and a racist too?

can one be sane and a racist?

yes or no questions genius

Yes to both questions.

I think you're missing the point again.

I'm not missing anything; I think you're equivocating
Put it this way, when 21 innocent white babies are gunned down in a fish bowl and the NRA and its supporters DEFEND THE MURDERERS RIGHTS TO BARE ARMS......this is what we as a nation will have to atone to and deal with. You can hate all you want on those of us who believe guns are ruining this nation, you can rally behind the notion that every body should own a gun and you can even suggest, wow, if only the camera man had a gun, none of this would happen, etc....but nothing will solve this nations love for violence and guns and its aftermath until you bastards become its next victims!!
Because the rantings of a lunatic should be dismissed, not used as political playing cards.

Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)
Wait? So this black man wrote he wanted to start a race war to further the republican white leadership?

Um, no. That's not close to what I said.

Wanna try again?
The man wrote it and yet you are claiming it was written to further the Republican agenda. So you are claiming this black gay man wanted to further the republican agenda.

Nope. Still not what I said.

Show me where I said anything about the manifesto being written to further the Republican agenda.
Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.
Thats not what I asked. I asked when was he arrested for cocaine.

I never said he was. I said he admitted using it. Are you saying he was arrested and you just want the date?
Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

You squatters always call him a liar, but if you ever listened to his show you would know that he mostly directly quotes idiot liberals.

Is Obama in prison for the cocaine he used?
I listened to his show for a couple of weeks until the comedy wore off. Your leader is playing you like a fiddle.

When was Obama ever arrested for cocaine? Do you have a link?

he admitted using it in his books.

He may have said something in his books, but Jr. was actually arrested for cocaine.

Bush is no longer president, obozo is. and he is doing a terrible job.
"Headline...Obama and Hillary endorse new policy - blacks and gays shouldn't have access to guns."

These people are imbeciles.

Vester Flanagan states in his "manifesto" that he put down a deposit on the firearm that he bought...meaning that he bought it from a FFL and HAD a background check!!!

And passed!!!

Ok, so the conversation goes as follows, deal with it!!

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