Newsweek: Man accused of groping woman on flight claims "the president says it's OK"

It's not OK?

A criminally-inclined jerk caught in a criminal act blames locker room chatter as his basis for action. That's denial, not truth, folks. A lot of people who do inappropriate things blame their parents, their priests, their school's personnel, and lately, the internet. That's why they're criminals. They take no responsibility for their own behavior, which leads straight to the broad avenue of criminality. It's always well-travelled when a society fails to teach its young folk to never accept personal responsibility and that the village will take care of them forever and a day. :lalala:
What Trump,SAID was that when you are rich and famous, you can get away with gross, invasive behavior that would get the average man arrested: grabbing a woman's most private of parts, for example.

Parenthetically, he never bragged about doing that, nor has any credible claim been made that he did (unlike OJSimpson, who did it with several witnesses).

But the Left will continue claiming that he bragged about doing this until the cows come home.

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