Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

How have I failed? You are here still lying about the election. You are the one who has failed.

Then show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election and prove that I've been 'lying about the election'.

Every time you flee, every time you dodge, evade, change the topic, or give us snivelling excuses why you have no such evidence.... prove your Big Lie was based on nothing.
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Then show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election and prove that I've been 'lying about the election'.

Every time you flee, every time you dodge, evade, change the topic, or give us snivelling excuses why you have no such evidence.... prove your Big Lie was based on nothing.
You have lost this argument. You cannot prove the election was not stolen.
You have lost this argument. You cannot prove the election was not stolen.

Laughing.....I have every count, hand count, machine count, recount, audit, forensic audit, official tally, state tally, certificate of ascertainment, and the electoral vote all affirming a Biden landslide.

You have your imagination that Trump won in 2020, backed by jackshit.

Our sources are not equal.
One would think that if the Big Liars had a slam dunk case that Trump won, that Trump's own cases were meritorious and were only denied on Standing, and that if he'd only gotten his hearings, he would have won on the merits....

.....that they could present the merits and prove that Trump won the 2020 election.

But nope. Whenever they're given an opportunity to SHOW us and not TELL us, all they ever have are sniveling excuses. So much for 'merits', eh?
Are you spamming now? Finally something you can handle.
I'm asking a simple question that gets to the very HEART of your fallacy. Your Big Lie is based on nothing.

As demonstrated by your complete and utterly inability to show us, with evidence, that Trump won in 2020.

You had nothing then. You have nothing now. And you prove it every time you run.
I'm asking a simple question that gets to the very HEART of your fallacy. Your Big Lie is based on nothing.

As demonstrated by your complete and utterly inability to show us, with evidence, that Trump won in 2020.

You had nothing then. You have nothing now. And you prove it every time you run.
Saying it is based on nothing is fucking ridiculous. That is enough of that. Try again.
The Duke Maybe you can take a shot at this where Last failed so spectacularly.

Can you show us the evidence that Trump won in 2020? For example, if Trump won....what's the ACTUAL vote tallies? What's the ACTUAL electoral vote?

With evidence please.
Saying it is based on nothing is fucking ridiculous. That is enough of that. Try again.
You demonstrate the Big Lie is based on nothing every time you run.

Show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election. Cite those 'meritorious cases' you love so much, the one's that you insist should never have been dismissed on standing.

Surely they prove that Trump won in 2020.

Smiling....surely they do.
You demonstrate the Big Lie is based on nothing every time you run.

Show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election. Cite those 'meritorious cases' you love so much, the one's that you insist should never have been dismissed on standing.

Surely they prove that Trump won in 2020.

Smiling....surely they do.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I do not talk bad about Americans. The people I talk bad about people that are not Americans. You are one of them.

So you get to decide Americans are? Just like that?

Laughing......yeah, that's not how any of this works. Your imagination doesn't define citizenship. Just like your imagination doesn't define the law. Or the election.

Show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election.
The Duke Maybe you can take a shot at this where Last failed so spectacularly.

Can you show us the evidence that Trump won in 2020? For example, if Trump won....what's the ACTUAL vote tallies? What's the ACTUAL electoral vote?

With evidence please.
It's never been investigated. However, so many millions of more votes than ever before in America with most of them being mail-in ballots with only Biden checked on them does not lend to the idea that the 2020 election was legitimate and secure.

Laughing.....Last, you get that you fleeing from me is completely obvious to everyone, yes?

That everytime you run from my simple request that you show us the evidence that Trump won the 2020 election, you demonstrate that your Big Lie is based on nothing?

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