Nice That the Left No Longer Let Women Have a Chance to Win in Sports

The Left prefer women remain in the kitchen.

Transgender sports policies have thrown fair play out the window

Athletes who are genetically male are, on average, 40 per cent heavier, 15 per cent faster and 25-50 per cent stronger than those born female

Most women, especially those that are in sports, are filthy dems. Give them that they voted for and want.

Most women are anti-gun as well. And if they get in trouble on the street, let the despicable women of 2020 fight their own battles.

The squad Nano lr cens.jpg
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It only takes a few transgenders among hundreds of real biological girls to win all the gold, silver and bronze metals in track and field events.

How many transgenders are winning the gold, silver, and bronze medals in track and field events?

Surely you can point us at the number of instances where this is occurring since you are so devastated by this.
Do a little google search. There are many

It's called cheating.
Title IX was necessary at the time but too clumsily implemented, just like things like Affirmative Action.

Once again it all boils down to if you don't care for it, you don't think it has the right to exist, and fuck everyone else.

Naw, man, this is a case where you want to do a carve out for privilege... and then get upset when someone games the system.

You know how I paid for college.... Not because I was an "Athlete".... Hardly. I got through college by joining the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs. So I can't get terribly upset that someone can't get into college because she got outrun by that very rare Tranny Kid.

So I went to UIC, which at the time, had a Title IX program that was being paid for through student fees the rest of us had to pay. And they built a new stadium when I was there. Which the students also ended up paying for.

So, if we had system of free college, how many of these kids would be on teams or even care about them?

Fuck the concept of privilidge as you and the other SJW dickless cucks use it, its nothing more than a lazy attempt to not have to argue a point, and to justify revenge over equality.

There's that envy of yours again, if people don't do things exactly the way you did or want them to do, the fuck em. Such a sad base emotional response.

Not exactly true. Several marginal men athletes, have undergone gender change, specifically to compete in women's sports.

Okay. Several. So we are talking about "less than 10". In sports no one cares about to start with.
They also figure it out that their lives can be fast tracked to success. They are not as competitive in men's sports but winners with female competition in their desired sports. Frankly, women can play sports but men need sports to get out potential aggressions. And we are failing at that. Midnight basketball was an idea to that.
You should really try to educate yourself on the positive benefits of our young people being involved in sport, athletics, or competition of some kind....particularly girls and women.

Don't care... I didn't play sports in school, most of us didn't, we were fine.

What do you mean "if"? I will never accept some dumb ass person like you telling me it's ok to cut the dick off of a 12 year old boy and call him a girl. You should really "follow the science" on this subject and the research that backs up my previous statement about the transgender suicide attempt rates.

I don't think that we should do sex-reassignment surgery on minors... But I stand by my statement, the problem is the bigots, not the science. I also don't think we should give minors boob jobs, hair transplants or any of the other perfectly "normal' surgeries for people who don't like who they are.

To be that confused about the distinction between men and women, to the point of not even knowing which of those one is, is prima facie proof of a severely @fucked-up mind; of someone with severe psychiatric issues, and an inability to cope with obvious reality that is almost certain to lead to a high rate of suicide and other self-destructive behavior.

Again, trained psychiatrists and mental health professionals say that Gender Dysmorphia is a thing.

you belong to a cult that thinks you are wearing Magic Underwear.

No confusion at all about who to take seriously on this issue.
Fuck the concept of privilidge as you and the other SJW dickless cucks use it, its nothing more than a lazy attempt to not have to argue a point, and to justify revenge over equality.

There's that envy of yours again, if people don't do things exactly the way you did or want them to do, the fuck em. Such a sad base emotional response.

Not at all, and clearly you didn't get the point I was making.

How many of these girls would get involved in Athletics if there was no pot of money to get a scholarship involved?

I mean, I got a scholarship... for military service... But it was a quid pro quo, the military got to use my labor and industry for the years I was in. So there was that.

It was pathetically sad for UIC, which gave out these scholarships, but if you had a lick of athletic talent, you didn't go to UIC, you went to Urbana which was a big ten school. But UIC kept charging the other students to pay for their delusions of having an athletic program.

It's hardly an academic issue. College is ridiculously expensive now. I couldn't do what I did back in the 1980's today. We put these kids into debt for decades.... and someone gets a scholarship for playing a sport no one is interested in, that the kids who didn't get scholarships end up paying for.

Then you are complaining that some guy is gaming the system by claiming to be a girl.

Um, yeah. Okay. So they are gaming the system... let's get rid of the system then.
Fuck the concept of privilidge as you and the other SJW dickless cucks use it, its nothing more than a lazy attempt to not have to argue a point, and to justify revenge over equality.

There's that envy of yours again, if people don't do things exactly the way you did or want them to do, the fuck em. Such a sad base emotional response.

Not at all, and clearly you didn't get the point I was making.

How many of these girls would get involved in Athletics if there was no pot of money to get a scholarship involved?

I mean, I got a scholarship... for military service... But it was a quid pro quo, the military got to use my labor and industry for the years I was in. So there was that.

It was pathetically sad for UIC, which gave out these scholarships, but if you had a lick of athletic talent, you didn't go to UIC, you went to Urbana which was a big ten school. But UIC kept charging the other students to pay for their delusions of having an athletic program.

It's hardly an academic issue. College is ridiculously expensive now. I couldn't do what I did back in the 1980's today. We put these kids into debt for decades.... and someone gets a scholarship for playing a sport no one is interested in, that the kids who didn't get scholarships end up paying for.

Then you are complaining that some guy is gaming the system by claiming to be a girl.

Um, yeah. Okay. So they are gaming the system... let's get rid of the system then.
If you’re so concerned about college costs, tell universities to stop paying $180,000 a year for Directors of Lesbian Diversity then.
It only takes a few transgenders among hundreds of real biological girls to win all the gold, silver and bronze metals in track and field events.

How many transgenders are winning the gold, silver, and bronze medals in track and field events?

Surely you can point us at the number of instances where this is occurring since you are so devastated by this.
Do a little google search. There are many

It's called cheating.

Ok so it’s 3.

Thank you very much. I can see why it’s such a huge deal when you have a grand total of 3.

A whopping 3 instances.
It only takes a few transgenders among hundreds of real biological girls to win all the gold, silver and bronze metals in track and field events.

How many transgenders are winning the gold, silver, and bronze medals in track and field events?

Surely you can point us at the number of instances where this is occurring since you are so devastated by this.
Do a little google search. There are many

It's called cheating.

Ok so it’s 3.

Thank you very much. I can see why it’s such a huge deal when you have a grand total of 3.

A whopping 3 instances.
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3. Also, allowing transgenders compete against biological females is a relatively new thing, so there will be many more instances in the future if allowed. Also, it only takes one transgender athlete to set athletic records that are out of reach of all the biological females.

Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Ok so that makes 5. Is that it?

5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics. Doesn’t seem like a big deal.
Thank you. Five transgenders are not going to threaten all of high school and college girls and womens athletics.

Trans-women are not he-men anyways. They have other physical abnormalities and defects that prevent them from playing on a level field elsewhere, and the exercise and friendships is vital for physical and mental health. Trans-women, regardless of appearance or sexual organs, cannot have sex with other women as men can.

Men who make a sport of tormenting transgender women are Nazis, traitors, and predatory sex offenders.
The Left prefer women remain in the kitchen.

Transgender sports policies have thrown fair play out the window

Athletes who are genetically male are, on average, 40 per cent heavier, 15 per cent faster and 25-50 per cent stronger than those born female

Primary reason I am voting for DJT.
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Even one is a big deal. My kids are experiencing it now in AAU basketball and LAX. Simply unfair.
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Google is your friend. Also, the 2 I posted about were already mentioned in this thread. And if you need more, you are missing the point anyway. It is unfair for a male to be allowed to compete as a female whether it's 1 or 1,00,000
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Even one is a big deal. My kids are experiencing it now in AAU basketball and LAX. Simply unfair.

I agree that it’s unfair.

But it’s not very common. Percentage-wise, the trans community only makes up 0.6% of the population.

The likeliness that they’re in female athletics and dominating so much more than the others is even less likely. I’ve seen 5 instances of this in all of national female athletics. Five.

And even if they are dominating, still not a big deal.

We disagree. I don’t see this as a big deal.
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Google is your friend. Also, the 2 I posted about were already mentioned in this thread. And if you need more, you are missing the point anyway. It is unfair for a male to be allowed to compete as a female whether it's 1 or 1,00,000

Well I’ve only seen 5 examples. If you have more, post them. Or not, don’t care. It’s still small compared to all of female athletes.

It is fair but it’s not common and doesn’t impact most. Not a big deal.
Ok so that makes 5. Is that it?

5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics. Doesn’t seem like a big deal.
Thank you. Five transgenders are not going to threaten all of high school and college girls and womens athletics.

Trans-women are not he-men anyways. They have other physical abnormalities and defects that prevent them from playing on a level field elsewhere, and the exercise and friendships is vital for physical and mental health. Trans-women, regardless of appearance or sexual organs, cannot have sex with other women as men can.

Men who make a sport of tormenting transgender women are Nazis, traitors, and predatory sex offenders.
This is just the beginning. There will be many more if this is left to continue. Just think about what it will be like for a high school girl's basketball team to compete with another "girl's" team that has a 6"3' transgender that can dunk the ball. It takes only one transgender to be a problem.
Obviously you have missed some of the stories linked in this thread if you think there are only 3.

I asked and that’s what people came up with.

Your link has two more.

Ok so that makes 5. Is that it? Do you have any more?

I’m seeing 5 total instances of this in all of high school and college female athletics where a trans athlete is taking medals alway from others. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Even one is a big deal. My kids are experiencing it now in AAU basketball and LAX. Simply unfair.

I agree that it’s unfair.

But it’s not very common. Percentage-wise, the trans community only makes up 0.6% of the population.

The likeliness that they’re in female athletics and dominating so much more than the others is even less likely. I’ve seen 5 instances of this in all of national female athletics. Five.

And even if they are dominating, still not a big deal.

We disagree. I don’t see this as a big deal.
It's a big deal to the biological women that have to compete with them. It's easy for you to not care because it does not involve you. You have no stake in it. I have no stake in it either, but I empathize with those that do.

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