Nike Pulls Betsy Ross Flag Sneaker After Colin Kaepernick Complains

The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
There’s a huge opportunity here for another company to release a similar shoe, and make bank thanks to all the free publicity...
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
Not true, kap made them take it down otherwise they were going to run with it, why do you think the OP said it was good Kap is advising them? even the media credits Kap with getting them to pull it, if that is true they need to be made an example of and driven out of business for their insensitivity.
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Can't have a colonial flag on tennis shoes, because some colonies happened to have had slaves you know. Betsy Ross was full-on racist when she made our flag too.

They breathed the same air as we do too, so Colin needs to poison that as well, and he's doing a decent job of it. He's a self-appointed savior of some sort, freedom and American history are whatever his spine can take I suppose. Great athlete, but a shame he doesn't throw a football right. Some time with me I might show him how, but I doubt he has the brains to listen.
In a sane alternative universe, the appropriate Nike response should have been something along the lines of...

"While we are sad to learn that one or more sports celebrities take exception to our new product line which features a colonial-era American flag, we stand resolutely with the vast majority of our fellow countrymen who honor and celebrate our struggle for independence and nationhood and its symbols. For those who choose to be offended, we say: 'Be offended. It is your right as an American. And it is our right to set aside that offense-taking and to design and market our product lines in any manner we choose. We are a proud American company.'"
Nike's sales and stock price have gone up since their deal with Kaepernick. Looks like the free market agrees with them. Sucks to be you.
I don't think you can establish any kind of causation here as Nike sales have been on an upward trend even before Kaepernick.

I wonder if you felt the same way about Chick-fil-a?

It is another pathetic and disgusting display of companies folding to political pressure of the extreme PC minority. The sales of the shoes online show that people in general actually do not agree. I don't want some vapid sense of morality from my manufacturing company, I want quality items produced in a legal manner.

You praise Chick what ever and then whine about a vapid sense of morality. You should make up your mind.
Point to a single post that praises Chick-fil-a.

Is partisan bullshit assumptions on things you know nothing about all you have?
Nike's sales and stock price have gone up since their deal with Kaepernick. Looks like the free market agrees with them. Sucks to be you.
Have they become the Inner-City $hitHole Pi$$ed-Off Chip-on-the-Shoulder Black Bassetball Player's Shoe Company?

If not, then they need to reassess their strategy, based on the loyalties of the majority of their customers, not the out-liers.
"i hope Nike either releases these shoes or some other shoemaker picks up the flag, and start selling them. i'll make the first order" - Cocaine Mitch McConnell
"Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do." -ANN COULTER, 2002

"Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers..." -ANN COULTER, 2002

dont shoot the messenger, Coulter said it, not me!
BULLDOG are you saying Colon attacking our country to make money is not a form of domestic terrorism?
more like free enterprise. are there laws against what they are doing? none that i know of.

i'm frustrated with nike and while i own 2 pairs of their shows, (hell wearing a pair now) i will still simply buy what fits me best. 13 4E doesn't leave many choices outside of new balance.

but this is just nike playing with current events in a very interesting manner. this "terrorism" is pretty much redefining the word to suit a purpose you're trying to sell it would seem and you leave me in a very bad position of having to agree with bulldog. outside of the showers that will take this evening to cleanse myself, *how* is pop culture marketing terrorism?

if you don't like them enough to not buy their product, don't. but getting upset people are not joining in is strange to me. almost as much as agreeing with bulldog.
It just isn't hip anymore to be pro-American. Haven't you heard. Denouncing the US and praising other countries is what makes you cool and informed.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
The minorities love to leech off of slave labor. All the while claiming hate while living off of sweat shops in Asia. Asia does not mind because in about 30 years they will be the boss if this continues. They will have the power to say ph uk u to us on cheap/cheaply made products. Doing the talk and the walk is two different things. Just like the fraud million man march over 20 years ago. Just a rainbow made for unicorns. Tell me it is not true. I want to see everyone succeed and yet this is pushing us further into something.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.

Do you have proof of that?
I think Kap's protests were in line & on target.

This decision to pull the BR flag is stupid.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.

Sooooo, the American flag, is, in your liberal opinion, a symbol of White Supremacy?
It's great that this guy can advise big corporations like this. He is becoming Americas conscience.

Pity the people of Arizona who will lose out.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
I am a bit surprised that they were unaware of this.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
I am a bit surprised that they were unaware of this.

A group of a few thousand people, does not get to co-opt a symbol of a group of over 300 million people.

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