Nike will not reopen its stores in Portland due to theft and violent crime

Sure, Tiger. Whatever you say! 😆
My son used to say silly stuff like that when he was your age too. Run along, now, sport!
Sport! There's another. You use homer too.

Maybe throw in a Chip for good measure.

Bet your retirement community has a guy name Jack Shit in it too. He lets everyone know that have diddily squat right because he watches the boob tube.
Geezsus christ, who stole all the shit out of a shithole red state like Mississippi?
Ummm….your pet human dark people whom reside in the shithole communities?


Have driven thru the state? Or Alabama? West Virginia?
Damn you’re racist…. Everybody sane and paying attention knows it is the dark communities fucking up all the spreadsheets in red states.
How dare you call that shit out.
Sport! There's another. You use homer too.

Maybe throw in a Chip for good measure.

Bet your retirement community has a guy name Jack Shit in it too. He lets everyone know that have diddily squat right because he watches the boob tube.
Oh. Yes, PLEASE keep telling yourself that, squirt!.😆
More good news for the DemoKKKrats who run the Portland ghetto.

Keep those dirty capitalists out!

Nike has decided to abandon reopening one of its iconic factory stores in Portland, Oregon, due to issues involving “theft and safety.”

The sports apparel giant reached out to the Soul District Business Association (SBDA) of Portland on Friday and informed them of their decision to cancel the reopening of the store they had closed last fall.

“This news has landed like a lead balloon in our district,” said John Washington, the SDBA’s executive director. “We had all been holding our breath since last November when the store quietly shuttered its doors due to internal and external theft and safety issues. But, like so many of us riding out the fallout of the pandemic and protests, we held out hope that Nike, city officials and community leaders would recalibrate and realign order. But it looks like it’s game over.”

Nike didn’t decide to abandon the store without attempting to salvage the situation. The company had sought to save the store by hiring off-duty Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers to serve as security. However, due to police defunding efforts and attrition, the PPB said they would struggle to fulfill Nike’s request.
Sad for those who locally are limited of options due to this decision. I still choose nike shoes for my running soe choice.
Stores and malls have been closing for a long time now.
It's really easy for the store owners to deny this to shareholders.

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