Nikki Haley is not perfect, but this is the only chance


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Nikki is the only candidate who proposes to follow the principles of Reagan and traditional Republicans. She can return America to greatness, because America was only Great under the rule of traditional Republicans. This way will inevitably make America Great Again
Nikki is the only candidate who proposes to follow the principles of Reagan and traditional Republicans. She can return America to greatness, because America was only Great under the rule of traditional Republicans. This way will inevitably make America Great Again
lol......shut the fuck know shit about this country....

Nikki Haley is not perfect, but this is the only chance​

God is also not perfect and has no chance either .

The Trump chap looks to be much better class . Nice hair .
Nikki Haley is a RINO.

Yes she would be "better" than any Democrat but since the Democrats set such a low bar the distinction is minimal.

Many Conservatives will do with her like they did with McCain and Romney and either not vote or vote for somebody else. The "Lesser of Two Evils" campaigns usually will not produce very large turnouts.

Of course I don't know why we are even discussing this in the first place. The Democrats have mastered how to steal elections so the question is moot.
Nikki Haley is a RINO
this is so funny that I didn’t read further, I was lying under the table, sorry, it’s like saying that Reagan and Nixon Rino, or like saying that trump is a real Republican
Nikki Haley is a RINO.

Yes she would be "better" than any Democrat but since the Democrats set such a low bar the distinction is minimal.

Many Conservatives will do with her like they did with McCain and Romney and either not vote or vote for somebody else. The "Lesser of Two Evils" campaigns usually will not produce very large turnouts.

Of course I don't know why we are even discussing this in the first place. The Democrats have mastered how to steal elections so the question is moot.

The real fun is if she does win how do all the Never Trumpers convince Trump supporters to turn out for her?
this is so funny that I didn’t read further, I was lying under the table, sorry, it’s like saying that Reagan and Nixon Rino, or like saying that trump is a real Republican
It is saying that Haley is a Liberal and not that much different than a Democrat.

Her policies would only be marginally better than the Democrats and she would compromise with the Democrats far too many times.

Why bother with her?
The real fun is if she does win how do all the Never Trumpers convince Trump supporters to turn out for her?
If she is on the ballot don't expect much of a Republican turnout at all. Kinda like what happened with the RINOs McCain and Romney.

I would write in Ron Paul, DeSantis or Trump before I would vote for her.

Of course, like I said, elections don't matter anymore now that the Democrats have figured out how to steal elections. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
It is saying that Haley is a Liberal and not that much different than a Democrat.
In real sense of concept of liberalism and fascism, leftists are fascists (corporativists) and right are liberal. Reagan was a liberal, antifederalist and anarchist as all rightists before RINOs of trump
Democrats never been liberals at all, its just scum of Putin's media
She can return America to greatness, because America was only Great under the rule of traditional Republicans.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Traditional republicans are the ones who allowed radical far left freaks to invade and take over every faction of government and society upending the entire country while sitting with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing causing the problem in the first place thinking that if they just play nice trying to make democrats like them, everyone will get along and it'll all somehow workout.

The only ones doing anything about anything in government now are the few who ain't traditional republicans.

Quit thinking like it is still only 1982.
In real sense of concept of liberalism and fascism, leftists are fascists (corporativists) and right are liberal. Reagan was a liberal, antifederalist and anarchist as all rightists before RINOs of trump
There are not two political parties in the US. There is only one. The Party of Big Government. Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate. However, the distinction is not much of anything.
Nikki is the only candidate who proposes to follow the principles of Reagan and traditional Republicans. She can return America to greatness, because America was only Great under the rule of traditional Republicans. This way will inevitably make America Great Again
I prefer DeSantis as he is my Governor and has done an outstanding job.

I could vote for Haley if she ends up as the Republican candidate but I do fear she is a part of the old “nice guy” GOP that lacks the desire to fight for those who vote for them.

Trump is very polarizing (much like Hillary) but I will definitely vote for him over Joe Biden or Michelle Obama. However, even Michelle Obama would be an improvement over Joe Biden. That’s not saying much as she has no real political or leadership experience except for being First Lady.

I prefer a candidate for President have run a company, been a Governor or an officer in the military. Trump ran a company, DeSantis was in the military and the Governor of Florida. Haley has a business background and was the Governor of South Carolin.

Joe Biden was a career politician and mainly just made a lot of hot air. He had little leadership ability and it shows.
Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Traditional republicans are the ones who allowed radical far left freaks to invade and take over every faction of government and society upending the entire country while sitting with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing causing the problem in the first place thinking that if they just play nice trying to make democrats like them, everyone will get along and it'll all somehow workout.

The only ones doing anything about anything in government now are the few who ain't traditional republicans.

Quit thinking like it is still only 1982.
this statement is meaningless. The fact that traditional Republicans once lost to left-wing Trumpists bastards doesn't mean we should let America be torn apart by left-wing Trumpist bastards
There are not two political parties in the US. There is only one. The Party of Big Government. Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate. However, the distinction is not much of anything.
Since 2009
this statement is meaningless. The fact that traditional Republicans once lost to left-wing Trumpists bastards doesn't mean we should let America be torn apart by left-wing Trumpist bastards
who is WE? dont live here....
this statement is meaningless.
You mean you don't understand it.

The fact that traditional Republicans once lost to left-wing Trumpists bastards doesn't mean we should let America be torn apart by left-wing Trumpist bastards
Sounds like the old adage that what didn't work the first 50 times might work if you try again.
2024 is not 1984.
Even the air differs at different altitudes.
You mean you don't understand it.

Sounds like the old adage that what didn't work the first 50 times might work if you try again.
2024 is not 1984.
Even the air differs at different altitudes.
Probably FDR thought so too, that the 40s were not the 20s, but then Senator McCarthy came and put everything in its place

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