Nikki Hayley Betrays Trump -- Is Her 2024 Presidential Run Over?

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Hayley was never on board....She's Dubya in a skirt.
and policy wise -- Trump was Dubya with a bad fitting suit stained with cheetoh dust...

But then again....Trumpers don't care about policies....

Sorry buddy but as bad as Trump was he never lied us into a war, so Trump is not as bad as George W. Bush when it come to that!
Yea, but the guy you worshiped before Trump did......

Me on the other hand....I remember being called a traitor, a terrorist because I had the audacity to be against invading Iraq....

So it is convenient for you morons to pretend after the fact you were against that war all along....

I resigned from the Republican party just before Dubya invaded Iraq. You didn't have to be a genius to know it was going to be an unmitigated disaster. Nobody called me a traitor.
L]I agree with her. I don't see how the Republicans can go down the Trump rabbit hole, when they have people like her and Pence willing to work to return some dignity to the party.

She and Pence have no dignity. They sold out their party to try and appear “normal”. “Normal” will no longer garner you support in the Republican Party. You need to be Extraordinary to advance in the Republican Party.

Haley fails the first test for Presidential opportunity... she has tits and a ****. She doesn’t have a cock. Therefore she isn’t qualified.
Translation: If you aren't willing to be batshit crazy, pander to white supremacists and buy into bullshit conspiracies -- then you won't go far in the GOP

The leaders of the GOP all need to dump Donny. There is no place for such lunacy in politics.
Trump isn't the memory goes beyond 2015...


"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.

What elections has Trump won? Other than winning the Electoral College in 2016, Trump hasn't won a single election.

He won Republican Primaries with 15% of the vote in 17 candidate clown car. Half the voters had never heard of most of the rest of the candidates. But 85% of the voters voted for someone else. Regardless of that fact, Trump got all of their delegates. It was a stupid system, but he rode it to the nomination.

He lost the popular vote in 2016 and won the electoral college by very slim margins. The mid-Term defeat, with it's loss of the House, and the loss of 7 governors' mansions, in 2018, and the 2020 loss of the White House and Senate.

Tell us again about all of the elections Trump has won.

Well he's 1/2

and was a stimulus check away from winning the second

considering i see no republicans who could stop him and no democrats I think would win after 4 years of biden.....Not seeing a lot of hope for Biden or Kamala

Biden doesn't look very good as he keeps the Iran deal shredded and continues to lock kids in cages. Going to see a huge deflating of the left's turnout for either of them.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Hayley was never on board....She's Dubya in a skirt.
and policy wise -- Trump was Dubya with a bad fitting suit stained with cheetoh dust...

But then again....Trumpers don't care about policies....

Sorry buddy but as bad as Trump was he never lied us into a war, so Trump is not as bad as George W. Bush when it come to that!
Yea, but the guy you worshiped before Trump did......

Me on the other hand....I remember being called a traitor, a terrorist because I had the audacity to be against invading Iraq....

So it is convenient for you morons to pretend after the fact you were against that war all along....

I resigned from the Republican party just before Dubya invaded Iraq. You didn't have to be a genius to know it was going to be an unmitigated disaster. Nobody called me a traitor.
Bush won re-election in 2004; due in part by claiming John Kerry was a traitor.....

Bush won re-election among a landscape where a war vet named Max Cleeland was called a terrorist for daring to criticize Bush's handling of the war..

Republicans actually pushed for a resolution to call french fries, "freedom fries" --- all because of their butt hurt behind France not being gung ho enough about invading Iraq...

So forgive me if I am not moved by your anecdotal story about you not being called a traitor

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Hayley was never on board....She's Dubya in a skirt.
and policy wise -- Trump was Dubya with a bad fitting suit stained with cheetoh dust...

But then again....Trumpers don't care about policies....

Sorry buddy but as bad as Trump was he never lied us into a war, so Trump is not as bad as George W. Bush when it come to that!
Yea, but the guy you worshiped before Trump did......

Me on the other hand....I remember being called a traitor, a terrorist because I had the audacity to be against invading Iraq....

So it is convenient for you morons to pretend after the fact you were against that war all along....

I was also against the war back then and was called all that... So let remember that please...

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Hayley was never on board....She's Dubya in a skirt.
and policy wise -- Trump was Dubya with a bad fitting suit stained with cheetoh dust...

But then again....Trumpers don't care about policies....

Sorry buddy but as bad as Trump was he never lied us into a war, so Trump is not as bad as George W. Bush when it come to that!
Yea, but the guy you worshiped before Trump did......

Me on the other hand....I remember being called a traitor, a terrorist because I had the audacity to be against invading Iraq....

So it is convenient for you morons to pretend after the fact you were against that war all along....

I was also against the war back then and was called all that... So let remember that please...
What does it mean to claim you were against the war?

Were you at anti-war protests or was that too "liberal"

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.
So the libs are so powerful that they can force republican voters to vote for the candidates libs tell them to vote for??

Do you understand how much of a weak cuck you paint republican voters out to be??

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.
So the libs are so powerful that they can force republican voters to vote for the candidates libs tell them to vote for??

Do you understand how much of a weak cuck you paint republican voters out to be??

Its not "Republican voters", but the Republican Establishment that generally determines the nominees. And they are well satisfied with a 2nd place finish.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.
So the libs are so powerful that they can force republican voters to vote for the candidates libs tell them to vote for??

Do you understand how much of a weak cuck you paint republican voters out to be??

Its not "Republican voters", but the Republican Establishment that generally determines the nominees. And they are well satisfied with a 2nd place finish.
in 2016 there were like 928272 people running for the GOP nomination.....

Are you saying out of all of them -- none of the "awesome conservatives" you like were allowed to run??

I tell you name for me right now the guy or gal you think should be the "true conservative" nominee in 2024.....and I guarantee you that you will be trashing him or her in less than a year....

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.
So the libs are so powerful that they can force republican voters to vote for the candidates libs tell them to vote for??

Do you understand how much of a weak cuck you paint republican voters out to be??

Its not "Republican voters", but the Republican Establishment that generally determines the nominees. And they are well satisfied with a 2nd place finish.
in 2016 there were like 928272 people running for the GOP nomination.....
View attachment 456318

Are you saying out of all of them -- none of the "awesome conservatives" you like were allowed to run??

I tell you name for me right now the guy or gal you think should be the "true conservative" nominee in 2024.....and I guarantee you that you will be trashing him or her in less than a year....

If Donald J Trump doesn't run, the GOP should nominate Donald J. Trump, Jr.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

Smart girl... .. She shows some integrity and some spine.
Don't praise her too soon -- just a few days ago she was caping up for Trump....she is a typical Republican.......

She is trying to do one of the 2 political calculations that most GOP presidential hopefuls are doing....either make a bet that after the Trump era, the base will be looking for someone who is less Trump....which is what Nikki is doing...

Or like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawleys of the world.....they will make the calculation to be either the same level of crazy as Trump or be willing to go further......which in my opinion, the republican base will want them to go further into the batshit crazy realm....

I hope Nikki is better than that.

My guess is that Ms. Haley wants to lead the Republican Party to a permanent 2nd Place finish. Get firmly in the place position, but not agitate the mad dog liberals- they bite.

Keeping your distance is the key.

The libs always loved McCain and Romney and Alf Landon because they were Republicans who "knew their place"
If the "libs" love McCain and Romney -- why didn't the "libs" nominate them to be their presidential candidate??

Libs got the Republican Party to nominate those fellows- as they were recognized as good-sport losers who would take a schlonging and not squeal like a pig.
So the libs are so powerful that they can force republican voters to vote for the candidates libs tell them to vote for??

Do you understand how much of a weak cuck you paint republican voters out to be??

Its not "Republican voters", but the Republican Establishment that generally determines the nominees. And they are well satisfied with a 2nd place finish.
in 2016 there were like 928272 people running for the GOP nomination.....
View attachment 456318

Are you saying out of all of them -- none of the "awesome conservatives" you like were allowed to run??

I tell you name for me right now the guy or gal you think should be the "true conservative" nominee in 2024.....and I guarantee you that you will be trashing him or her in less than a year....

If Donald J Trump doesn't run, the GOP should nominate Donald J. Trump, Jr.

Because you believe in a monarchy?
If Haley wins the Republican nomination for the 2024 election, will Trumpsters vote for her?

I say yes.
Yes, of course. Because she will run on Trumpism. That's part of why she is putting on this little act now, just two weeks after portraying Trump as a victim. She will run on Trumpism, while being able to lie and claim she broke with Trump because of the Capitol riot that she helped foment.
If Haley wins the Republican nomination for the 2024 election, will Trumpsters vote for her?

I say yes.
What do you think that Ms. Haley is even interested in earning the votes of all the little Trumpsters?

She can finish a comfortable 2nd without them, and that's her goal.

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