Nikki Hayley Betrays Trump -- Is Her 2024 Presidential Run Over?

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.
All of a sudden Niki Haley has credibility in the eyes of the left.

She used to be a politically driven brown noser. Now she is the end all.

Like Romney....a dog torturer, women binding asshole, homophobic torturer who is now the darling of the left.

Like McCain...a warmongerer, physically inept old white man who should retire and fade away who became the darling of the left.

Like Liz Cheney. The enemy of the people...the racist....the woman who was the daughter of a gun toting man killer who is now the darling of the left.

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.

She's smart, but a career politician. She knows what side her bread is buttered on.

She should be careful however, Trump can run as an Independent and if not defeat the GOP, certainly ensure they are left the "alternative Party". Even if he doesn't run, he will speak up and impact the GOP. There is no way they expand their party without Trumps policies and brawler mentality.

People wanted fighters. They finally had one and they watched as his own so-called Party remained loyal to their failed policies and China First donors, instead of fighting for Americans.

The Dems have an easy path to One Party dominance, this is most certain in my opinion.
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.
The Cheeto Man won't have a campaign in 2024 given he'll be a guest in a New York Prison doing time!

I very much doubt that
I very much doubt that
Well then you are very uninformed or very partisan but most likely, BOTH!

Yea says the guy who thinks the former president billionaire is going to prison

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.
Yikes, that's a big one. Good for her. Baby steps.
Uh huh remember that education

Your grade 8 education, Rubecin?

grade 8? what?

are you not american? lol

holy shit some peasant who went through some foreign substandard education system talking down to me. hahahahah

grade 8, no wonder you don't know your place. You come from some peasant country where you think you're clever.

academia is more than a bit more intense here.
I doubt she has illusions over her presidential viability. It will take some time to get the gop back. But if you told me in 1973 that Reagan was getting elected after Nixon's impeachment I wouldn't have believed you. I thought the dems would run things for ten years.

Never underestimate the Democrats' remarkable ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Sadly....very true....

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.
So? A lot of people are saying that. But, like them, she has ulterior motives.
I doubt she has illusions over her presidential viability. It will take some time to get the gop back. But if you told me in 1973 that Reagan was getting elected after Nixon's impeachment I wouldn't have believed you. I thought the dems would run things for ten years.

Never underestimate the Democrats' remarkable ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Sadly....very true....

he's foreign he has no fucking idea what he's talking about

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.
Haley is an opportunist

she always has a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing

but thats ok, I never would have voted for her anyway
We discovered when that filthy bitch Nikki Haley took down the Confederate flag in SC that she was nothing more than a Swamp slug.

Piss on her and all the other traitors to the Constitution.
Bye bye, Nikki. The 72 million Trump voters are about to turn on you so fast it will make your head spin.
Bye bye, Nikki. The 72 million Trump voters are about to turn on you so fast it will make your head spin.
There was a time I would have voted for her over ANY Democrat.

Spitting in the face of 74 MILLION loyal Trump supporters is a terrible move for anyone on the Republican Party
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.

Your Orange God lost

  • The Presidency
  • The Senate
  • The House

So the Democrats aren't particularly worried about Orange Jesus running again.

I'm an independent

And he didn't lose by much

If he had sent out those checks like he should have he'd no doubt still be president

And he will probably win in 2024

orange god lol. Politics are not a binary. You stupid fuck. Independents are everywhere you fucking low born pleb

Definitely seems like an orange god next to biden and he struggles to remember where he is...I don't think Dr. Biden can carry the ticket in 2024. She is apparently doing the talking for him now.
You are not independent. You are Q. You lie as easily as your messiah.
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.

Your Orange God lost

  • The Presidency
  • The Senate
  • The House

So the Democrats aren't particularly worried about Orange Jesus running again.

I'm an independent

And he didn't lose by much

If he had sent out those checks like he should have he'd no doubt still be president

And he will probably win in 2024

orange god lol. Politics are not a binary. You stupid fuck. Independents are everywhere you fucking low born pleb

Definitely seems like an orange god next to biden and he struggles to remember where he is...I don't think Dr. Biden can carry the ticket in 2024. She is apparently doing the talking for him now.
You are not independent. You are Q. You lie as easily as your messiah.

If i'm Q you're a maoist.

anyone with a sack shouldn't be able to stomach the democratic party in 2021

You need to go find yours old man.
Nikki was always a self serving fence sitting snake. She was once one of the protected, token women of the Republican party. Trump promoted her national brand by naming her ambassador of the UN in spite of her establishment, semi RINO beliefs. So I don't think it's surprising that this phony would take the easiest political road, She's exactly the kind of person who wouldn't think twice about throwing her country under the bus if it she thought it would help her electability.
If Trump is still president (according to Trump cultists) -- and if Trump is the most admired and loved President in American history -- why would coming out against him be the "easiest political road"??
She's like most neocons, greedy, stupid and stubborn.
Is that why the last 3 or 4 Republican presidential nominees were all neocons -- because of how much the republican base was against Neocons??

Aside from trolling and cult worship, exactly what is the policy platform for the GOP now??
Bye bye, Nikki. The 72 million Trump voters are about to turn on you so fast it will make your head spin.
Bye bye, Nikki. The 72 million Trump voters are about to turn on you so fast it will make your head spin.
There was a time I would have voted for her over ANY Democrat.

Spitting in the face of 74 MILLION loyal Trump supporters is a terrible move for anyone on the Republican Party
Can't you see that It is time to move on from a Treasonous SOB that was intent on a mob tearing his loyal Vice President apart? You cannot be so Stupid!

She is correct. Now....convince the members of the GOPQ of that.
The problem isn't just Trump, it's Trump's failed, wrongheaded agenda of fear and hate that will very much remain part of the GOP.
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.

Your Orange God lost

  • The Presidency
  • The Senate
  • The House

So the Democrats aren't particularly worried about Orange Jesus running again.

I'm an independent

And he didn't lose by much

If he had sent out those checks like he should have he'd no doubt still be president

And he will probably win in 2024

orange god lol. Politics are not a binary. You stupid fuck. Independents are everywhere you fucking low born pleb

Definitely seems like an orange god next to biden and he struggles to remember where he is...I don't think Dr. Biden can carry the ticket in 2024. She is apparently doing the talking for him now.
You are not independent. You are Q. You lie as easily as your messiah.

If i'm Q you're a maoist.

anyone with a sack shouldn't be able to stomach the democratic party in 2021

You need to go find yours old man.
You messiah is a TRAITOR!
You guys better hope this impeachment works out

Trump has won elections over smaller slights, hahahah

His 2024 campaign is going to get wild.

Your Orange God lost

  • The Presidency
  • The Senate
  • The House

So the Democrats aren't particularly worried about Orange Jesus running again.

I'm an independent

And he didn't lose by much

If he had sent out those checks like he should have he'd no doubt still be president

And he will probably win in 2024

orange god lol. Politics are not a binary. You stupid fuck. Independents are everywhere you fucking low born pleb

Definitely seems like an orange god next to biden and he struggles to remember where he is...I don't think Dr. Biden can carry the ticket in 2024. She is apparently doing the talking for him now.
You are not independent. You are Q. You lie as easily as your messiah.

If i'm Q you're a maoist.

anyone with a sack shouldn't be able to stomach the democratic party in 2021

You need to go find yours old man.
You messiah is a TRAITOR!

I'm an independent

WHy do you think that works old man/


You have to properly identify trump supporters for shit like that to work. When some one tells you they're an independent that's a good sign it wont

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