Let's investigate the last summer riots, who was behind them. who bailed the perps, why governors let it happen in their cities/states, etc. Before any investigation of Jan 6, we should know the name of the cop that shot and killed an unarmed woman too.
You'd think that Republicans would want to know all about what caused the Jan 6th FAILED insurrection.................that is, unless they played a part and want it covered up.
yeah they investigated Biden, investigated obama people prior to the election but they can't investigate Trump even when their place of business was broken into with pictures.

Well I guess Biden will have to do a presidential commission. I guess they had their chance to sugar coat the capitol riot and put their spin on it.

Now they will have to deal with a commission.

Still I hope the democrats do not try to make rules changes as it will come back to bite them in the future.

Republicans Show Real Backbone In Blocking January 6th Commission Political Theater​

28 May 2021 ~~ By Stacey Lennox
Republicans in the Senate held together to thwart attempts to form a commission to investigate the trespassing and minor property damage that happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We should all refuse to call it an insurrection or even a riot at this point if for no other reason than to frustrate the left—in particular, leading Democrats like this bitter former presidential candidate who keeps lying to her followers:

It is well established that the only person who died that day due to violence at the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran and Trump supporter. The identity of the Capitol Police officer who shot her remains unknown, unlike officers in the past year who have shot suspects to save their own lives or the lives of others. Officer Sicknick’s death was used as a prop by anti-law-enforcement Democrats in the wake of January 6th. His death was incorrectly included in the bogus second impeachment of President Trump.
If leading Democrats are still willing to make this kind of debunked assertion, the goal of their commission is crystal clear. It is to persecute their political enemies and keep President Trump and his supporters front and center as cover for their radical agenda and the repeated failures of the Biden administration. It would also bolster their fever dreams about the right-wing violence the DHS and DOJ keep talking about in the absence of any credible threats. Republicans are absolutely right to deny them the opportunity.
A question that needs to be asked: If a person entered the Capitol after this exchange, can you even consider it trespassing? You have to wonder what the other 14,000 hours of withheld video may show.

People are beyond tired of Democrats & their faux commissions, continuous harassment of President Trump.
This is why the filibuster needs to go.
The filibuster functions much the same as the Electoral College. Both keep the minority side from being raped by the majority.

The filibuster saves the liberal asses just as much as it saves the conservative asses. Your buddy Harry Reid proved that for you.

Liberalism is well represented by anti-American assholes!

First of all Harry Reid is not my “buddy”.
Secondly, I do not support ”Liberalism“.

Elections are supposed to have consequences. No minority party should be able to shut down legislation arbitrarily because of a 60 vote threshold. If compromise is such an anathema than let either party pass legislation by 51 to 49 votes.

If elected reps in the minority party object to the bill, vote against it. If there aren’t enough votes to defeat the measure, too bad. Go win the next election.
So you favor a pure democracy...where the majority rules...forever!
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Except, Feinstein, Sinema and Manchin won't go along with your power grab.

You don't need them to run a house investigation.

You pricks just can't endure the fact that you won't get a blue-ribbon grandstand.
Have ya come to grips with the reality that you FUCKING LOST yet??
Let's investigate the last summer riots, who was behind them. who bailed the perps, why governors let it happen in their cities/states, etc. Before any investigation of Jan 6, we should know the name of the cop that shot and killed an unarmed woman too.

Isn't this the old fall back? 140-Capitol Hill Officers were injured and all you idiots bloviate about is last summer. That "Unarmed Woman" was engaged in a violent Insurgency and got what she fucking deserved.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Except, Feinstein, Sinema and Manchin won't go along with your power grab.

You don't need them to run a house investigation.

You pricks just can't endure the fact that you won't get a blue-ribbon grandstand.
Have ya come to grips with the reality that you FUCKING LOST yet??

That is one thing they can never do. Acknowledge that their fucking 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Russian Fucking Coward LOST!!!!
And suddenly republicans arent. This simpleton talking point works both ways.
You have a lot of catching up to do. Democrats have riot damage on federal and private property and police injuries/death spanning all the way back to 2016 when Trump was elected President.
They do? Where?

"They" are "Some People Say". No names, just "They".

Just remember, "They" have nothing. Well, "They" have lies. "They" love to be lied to.

Republicans Show Real Backbone In Blocking January 6th Commission Political Theater​

28 May 2021 ~~ By Stacey Lennox
Republicans in the Senate held together to thwart attempts to form a commission to investigate the trespassing and minor property damage that happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We should all refuse to call it an insurrection or even a riot at this point if for no other reason than to frustrate the left—in particular, leading Democrats like this bitter former presidential candidate who keeps lying to her followers:

It is well established that the only person who died that day due to violence at the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran and Trump supporter. The identity of the Capitol Police officer who shot her remains unknown, unlike officers in the past year who have shot suspects to save their own lives or the lives of others. Officer Sicknick’s death was used as a prop by anti-law-enforcement Democrats in the wake of January 6th. His death was incorrectly included in the bogus second impeachment of President Trump.
If leading Democrats are still willing to make this kind of debunked assertion, the goal of their commission is crystal clear. It is to persecute their political enemies and keep President Trump and his supporters front and center as cover for their radical agenda and the repeated failures of the Biden administration. It would also bolster their fever dreams about the right-wing violence the DHS and DOJ keep talking about in the absence of any credible threats. Republicans are absolutely right to deny them the opportunity.
A question that needs to be asked: If a person entered the Capitol after this exchange, can you even consider it trespassing? You have to wonder what the other 14,000 hours of withheld video may show.

People are beyond tired of Democrats & their faux commissions, continuous harassment of President Trump.

Was that before or after they broke in to kill the vice president of the United States?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Time to Benghazi their asses!
Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.

I know right? Ten just wasn’t enough :rolleyes-41:
Well, time for Nancy to get busy. This will backfire on The Insurrectionist Party - Bigly.
NP will name a select committee that will start calling in witnesses. Start with Kevin and Mitch!
Hopefully 3 Rs and three Ds. No one currently serving.
It will be covered nonstop by everyone but the usual media suspects.
Screw that no one currently serving crap.
And screw even trying to make this look fair
I want Trump in that witness chair for 11 hours right before we

Democrats and progressive liberals are forever showing their hypocrisy--- --- they have reviled the attack on the Capitol 1/6 while proudly supporting and defending the Capitol police as HEROS even after murdering a defenseless woman yet last year when Trump had to clear 1,000 rowdy idiots from Washington who were blocking his ability to even be able to step outside to take a press photo, the same people acted like Trump was Castro for doing so, and tried to sue him!

Well, idiots, another one of your anti-Trump "gonna-get-him-this-times" has FAILED YET AGAIN.

Failure, a way of life for the sycophant Left.

The DOJ has recommended to the judge that all charges in the case be dropped. And remember, when a judge declines or dismisses a case, that ALWAYS means that there was never no case there!

Your words.

Trump walks free. Tee hee.

She was killed in the commission of a crime. The mob that was breaking windows and hitting police officers is responsible for her death.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Exactly what I'm saying, because all that one side has to do, otherwise is to include the rhino's/anti-Trumpers into the frey (i.e. like the Liz Cheney's and such), and bam it's no longer a bipartisan commission, but a partisan commission where those involved are both after the same thing at that point.
Unless you want to suggest that Democrats have control over which Republicans are appointed to that commission what you are saying makes no logical sense.
Well sense it's the Democrats who are the ones calling for it, then just deduct from that right ?? Would they be in control of it or what ?? If they are, then what does that suggest ?

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