No Apology but Good Thinking

This kid knows....

Kids listen to their parents, as you know.
Looks like this kid's parents taught him correctly is what you say is how this came about.

What's scary is you have the boob Biden as his partner in crime. No phone #?

Joe Biden Loses His Cat

And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."
I know. Only the moron Jillian would laugh at a thing like that. She's Jewish too, you think she would know better.
Go call an Japanese person a Jap. Maybe work in that they deserved to be nuked. Then come back and let us know what happened.

Done it. Done it. Maybe the fact that my brother-in-law adopted two children of Japanese origin mitigated the temper of at least of those Japanese that I know.
Oh you have a couple little Jap nephews?

"japs" is what normal americans called the Japanese aggressors during world war II and when discussing that war. My father was in the north atlantic----on a navy ship during world war II-------he never got over calling german men "fritz"

which is no longer an appropriate term to use with regard to people.

so what was used almost 70 years ago is really irrelevant.

and frankly, anyone who uses words like that now is a jackass.

anyone who gets overly excited about nicknames used
in good humor----is a JACKASS. Words are defined and
should be taken in the context that they are used. Way
back when I was young----(long ago) Pakistanis I knew
used the word "paki" in good humor, easily, when SELF-
DESCRIBING. Lately I got told that the usage thereof is
RACIST. The worst word to throw at a person in the little
Nazi town in which I was a child was <COMMUNIST>
If that's what you really think, then you single yourself out as a true jackass.
And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."

sheeesh---you took the words right out of my fingertips
“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."
I know. Only the moron Jillian would laugh at a thing like that. She's Jewish too, you think she would know better.
Jillian is a POS...what do you expect?
Done it. Done it. Maybe the fact that my brother-in-law adopted two children of Japanese origin mitigated the temper of at least of those Japanese that I know.
Oh you have a couple little Jap nephews?

"japs" is what normal americans called the Japanese aggressors during world war II and when discussing that war. My father was in the north atlantic----on a navy ship during world war II-------he never got over calling german men "fritz"

which is no longer an appropriate term to use with regard to people.

so what was used almost 70 years ago is really irrelevant.

and frankly, anyone who uses words like that now is a jackass.

anyone who gets overly excited about nicknames used
in good humor----is a JACKASS. Words are defined and
should be taken in the context that they are used. Way
back when I was young----(long ago) Pakistanis I knew
used the word "paki" in good humor, easily, when SELF-
DESCRIBING. Lately I got told that the usage thereof is
RACIST. The worst word to throw at a person in the little
Nazi town in which I was a child was <COMMUNIST>
If that's what you really think, then you single yourself out as a true jackass.

to whom are you addressing your silly remark? Long long ago I got into SERIOUS trouble for describing a young male as a BOY---------all of my siblings are BOYS----so many BOYS in our sibship that my mom regularly and still says
"let's go, boys" -----that includes me... The person I called a 'boy' was a young male black American-----younger than all of my brothers
Oh you have a couple little Jap nephews?

"japs" is what normal americans called the Japanese aggressors during world war II and when discussing that war. My father was in the north atlantic----on a navy ship during world war II-------he never got over calling german men "fritz"

which is no longer an appropriate term to use with regard to people.

so what was used almost 70 years ago is really irrelevant.

and frankly, anyone who uses words like that now is a jackass.

anyone who gets overly excited about nicknames used
in good humor----is a JACKASS. Words are defined and
should be taken in the context that they are used. Way
back when I was young----(long ago) Pakistanis I knew
used the word "paki" in good humor, easily, when SELF-
DESCRIBING. Lately I got told that the usage thereof is
RACIST. The worst word to throw at a person in the little
Nazi town in which I was a child was <COMMUNIST>
If that's what you really think, then you single yourself out as a true jackass.

to whom are you addressing your silly remark? Long long ago I got into SERIOUS trouble for describing a young male as a BOY---------all of my siblings are BOYS----so many BOYS in our sibship that my mom regularly and still says
"let's go, boys" -----that includes me... The person I called a 'boy' was a young male black American-----younger than all of my brothers

what color young male did you call a boy? and if he was old enough to vote, that might be why you got in "Trouble".
And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."
I know. Only the moron Jillian would laugh at a thing like that. She's Jewish too, you think she would know better.

you can call Jillian a JEW (me too).....and I will not call
you a racist even though there are people on these very
genteel (or gentile) boards who use the word JEW ---
as a derogatory term.
Done it. Done it. Maybe the fact that my brother-in-law adopted two children of Japanese origin mitigated the temper of at least of those Japanese that I know.
Oh you have a couple little Jap nephews?

"japs" is what normal americans called the Japanese aggressors during world war II and when discussing that war. My father was in the north atlantic----on a navy ship during world war II-------he never got over calling german men "fritz"

which is no longer an appropriate term to use with regard to people.

so what was used almost 70 years ago is really irrelevant.

and frankly, anyone who uses words like that now is a jackass.

anyone who gets overly excited about nicknames used
in good humor----is a JACKASS. Words are defined and
should be taken in the context that they are used. Way
back when I was young----(long ago) Pakistanis I knew
used the word "paki" in good humor, easily, when SELF-
DESCRIBING. Lately I got told that the usage thereof is
RACIST. The worst word to throw at a person in the little
Nazi town in which I was a child was <COMMUNIST>
If that's what you really think, then you single yourself out as a true jackass.
And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."
I know. Only the moron Jillian would laugh at a thing like that. She's Jewish too, you think she would know better.

you can call Jillian a JEW (me too).....and I will not call
you a racist even though there are people on these very
genteel (or gentile) boards who use the word JEW ---
as a derogatory term.
i would rather call her a moron.
"japs" is what normal americans called the Japanese aggressors during world war II and when discussing that war. My father was in the north atlantic----on a navy ship during world war II-------he never got over calling german men "fritz"

which is no longer an appropriate term to use with regard to people.

so what was used almost 70 years ago is really irrelevant.

and frankly, anyone who uses words like that now is a jackass.

anyone who gets overly excited about nicknames used
in good humor----is a JACKASS. Words are defined and
should be taken in the context that they are used. Way
back when I was young----(long ago) Pakistanis I knew
used the word "paki" in good humor, easily, when SELF-
DESCRIBING. Lately I got told that the usage thereof is
RACIST. The worst word to throw at a person in the little
Nazi town in which I was a child was <COMMUNIST>
If that's what you really think, then you single yourself out as a true jackass.

to whom are you addressing your silly remark? Long long ago I got into SERIOUS trouble for describing a young male as a BOY---------all of my siblings are BOYS----so many BOYS in our sibship that my mom regularly and still says
"let's go, boys" -----that includes me... The person I called a 'boy' was a young male black American-----younger than all of my brothers

what color young male did you call a boy? and if he was old enough to vote, that might be why you got in "Trouble".

he was BLACK, of course------I had no idea at that time
that MALES of about the ages of my brothers could not
be called BOYS if they are "colored" <<< the genteel word I used as a child when no one called a human being
"black" (not even the local wasps who used the "N" word like it is classical biblical English.) (are we still allowed to call old women like me -----one of the "girls"???)
Back in the 1980s I had the opportunity to visit Hiroshima myself. As a young Marine, I was an avid reader of WWII history, especially the war in the Pacific as well as a student of Japanese history and culture. While I admire many things in traditional Japanese culture, especially the self-discipline, views on honor and warrior spirit, they are also the most racist and arrogant culture I've ever encountered. Yes, more so than Americans. The big difference is they are more polite about it, but it's still there.

An exception to their stoic facade on almost everything is the fucking whining about Hiroshima. They try to equate it to the Holocaust without admitting their role in their own destruction. The whining and wailing about Hiroshima is the one crack in the image of an honorable warrior society in the Japanese culture. It's more akin to teenage self-absorption than a mature, responsible society.
Back in the 1980s I had the opportunity to visit Hiroshima myself. As a young Marine, I was an avid reader of WWII history, especially the war in the Pacific as well as a student of Japanese history and culture. While I admire many things in traditional Japanese culture, especially the self-discipline, views on honor and warrior spirit, they are also the most racist and arrogant culture I've ever encountered. Yes, more so than Americans. The big difference is they are more polite about it, but it's still there.

An exception to their stoic facade on almost everything is the fucking whining about Hiroshima. They try to equate it to the Holocaust without admitting their role in their own destruction. The whining and wailing about Hiroshima is the one crack in the image of an honorable warrior society in the Japanese culture. It's more akin to teenage self-absorption than a mature, responsible society.

uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
He is creating war.......because he is weak, Russia, China and Iran are preparing for don't read history do don't prevent war by being weak....we had peace for decades because we were strong and had nukes and they thought we would use them if they used theirs.......

He is a clueless fool, raised on lies about the world and this country...
We still have the strongest military in the world, and our nukes still work. If anyone lobs a nuke at us, they can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye, because we will be intercepting and then retaliating in a way that will make Hiroshima look like a tea party. What on earth are you talking about?

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has proven numerous times that his is weak, inept and a narcissist who refuses to listen to his military advisors. President Obama believes he learned everything there is to know about war and military tactics from his friends and professors.

President Obama is guilty of convincing our enemies that they can do with us what they will and the USA will not retaliate in force. In my opinion, that is treason.

So true.

1 “Literally the entire national security team recommended unanimously handling Mubarak differently than we did,” Gates said. “And the president took the advice of three junior backbenchers in terms of how to treat Mubarak.” Obama was so avid to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he went against the advice of his national security team. The Egyptian people complained that he was supporting terrorism. And they were right."
Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup | Pamela Geller

2. "The president supported the protestors and forced Mubarak out of power, causing the Muslim Brotherhood to soon take control of the country with Islamist president Mohamed Morsi..... Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Fox News that President Barack Obama ignored the advice of his “entire national security team” during the Egyptian coup in 2011 that ousted Hosni Mubarak, the country’s former president."
Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup

3. "The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."
Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Not racist like us. We're a multi-racial, multi-cultural immigrant society. They're homogeneous racially and culturally. Hence, why they take racism to a different level.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". Want to adopt a Japanese baby and take it back to the US? No fucking way. Want to adopt a mixed-race baby? "Here, take two".
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Not racist like us. We're a multi-racial, multi-cultural immigrant society. They're homogeneous racially and culturally. Hence, why they take racism to a different level.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". Want to adopt a Japanese baby and take it back to the US? No fucking way. Want to adopt a mixed-race baby? "Here, take two".

so true---the "racism" to which I refer is as you describe it---
"WE IS DA BEST" "WE IS PURE" ie --it is Nazi like.
our racism is very broken up by group----lots and lots of
different groups.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

Today he trying to limit weapon jointly for the peace - tomorrow he producing new one, laughing on "stupid peacelovers" and awarding his command by medals of "cold war win" :))) I already know this joke...
Where are you from? Russia (just guessing from your hat)? If you think he's funny, wait 'til the next one gets in.

I'm enjoying the all situations :) US never been invaded for a 150 years, have a largest army and fleet - and you all seriously talking about "enemy aggression"... What is this - paranoia or doublethink? And you claim Russians as crazy, because we have Perimeter system (knowing as Dead Hand :)))
Not everyone is as PARANOID as some of the posters here.
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.

what is completely false? the half breed thing?
how do you know?
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.

It would be amusing to learn what you would consider an apology. If Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama got down on his knees and begged forgiveness for having saved at least half a million lives on each side?
It's all gotta be about you, about US, doesn't it? That isn't what he was talking about. There is no way to call that an apology, except in the sense that it is a rumination on war in general. Who jumps up and down and says they LOVE it? Would you despise a world without it? Only pussies want to live in a world without war? Come on, man, you're smarter than that.

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