No Apology but Good Thinking

What a stupid comment. Laughing at what? And calling one of our most important allies "japs." Disgusting.

When has the Japanese Emperor visited and left a wreath at Pearl Harbor...and apologized?


No Japanese Emperor or Prime Minister has ever visited Pearl Harbor and apologized.
No American President has ever visited Hiroshima and apologized.

I STILL consider the visit -----ill-advised. Its IMPLICATIONS were PREDICTABLY subject to
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.

what is completely false? the half breed thing?
how do you know?

Mixed race people aren't just accepted, they are hugely POPULAR in Japan these days. They are considered especially attractive and desirable; in high demand as actors, models, and TV personalities.
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.

what is completely false? the half breed thing?
how do you know?

Mixed race people aren't just accepted, they are hugely POPULAR in Japan these days. They are considered especially attractive and desirable; in high demand as actors, models, and TV personalities.

OH!!! that kind of "accepted" -----like black basket ball
players in the 1950s Like the Harlem globetrotters
What a stupid comment. Laughing at what? And calling one of our most important allies "japs." Disgusting.

When has the Japanese Emperor visited and left a wreath at Pearl Harbor...and apologized?


No Japanese Emperor or Prime Minister has ever visited Pearl Harbor and apologized.
No American President has ever visited Hiroshima and apologized.

I STILL consider the visit -----ill-advised. Its IMPLICATIONS were PREDICTABLY subject to
I agree its implications were predictably subject to being misconstrued. Obviously. Look at this thread. But Obama can't do anything right in these folks minds, anyway, so I'm sure at this point in his presidency he's not worrying about it.
yeah---he worries. LEGACY-------had he done it seven years ago I would have the same reaction I have today. He was very careful about what he said-----he is not stupid but I DO THINK HE SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE IT.
Completely false.
Disagreed. I'm guessing you are an American of Japanese descent and not a tried and true blue Japanese posting from Tokyo, Osaka or some other Japanese city.

Do you think Japan was wrong to invade China and Korea? Were they wrong to commit multiple atrocities there and elsewhere? Were they wrong to conduct a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor resulting in a war causing the deaths of millions?
Barry Hussein's visit was an apology and in fact his entire term was one big apology tour either for American decadence or military might.
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.

what is completely false? the half breed thing?
how do you know?

Mixed race people aren't just accepted, they are hugely POPULAR in Japan these days. They are considered especially attractive and desirable; in high demand as actors, models, and TV personalities.

OH!!! that kind of "accepted" -----like black basket ball
players in the 1950s Like the Harlem globetrotters
Agreed. Or like having black people sing, dance and mug for an audience of gentile white people.
uhm----I was never there----but do have an interest in ----
"the written word"-------I like to read (in English translation)----stories and----written accounts---from "other" cultures----
based on stuff I read from Japan-----I do agree----they is
RACIST (like us---at least)
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Not racist like us. We're a multi-racial, multi-cultural immigrant society. They're homogeneous racially and culturally. Hence, why they take racism to a different level.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". Want to adopt a Japanese baby and take it back to the US? No fucking way. Want to adopt a mixed-race baby? "Here, take two".

A freind of mine does business in Asia, especially in Japan.......he told me that racism is just accepted there.....they don't even think about it and have no intention of addressing is just the way it is......

A freind of mine does business in Asia, especially in Japan.......he told me that racism is just accepted there.....they don't even think about it and have no intention of addressing is just the way it is......

Have you ever seen this for yourself?
Maybe they've changed since I was there, but I doubt it.

Example, they look down on "half-breeds". ....

Completely false.

what is completely false? the half breed thing?
how do you know?

Mixed race people aren't just accepted, they are hugely POPULAR in Japan these days. They are considered especially attractive and desirable; in high demand as actors, models, and TV personalities.

OH!!! that kind of "accepted" -----like black basket ball
players in the 1950s Like the Harlem globetrotters
Agreed. ..........

His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

Today he trying to limit weapon jointly for the peace - tomorrow he producing new one, laughing on "stupid peacelovers" and awarding his command by medals of "cold war win" :))) I already know this joke...
Where are you from? Russia (just guessing from your hat)? If you think he's funny, wait 'til the next one gets in.

I'm enjoying the all situations :) US never been invaded for a 150 years, have a largest army and fleet - and you all seriously talking about "enemy aggression"... What is this - paranoia or doublethink? And you claim Russians as crazy, because we have Perimeter system (knowing as Dead Hand :)))
Not everyone is as PARANOID as some of the posters here.

But voice of paranoids louder and more significant?
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

Today he trying to limit weapon jointly for the peace - tomorrow he producing new one, laughing on "stupid peacelovers" and awarding his command by medals of "cold war win" :))) I already know this joke...
Where are you from? Russia (just guessing from your hat)? If you think he's funny, wait 'til the next one gets in.

I'm enjoying the all situations :) US never been invaded for a 150 years, have a largest army and fleet - and you all seriously talking about "enemy aggression"... What is this - paranoia or doublethink? And you claim Russians as crazy, because we have Perimeter system (knowing as Dead Hand :)))
Not everyone is as PARANOID as some of the posters here.

But voice of paranoids louder and more significant?

No, the corporate structure that exploits our military industrial complex gets its way today in Congress, like every other corporation and so we have to keep bases overs seas so that Congressmen can keep getting these corporate donations and favors so that the corporations can continue to reap a windfall of profit off of US tax payers.
And you laugh at Japanese atrocities so we know all about you too.
The Koreans and Chinese aren't laughing.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
"Meanwhile, neighbors Korea and China, where many feel Japan hasn't properly atoned for its wartime atrocities, have been critical of the president's trip. China criticized Obama's decision to visit Hiroshima, calling it another opportunity for Japan to play victim rather than aggressor. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed in the Japanese Imperial Army's invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Korea was occupied by the Japanese from 1910 to 1945, and many of its women forced into sexual slavery, servicing the Japanese army at "comfort stations" near battlefields."

sheeesh---you took the words right out of my fingertips
“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.

Why should anyone's efforts be made to please anyone? If you're doing what you think is right, what difference does it make if someone is pleased?

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