NO, Bill O'Reilly. Blacks in America DO NOT have a "harder road"

Dunno what your problem is pal.

I was addressing the OP, who I felt was wrong.

And I did own a bar in Atlanta for some time.

The OP's point was to say that black folks didn't have a harder road. I pointed out they did.

This country has benefitted massively from the labor of black people. The entire industrial revolution was possible because of textiles.
You pointed out WRONG. It is a FACT that with affirmative action, Blacks have RACISTLY been given a free pass ahead of Whites at college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, job hiring, job promotions, etc.
This has gone on now for 50+ years, and it is the largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, during that long time. Racist discrimination against Blacks existed too, but it was BEFORE 50 years ago, long eradicated by AA.
Many White people's entire worklives have been annihilated by Affirmative action, and even now in retirement, they still suffer the effects of the discrimination, by reduced Social Security payments, which would have been higher if they would have been able to get the jobs they should have gotten, when they were younger.

I challenge you to show facts or shut up!!
Show facts about what ? What we all know is true ? The assistantship I (and 16 other non-Blacks) was denied in college (which ruined my whole 5 ears of college work) is MY proof. So is just walk into an employment office and apply for a job, and read your AA questionairre. And walk into any govt office and see dozens of employees at work - ALL BLACK. THERE'S your proof, dumbass. cracker has a bad experience with nigga's getting a job, ie whatever and all of a sudden, the sky is fuckin falling? You sound like that white guy in Twilight Zone the Movie. I suggest you rent it and enjoy your double (LOLOL). Listen, there isn't a venue in this fuckin country or even in the world, that' doesn't have whites in it, like please, get some fuckin help, you sound like a moron!!
So you're talking to your mirror too. Must be contagious. And it;s not just one "cracker", it hndreds of million of White people for 50+ years, you racist pig.

LOLOLOLOL...OMG...I'm a racist......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....dude, your killing me, your killing me reeeeeekkkkkk of it!! LOLOLOLOL
This coming from a lunatic that wrote this>>>>(which ruined my whole 5 ears of college work)..unquote. You have 5 ears, wonder you can't find a fuckin job, you simp!!
TYPO. Big deal. Aren't you clever ?, oh desperate one, grasping for anything you can get in thread in which I'm handing you your ass.
This coming from a lunatic that wrote this>>>>(which ruined my whole 5 ears of college work)..unquote. You have 5 ears, wonder you can't find a fuckin job, you simp!!
TYPO. Big deal. Aren't you clever ?, oh desperate one, grasping for anything you can get in thread in which I'm handing you your ass.

Seriously??? You are too fuckin stupid to be taken seriously, to dumb for words for me to give a shit about and this bs about handing me my ass??? Really? You called me out, I countered. Get over yourself, you sick shit for brains lunatic.
The one thing you can not do, is show a link, google a statistic or show any type of proof that AA has somehow elovated blacks above white shits for brains. So on that note, I bid the lunatic once again, good night!!

HA HA. Liberals are always trying to hide behind their statistics (written by themselves of course) and then (with a straight face) acting like this is somehow a legitimate argument. Ho hum. What else is new ? Yawn ***

EARTH TO TIGERRED: "PROOF" doesn't come from your fabricated "reports". It comes from offices full of Blacks, and other workplaces, like I already mentioned , and you're now pretending you didn't hear. But being weaned on liberal media, of course you're oblivious to that. (notice I didn't misspell the word > you're) :laugh:
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No, dumb ass, I'm still laughing at you, calling me a fuckin racist, like pot meet fuckin kettle and kiss!!
No you're not. You're just pretending to laugh. And YOU KNOW damn well you're a racist pig, using racist words right here in this thread in Post #s 25 & 36. You can take your head out of your ass now.
Seriously??? You are too fuckin stupid to be taken seriously, to dumb for words for me to give a shit about and this bs about handing me my ass??? Really? You called me out, I countered. Get over yourself, you sick shit for brains lunatic.
Looks like you still ran out of words. What was it that Trump said to Rand Paul in the debate ? Oh yeah! > "You're having a bad day."

And you're one of those guys who's too flat-out stupid, to know when you've been beat.
This coming from a lunatic that wrote this>>>>(which ruined my whole 5 ears of college work)..unquote. You have 5 ears, wonder you can't find a fuckin job, you simp!!
TYPO. Big deal. Aren't you clever ?, oh desperate one, grasping for anything you can get in thread in which I'm handing you your ass.

Seriously??? You are too fuckin stupid to be taken seriously, to dumb for words for me to give a shit about and this bs about handing me my ass??? Really? You called me out, I countered. Get over yourself, you sick shit for brains lunatic.
Looks like you still ran out of words. What was that that Trump said to Rand Paul in the debate > "You're having a bad day."

Yeah, I am having a bad day and your the reason for please, remove hands from keyboard, unzip trousers and have at don't you feel better....good night my dear sweet moronic terroristic troll!!
Dunno what your problem is pal.

I was addressing the OP, who I felt was wrong.

And I did own a bar in Atlanta for some time.

The OP's point was to say that black folks didn't have a harder road. I pointed out they did.

This country has benefitted massively from the labor of black people. The entire industrial revolution was possible because of textiles.

I don't buy this bs that most blacks are born into poverty.....and you know this for a fact???? You've personally met, lets say of the 12 million at least 1/3rd of em????? Yes? No?

I'm sick and tired of white people clumping 12 million blacks into this box of bs, empathy and pity. Define poverty? I challenge you to visit poverty in the hood...all nigga's in the lasted shoes, got all the top toys, got the latest cell phone shit, sista's nails are tight, hair done....define poverty????? And this nonsense about the industrial revolution....2015 please enter the brain, and stay there.....

This country's bottom 92% can not all be blacks, now can it?

The dude wasn't saying that. You might want to look around and know who's with you and who isn't. Only an idiot brings nails and hair into a discussion about institutionalized racial disparity. Are you an idiot?

"Institutionalized racial disparity" ? Let's correctly label it. Institutionalized, racial, deliberate, malicious DISCRIMINATION >> (AKA AFFIRMATIVE ACTION)

The one thing you can not do, is show a link, google a statistic or show any type of proof that AA has somehow elovated blacks above white shits for brains. So on that note, I bid the lunatic once again, good night!!

HA HA. Liberals are always trying to hide behind their statistics (written by themselves of course) and then (with a straight face) acting like this is somehow a legitimate argument. Ho hum. What else is new ? Yawn ***

EARTH TO TIGERRED: "PROOF" doesn't come from your fabricated "reports". It comes from offices full of Blacks, and other workplaces, like I already mentioned , and you're now pretending you didn't hear. But being weaned on liberal media, of course you're oblivious to that. (notice I didn't misspell the word > you're) :laugh:

Good night John Boy......its late and I do have church in the morning....night
I was hired to work in a steel mill in 1972 and I got the job the same way most people in those days got their jobs. My father worked there. A few years after that the company began hiring women and blacks. You should`ve heard the crackers crying about "favoritism" then. LMAO!
Yeah, I am having a bad day and your the reason for please, remove hands from keyboard, unzip trousers and have at don't you feel better....good night my dear sweet moronic terroristic troll!!
Funny how trolls so often call the targets of their trolling > a troll. LOL. You're an airhead, poster troll, with nothing to say, so I've already moved on to other threads. If any serious/intelligent posters show up here, I'll be back.
I was hired to work in a steel mill in 1972 and I got the job the same way most people in those days got their jobs. My father worked there. A few years after that the company began hiring women and blacks. You should`ve heard the crackers crying about "favoritism" then. LMAO!
You're a racist too. Interesting how anti-White racists start showing up, when we throw the subject of Affirmative Action right in their racist faces.

Maybe the reason why they cried about favoritism is because the Blacks were getting hired RACISTLY & UNFAIRLY by affirmative action discrimination. If so, their complaints would have been 100% valid.
I was hired to work in a steel mill in 1972 and I got the job the same way most people in those days got their jobs. My father worked there. A few years after that the company began hiring women and blacks. You should`ve heard the crackers crying about "favoritism" then. LMAO!

That's ridiculous.

Most black folks are born into poverty and have a decidedly harder road than white folks.

That's by design. From slavery, to Jim Crow, to systemic racism, American blacks have had to endure historical hardships that have left many destitute.

And with little buy in to a system that continues, to this day, to shun them.

Then maybe single black women should quit having so many bastard children. Did those children decide to be born illegitimate?

Are you blaming with people because blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time?
Funny how they call you a racist, while simultaneously leaving no doubt as to THEIR racism by using racist words like that.

Maybe they're so programmed into their victimhood propaganda, that they think they'r entitled to do that.
That's ridiculous.

Most black folks are born into poverty and have a decidedly harder road than white folks.

That's by design. From slavery, to Jim Crow, to systemic racism, American blacks have had to endure historical hardships that have left many destitute.

And with little buy in to a system that continues, to this day, to shun them.

Yaw seriously need to visit the south someday.....some of the poorest mf's in this country cloaked in white skin and living off of some form of gov. assistance, ibeit, SSI, foodstamps, whatever. Every race has its share of poverty, of those left behind, why yaw keep stressing black people only god knows. There are more threads on this site about blacks than any subject if you white fucks give a fuck about black people. You people have got to get a fuckin hobby and move on...this systematic rant that goes on day after day is border line obsession and its something you need to address.

Dunno what your problem is pal.

I was addressing the OP, who I felt was wrong.

And I did own a bar in Atlanta for some time.

The OP's point was to say that black folks didn't have a harder road. I pointed out they did.

This country has benefitted massively from the labor of black people. The entire industrial revolution was possible because of textiles.

Since black babies are born bastards over 70% of the time and that is a major determinant of economic place in life, didn't blacks build their own road?

Is this the white people's fault?:

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