NO, Bill O'Reilly. Blacks in America DO NOT have a "harder road"

I worked with them for 35 years so yes, they were crackers who were having a hard time watching their (and mine) white privileges going down the shitter.
You're a racist pig too. They're coming out of the woodwork in this thread, and proving my theory in Post # 59 to be entirely correct. They think it's OK to throw racist slur words around as long as the victims are White. Typical liberal racists.
You pointed out WRONG. It is a FACT that with affirmative action, Blacks have RACISTLY been given a free pass ahead of Whites at college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, job hiring, job promotions, etc.
This has gone on now for 50+ years, and it is the largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, during that long time. Racist discrimination against Blacks existed too, but it was BEFORE 50 years ago, long eradicated by AA.
Many White people's entire worklives have been annihilated by Affirmative action, and even now in retirement, they still suffer the effects of the discrimination, by reduced Social Security payments, which would have been higher if they would have been able to get the jobs they should have gotten, when they were younger.

I challenge you to show facts or shut up!!
Show facts about what ? What we all know is true ? The assistantship I (and 16 other non-Blacks) was denied in college (which ruined my whole 5 ears of college work) is MY proof. So is just walk into an employment office and apply for a job, and read your AA questionairre. And walk into any govt office and see dozens of employees at work - ALL BLACK. THERE'S your proof, dumbass. cracker has a bad experience with nigga's getting a job, ie whatever and all of a sudden, the sky is fuckin falling? You sound like that white guy in Twilight Zone the Movie. I suggest you rent it and enjoy your double (LOLOL). Listen, there isn't a venue in this fuckin country or even in the world, that' doesn't have whites in it, like please, get some fuckin help, you sound like a moron!!
So you're talking to your mirror too. Must be contagious. And it;s not just one "cracker", it hndreds of million of White people for 50+ years, you racist pig.

LOLOLOLOL...OMG...I'm a racist......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....dude, your killing me, your killing me reeeeeekkkkkk of it!! LOLOLOLOL
Yes. You are.
Funny how they call you a racist, while simultaneously leaving no doubt as to THEIR racism by using racist words like that.

Maybe they're so programmed into their victimhood propaganda, that they think they'r entitled to do that.

The difference is I don't really care what term they use to call me. I posted it to make the same point you did.

My response is to turn it back on them an crank up the amps. I call them for the racists they are louder, more often, and more obnoxiously. People who throw shit don't like having it flung back in their faces.
Yes. You are.

Exactly right. Liberal Racists (especially the Black ones) are programmed to think that only Whites can be racist, and only minorities can be victims. It takes a very special brand of stupidity to buy into that. Actually, it's just as much selfishness, as they are willing to throw anyone under the bus, as long as it means advantages for THEM.

This is a pathetic way to go through life, with a complete abandonment of all sense of honor and dignity. I say again, as a minority person myself, who is eligible for affirmative action, I wouldn't be caught dead accepting it, and those who do, ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Thank you for your honesty. Most jobs that the middle earners enjoyed back in the day, were legacy jobs....his dad, and his dad's dad, etc. Its so bad at the Ford plants where I live, that off the street folk, could never get a job had white generations there. Same things with city jobs, same things with law enforced jobs, same thing with just about every good job in the city...all going to sons, and uncles, and friend of a friend....all white, all legacy. The reason this OP is ticked off, AA is not his problem....employers today want cheap labor, they want it anyway they can find it and they could give a shit what color you are, as long as you don't cut into their profits and that's usually illegals or dumb inner city blacks or overseas..but make no mistakes, at the top of this pile of heap labor, lies a white person in charge or working.....the day whites are outnumbered in the food chain of America....Please, Wall Street will never allow that.
BULLSHIT!! Unqualified Blacks have been stealing jobs, financial aid, business loans, etc. since the 1960s, just like the 8 Blacks who got assistantships at my graduate school in 1977, when they were academically, the lowest members of the group of 25 students who applied. And whether it's at the top, in the middle, or near the bottom, undeserving Blacks are still stealing jobs , loans, and college seats away from non-Blacks. And not all the victims of this Affirmative Action racial discrimination are White. In my case, there were 3 Hispanics including me, and 3 Asians.

Although I am half-Hispanic (half German-Danish), and I could have taken advantage of Affirmative Action, in 50 years in the workplace, I never once filled out an Affirmative Action questionnaire. I wouldn't be caught dead taking advantage of racial discrimination, to push myself ahead. Those who do, ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Okay, if all this is true, where's the payoff? Show me the fuckin numbers where blacks with all this free help, where's the numbers showing black people have somehow become the super race of this country with AA???? You're making yourself look foolish, stupid and below this intelligence level you seem to claim here. And for the love of christ, you white man, stop with the DNA bullshit you simple minded fucks want to throw in all the time. If a hiring agent see white skin, your in.....fuck the linage!!
and how stupid are libs and blacks? their party supports illegals, thus putting the blacks AGAIN at the back of the bus. LIBS- two blocks of minorities fighting for a small portion of the lib pie. I love it.
Funny how they call you a racist, while simultaneously leaving no doubt as to THEIR racism by using racist words like that.

Maybe they're so programmed into their victimhood propaganda, that they think they'r entitled to do that.
I worked with them for 35 years so yes, they were crackers who were having a hard time watching their (and mine) white privileges going down the shitter.

That claim of white privilege is nothing more than guilt ridden whites and blacks making excuses.
Okay, if all this is true, where's the payoff? Show me the fuckin numbers where blacks with all this free help, where's the numbers showing black people have somehow become the super race of this country with AA???? You're making yourself look foolish, stupid and below this intelligence level you seem to claim here. And for the love of christ, you white man, stop with the DNA bullshit you simple minded fucks want to throw in all the time. If a hiring agent see white skin, your in.....fuck the linage!!

1. You've already gotten the answers to that. You missed them ? That's YOUR problem.

2. "white man" ? I'm a minority person. You missed that too ?

3. Hiring agent doesn't see any skin. He sees the Affirmative Action questionairre. You missed that too ?

Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3. Next batter.
That claim of white privilege is nothing more than guilt ridden whites and blacks making excuses.
There is no such thing as "White privilege"

There is only Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), and it's been that way for 50+ years now.
Okay, if all this is true, where's the payoff? Show me the fuckin numbers where blacks with all this free help, where's the numbers showing black people have somehow become the super race of this country with AA???? You're making yourself look foolish, stupid and below this intelligence level you seem to claim here. And for the love of christ, you white man, stop with the DNA bullshit you simple minded fucks want to throw in all the time. If a hiring agent see white skin, your in.....fuck the linage!!

1. You've already gotten the answers to that. You missed them ? That's YOUR problem.

2. "white man" ? I'm a minority person. You missed that too ?

3. Hiring agent doesn't see any skin. He sees the Affirmative Action questionairre. You missed that too ?

Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3. Next batter.

you are too stupid for words
It won't be long now, loser. This country is going to be more brown and black than your lifetime. Isn't that fucking awesome!
I don't recall hearing white people are giving up fucking. Are you hearing something different? PP is making sure the black population is kept to a minimum.
Starting in 2017, both the Black population and brown population will be immensely reduced, by a mass deportation program, long overdue.

To this day, rational people can't understand how Hitler fooled so many...and yet we got simps like you thinking if Trump got elected, deporting brown people is gonna be like a cake people are too lost for words, your sick in the head, just sick
This entire thread is nothing but a attempt by rednecks to once again find a avenue to spew their non ending hatred of blacks. The same blacks who are taking by the numbers their prized mops from them and this is their way to retaliate because there's nothing physically they can do to black men because they're essentially they come to USMB and bitch like little women....Todays its AA, 2mar it'll be some headlines of a nigga raping a white mop, the next something Obama would have said or done and so on and so....these same racist shit for brains simps, will then once you call them out, turn the tables and make you the racist. I am done commenting on anything that doesn't make sense coming from a hillbilly ingrate!!
This entire thread is nothing but a attempt by rednecks to once again find a avenue to spew their non ending hatred of blacks. The same blacks who are taking by the numbers their prized mops from them and this is their way to retaliate because there's nothing physically they can do to black men because they're essentially they come to USMB and bitch like little women....Todays its AA, 2mar it'll be some headlines of a nigga raping a white mop, the next something Obama would have said or done and so on and so....these same racist shit for brains simps, will then once you call them out, turn the tables and make you the racist. I am done commenting on anything that doesn't make sense coming from a hillbilly ingrate!!
I'm still floored that you claim to have read a book. Not just one, but two!
This entire thread is nothing but a attempt by rednecks to once again find a avenue to spew their non ending hatred of blacks. The same blacks who are taking by the numbers their prized mops from them and this is their way to retaliate because there's nothing physically they can do to black men because they're essentially they come to USMB and bitch like little women....Todays its AA, 2mar it'll be some headlines of a nigga raping a white mop, the next something Obama would have said or done and so on and so....these same racist shit for brains simps, will then once you call them out, turn the tables and make you the racist. I am done commenting on anything that doesn't make sense coming from a hillbilly ingrate!!
HA HA. You are so confused it's pitiful. Nothing a White can do physically to a Black guy ? Is that why Whites routinely kick the crap out of Black guys on UFC, TR ? You really are lost, aren't you ? I mean I didn't know you were this bad off.
As for the mops, brooms, dustcloths, it's ILLEGAL ALIENS who have been doing that, you stupe. And they come from all over Mexico, China, Nigeria, India, Phillpines, you name it, but they're all NON-white countries. And if you support liberals, you're supporting the same ones who are causing you to lose jobs to those illegal aliens.
And nobody is "making" you racist. YOU ARE THAT - because you support AA discrimination against Whites. And you're a HYPOCRITE too. Because while you claim to be against racial discrimination, here you are supporting it.
As for Obama, of course he'll be criticized. He's a racist jihadist pig, who routinely talks to Al Sharpton in the White House, and sends him out to Ferguson and Baltimore, and anywhere to stir up Black kids, and pretend they're oppressed (when they're getting AA preferences over Whites). and the black kids all being dumb enough to to be suckered by it, go out and riot, but the main idea from Obama is to get them to VOTE DEMOCRAT.
And you fall for it. Right, genius ?
BTW, I heard these WHITE UFC champions are out looking for you. Better watch out. LOL.

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To this day, rational people can't understand how Hitler fooled so many...and yet we got simps like you thinking if Trump got elected, deporting brown people is gonna be like a cake people are too lost for words, your sick in the head, just sick
I AM a "brown people", you idiot. My father's family came here from British Honduras (now called Belize) in Central America (about 400 miles Southwest of Cuba & east of Guatemala), and I speak Spanish fluently. Only half of me is the "White" you seem to have so much of a problem with. Well, that's YOUR problem, not mine.
And it is YOU who is the "sick" puppy around here, and you're so sick (combined with dumb), you can't even figure it out.

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