NO, Bill O'Reilly. Blacks in America DO NOT have a "harder road"

To this day, rational people can't understand how Hitler fooled so many...and yet we got simps like you thinking if Trump got elected, deporting brown people is gonna be like a cake people are too lost for words, your sick in the head, just sick
I AM a "brown people", you idiot. My father's family came here from British Honduras (now called Belize) in Central America (about 400 miles Southwest of Cuba & east of Guatemala), and I speak Spanish fluently. Only half of me is the "White" you seem to have so much of a problem with. Well, that's YOUR problem, not mine.
And it is YOU who is the "sick" puppy around here, and you're so sick (combined with dumb), you can't even figure it out.
Sure you are, Peter Brady, sure!!
This entire thread is nothing but a attempt by rednecks to once again find a avenue to spew their non ending hatred of blacks. The same blacks who are taking by the numbers their prized mops from them and this is their way to retaliate because there's nothing physically they can do to black men because they're essentially they come to USMB and bitch like little women....Todays its AA, 2mar it'll be some headlines of a nigga raping a white mop, the next something Obama would have said or done and so on and so....these same racist shit for brains simps, will then once you call them out, turn the tables and make you the racist. I am done commenting on anything that doesn't make sense coming from a hillbilly ingrate!!
I'm still floored that you claim to have read a book. Not just one, but two!

Hey buddy, while your down there on the floor, make sure you clean stupid fuck!!
On the Factor tonight, Bill O'Reilly said "African-Americans have a harder road in America" His statement could have been right if he were talking about foreigners coming into the country, on H1B visas. Or illegal aliens getting jobs very easily.

Problem is, Bill was talking about White Americans. He also said "nobody seriously disputes that". Surprise, Bill. Somebody does dispute it. And very seriously. That would be me (among many others). The fact is, Blacks in America have an EASIER road. That's because they have Affirmative Action. In all but 8 states (where AA is banned), Blacks get first crack at jobs, job promotions, admission to college et al schools, financial aid of all sorts, business loans, and more. Whites, on the other hand, are relegated to the back of the line to get these things, and in many instances are DENIED them completely.

It is because of this, that (for 50+ years now) it is Whites who have the harder road, and it's about time that journalists, TV commentators, politicians, et al started telling it like it is. This is one of America's worst disgraces, and is probably the most covered up. You hardly ever hear a word about it, except when someone is filing a lawsuit, and it is finding its way to the Supreme Court. Can anyone name a single presidential candidate or news media person who has talked about it, since this campaign season began ? If so, let's hear it. (with link)

PS - in the some of the 8 states where Affirmative Action is banned (Ex. Florida), it is only partially banned.

My jaw dropped too when Bill made that remark about blacks and I really felt he KNEW better. He knows that in reality MOST blacks who have a tougher road are the ones that make it that way for themselves.

Those black babies are born into 24/7 entitlements. They don't have to grow up earning anything. If their parent/parents sell their food stamps for drugs then it is the parents making it harder on their offspring and that occurs in the white and illegal Hispanic community as well. All children born under these conditions have it worse off than those who aren't.

Drs. Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson are but two of many blacks who were born into poverty and ignorance and rose above it due to mothers who made them work and study while working many jobs and not receiving much in the way of entitlements back in their day. It is the black parent that is making life tougher on their black children, and the taxpayer through the government mandates that require coddling them all with their hard-earned money.
Thank you for your honesty. Most jobs that the middle earners enjoyed back in the day, were legacy jobs....his dad, and his dad's dad, etc. Its so bad at the Ford plants where I live, that off the street folk, could never get a job had white generations there. Same things with city jobs, same things with law enforced jobs, same thing with just about every good job in the city...all going to sons, and uncles, and friend of a friend....all white, all legacy. The reason this OP is ticked off, AA is not his problem....employers today want cheap labor, they want it anyway they can find it and they could give a shit what color you are, as long as you don't cut into their profits and that's usually illegals or dumb inner city blacks or overseas..but make no mistakes, at the top of this pile of heap labor, lies a white person in charge or working.....the day whites are outnumbered in the food chain of America....Please, Wall Street will never allow that.
BULLSHIT!! Unqualified Blacks have been stealing jobs, financial aid, business loans, etc. since the 1960s, just like the 8 Blacks who got assistantships at my graduate school in 1977, when they were academically, the lowest members of the group of 25 students who applied. And whether it's at the top, in the middle, or near the bottom, undeserving Blacks are still stealing jobs , loans, and college seats away from non-Blacks. And not all the victims of this Affirmative Action racial discrimination are White. In my case, there were 3 Hispanics including me, and 3 Asians.

Although I am half-Hispanic (half German-Danish), and I could have taken advantage of Affirmative Action, in 50 years in the workplace, I never once filled out an Affirmative Action questionnaire. I wouldn't be caught dead taking advantage of racial discrimination, to push myself ahead. Those who do, ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Okay, if all this is true, where's the payoff? Show me the fuckin numbers where blacks with all this free help, where's the numbers showing black people have somehow become the super race of this country with AA???? You're making yourself look foolish, stupid and below this intelligence level you seem to claim here. And for the love of christ, you white man, stop with the DNA bullshit you simple minded fucks want to throw in all the time. If a hiring agent see white skin, your in.....fuck the linage!!

I'm glad you agree that AA doesn't work. Yet any attempt to remove it and you people (yes I said that) flip your lid.
My jaw dropped too when Bill made that remark about blacks and I really felt he KNEW better. He knows that in reality MOST blacks who have a tougher road are the ones that make it that way for themselves.

Those black babies are born into 24/7 entitlements. They don't have to grow up earning anything. If their parent/parents sell their food stamps for drugs then it is the parents making it harder on their offspring and that occurs in the white and illegal Hispanic community as well. All children born under these conditions have it worse off than those who aren't.

Drs. Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson are but two of many blacks who were born into poverty and ignorance and rose above it due to mothers who made them work and study while working many jobs and not receiving much in the way of entitlements back in their day. It is the black parent that is making life tougher on their black children, and the taxpayer through the government mandates that require coddling them all with their hard-earned money.
Plus it is the liberal do-gooders with all their Affirmative Action, Open Admissions to college that lets any dumbo in, regardless of his high school performance, and other giveaways.
I'm glad you agree that AA doesn't work. Yet any attempt to remove it and you people (yes I said that) flip your lid.
They're addicted to it, and they know without it they can't compete. As a group, they're just too stupid, lazy, and generally worthless. Just look at the continent they come from. It's a basket case. If Europeans had never gone there and industrialized it, they'd all still be chucking spears at monkeys, and living in mud huts. Now they have the facets modern living. Automobiles, trains, roads, bridges, computers, TV sets, etc. And why ? Not because of what they ever did.
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