'No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted'

targeting and blowing up bystanders is terrorism. Do you find it terrorism? Or because there Jews it's ok?

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Denying over a million people their inalienable rights for almost a half-century, is far worse.
Hmmm....an organization that has been classified as TERRORIST doesn't has "inalienable rights". Stick that up your Mecca.
I wasn't aware that you were the authorized Islamo-terrorist to babble on behalf of Hamas.

The Hamas Charter exists and provides the impetus for Islamic terrorism to continue on the part of Hamas and the other Death Cults operating in Gaza'istan, sweetie.
The only terrorism comes from Israel.

Shooting at Palestinian fishermen and farmers, is terrorism.
targeting and blowing up bystanders is terrorism. Do you find it terrorism? Or because there Jews it's ok?

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who is the 'they' in you're sentence - the bystanders or the ones doing the blowing up?
far more palestinians have been killed by israelis than the other way around.

Exponentially more Nazis died than did Americans. So I guess that made them "right". Ha ha ha.
So the past few days with civilians under fire is legitimate? If so it means siege is fully legitimate as well to ensure such mindless violence will be put to an end.
The siege is collective punishment, which is a war crime.

Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
That's a pretty good video. It makes a good point when it says, "How can you talk about the resistance to slavery, but not talk about slavery itself?"

How can you talk about ending the rocket attacks, without talking about ending the siege and occupation of Palestinian land?
Hmmm....an organization that has been classified as TERRORIST doesn't has "inalienable rights". Stick that up your Mecca.
And talking about 1.5 million people as if they were one entity, with one mindset and one goal, is an indication of mental dementia.
Hmmm....an organization that has been classified as TERRORIST doesn't has "inalienable rights". Stick that up your Mecca.
And talking about 1.5 million people as if they were one entity, with one mindset and one goal, is an indication of mental dementia.

The Nazis were "one entity" and so were the Afghanis under the Taliban, and so are the cities and regions now under ISIS control. Hamas is no different than ISIS, they just operate out of different areas.
So the past few days with civilians under fire is legitimate? If so it means siege is fully legitimate as well to ensure such mindless violence will be put to an end.
The siege is collective punishment, which is a war crime.
I Know you probably heard before the difference between a blockade and a siege along with the IL position in this matter, anyway I don't see the justification for assaulting civilians, where is it?
Hmmm....an organization that has been classified as TERRORIST doesn't has "inalienable rights". Stick that up your Mecca.
And talking about 1.5 million people as if they were one entity, with one mindset and one goal, is an indication of mental dementia.
.....and talking about 1.5 million people who put Islamic terrorists into political power.... an Islamic terrorist syndicate with one goal.

Shirley, that's an indication of a pathology.. It's described as "Palestinian Syndrome", or elsewhere, "The Stupid"
The Nazis were "one entity" and so were the Afghanis under the Taliban, and so are the cities and regions now under ISIS control. Hamas is no different than ISIS, they just operate out of different areas.
Hamas doesn't receive material support from Israel, so in that respect, they are different.
The Nazis were "one entity" and so were the Afghanis under the Taliban, and so are the cities and regions now under ISIS control. Hamas is no different than ISIS, they just operate out of different areas.
Hamas doesn't receive material support from Israel, so in that respect, they are different.
Hamas receives material support from the UN agency that provides exclusive welfare dollars for their continued maintenance. Money that could be used to better the lives of Balesdinians is used instead to promote the goals and aims of the Hamas "Death Cult" charter. Balesdinians die as a result.

The Balesdinians got what they wanted: an Islamic terrorist syndicate to represent them. That same Islamic terrorist syndicate causes their deaths.

Karma, don't you agree?
The Nazis were "one entity" and so were the Afghanis under the Taliban, and so are the cities and regions now under ISIS control. Hamas is no different than ISIS, they just operate out of different areas.
Hamas doesn't receive material support from Israel, so in that respect, they are different.

No difference between Hamas, ISIS, and Boko Haram. Same Islamic terrorist animals, different geographical territory.
Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
Yes, that is a war crime as well.
That may be true taken as isolated incidents. It is curious, however, that neither Israel nor anyone else has attempted to bring the Palestinians to court for this alleged violation of international law. Perhaps the case would not be as cut and dried as portrayed.

For example:

Najd was a Palestinian farm village of about 700 people. Its existence predated the Ottoman Empire.

Before the creation of Israel Zionist terrorist gangs attacked Najd, occupied the village, and expelled the people to what is now the Gaza Strip.

In 1951 Israel built a settlement on the occupied territory of Najd.

What would be a "legal" means for the Palestinians to roust these settlers from this occupied territory?
Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
Yes, that is a war crime as well.
That may be true taken as isolated incidents. It is curious, however, that neither Israel nor anyone else has attempted to bring the Palestinians to court for this alleged violation of international law. Perhaps the case would not be as cut and dried as portrayed.

For example:

Najd was a Palestinian farm village of about 700 people. Its existence predated the Ottoman Empire.

Before the creation of Israel Zionist terrorist gangs attacked Najd, occupied the village, and expelled the people to what is now the Gaza Strip.

In 1951 Israel built a settlement on the occupied territory of Najd.

What would be a "legal" means for the Palestinians to roust these settlers from this occupied territory?
Indeed. Let's get credible testimony in a court room from a collection of Islamo-loons representing the Islamic terrorists from Hamas.

Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
Yes, that is a war crime as well.
That may be true taken as isolated incidents. It is curious, however, that neither Israel nor anyone else has attempted to bring the Palestinians to court for this alleged violation of international law. Perhaps the case would not be as cut and dried as portrayed.

For example:

Najd was a Palestinian farm village of about 700 people. Its existence predated the Ottoman Empire.

Before the creation of Israel Zionist terrorist gangs attacked Najd, occupied the village, and expelled the people to what is now the Gaza Strip.

In 1951 Israel built a settlement on the occupied territory of Najd.

What would be a "legal" means for the Palestinians to roust these settlers from this occupied territory?
Indeed. Let's get credible testimony in a court room from a collection of Islamo-loons representing the Islamic terrorists from Hamas.

It is a matter of history. Look it up.
Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
Yes, that is a war crime as well.
That may be true taken as isolated incidents. It is curious, however, that neither Israel nor anyone else has attempted to bring the Palestinians to court for this alleged violation of international law. Perhaps the case would not be as cut and dried as portrayed.

For example:

Najd was a Palestinian farm village of about 700 people. Its existence predated the Ottoman Empire.

Before the creation of Israel Zionist terrorist gangs attacked Najd, occupied the village, and expelled the people to what is now the Gaza Strip.

In 1951 Israel built a settlement on the occupied territory of Najd.

What would be a "legal" means for the Palestinians to roust these settlers from this occupied territory?
Indeed. Let's get credible testimony in a court room from a collection of Islamo-loons representing the Islamic terrorists from Hamas

It is a matter of history. Look it up.
Indeed, I did. Did you know the Ottomon's built settlements in the terrorities on the land they stole and occupied?

Indeed, Hamas has a long history of Islamic terrorism. Indeed, they're the bastard child of the Muslim Brotherhood.

What is your suggestion for the arbitrary timeframe to be used for establishing ownership of the land?

That's a tough one. Let's see.... [drumming fingers on the table]...... a rabid Jooooo hater needs a timeline for establishing a pre-Joooooo timeline for when he can arbitrarily exclude the Jooooooos from the disputed territories and Israel...... let's see.....

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