'No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted'

Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.
Actually, the criminals were the squatters from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, ect., who were leftovers from the islamist invaders.
Until 1924 Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine were the same place. You can't say that they came from another place.
Wow. So you're suggesting that borders come and go?
Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No it belongs to who ever it was granted to by the LoN under International law in 1923. This takes precedence over any claims by those who abandoned their property
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.
Actually, the criminals were the squatters from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, ect., who were leftovers from the islamist invaders.
Until 1924 Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine were the same place. You can't say that they came from another place.
Wow. So you're suggesting that borders come and go?
They came in 1924 and have not gone anywhere.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No it belongs to who ever it was granted to by the LoN under International law in 1923. This takes precedence over any claims by those who abandoned their property
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.
Actually, the criminals were the squatters from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, ect., who were leftovers from the islamist invaders.
Until 1924 Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine were the same place. You can't say that they came from another place.
Wow. So you're suggesting that borders come and go?
They came in 1924 and have not gone anywhere.
I think you'll find that islamo-wars have carved up the boundaries of gee-hadi'ville throughout history.

It's convenient for islamo's to focus exclusively on recent islamo-history as a means to sidestep accountability for the past wars of conquest and aggression. But that's blatant Islamo-apologetics and does nothing to mitigate your islamo-inspired Jooooooo hatreds.
No it belongs to who ever it was granted to by the LoN under International law in 1923. This takes precedence over any claims by those who abandoned their property
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.
The other question was: does islamo-conquest give you islamo's perpetual ownership of the land? Your retreat into taqiyya-land was an ineffectual backstroke.

The answer is no. Your islamo concept of waqf means little when your wars of aggression and conquest are met by superior weapons and tactics.

Slamming away at your keyboard is not helping the gee-had.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.
The other question was: does islamo-conquest give you islamo's perpetual ownership of the land? Your retreat into taqiyya-land was an ineffectual backstroke.

The answer is no. Your islamo concept of waqf means little when your wars of aggression and conquest are met by superior weapons and tactics.

Slamming away at your keyboard is not helping the gee-had.
No "religion" owned Palestine. It was owned by Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It still is.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.
The other question was: does islamo-conquest give you islamo's perpetual ownership of the land? Your retreat into taqiyya-land was an ineffectual backstroke.

The answer is no. Your islamo concept of waqf means little when your wars of aggression and conquest are met by superior weapons and tactics.

Slamming away at your keyboard is not helping the gee-had.
No "religion" owned Palestine. It was owned by Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It still is.
Your use of taqiyya is ineffective. You should read the Hamas Charter. In accordance with islamo-ideology, Palestine is an Islamist waqf, an entitlement for islamism for the exclusive and perpetual ownership of moslem'dom.

You really should learn about your islamo-history.
Thanks Tinnie,a very telling BEFORE and AFTER pic of Iqrit.......the Zionist tactic of demolishing Palestinian towns and villages,it made no difference if they were Christian or Muslim Palestinian villages.

It refutes the Bogus Zionist claims that Palestine was uinhabited,which the Zionist wretches have purported even up until today.Lying to generations of Jews born since 1948. and the world,lets face it,Zionists are just Bare Faced Lairs.

It's the same with these archalogical digs throughout Israel.......they never find a Palestinian dig but only Jewish ones,...of course it's complete bullshit but what do any of us expect from a pack of Recalsigant Liars.

Well done Tinnie........So nice to see you "demolishing the Shit Artists" on here.

No one trust Israel/Zionists as far as they can Spit them,and your Vid., shows WHY.steve
The question that will not be answered is why these people cannot go back to their land? The land is just sitting there. Nobody is using it.

Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
Thanks Tinnie,a very telling BEFORE and AFTER pic of Iqrit.......the Zionist tactic of demolishing Palestinian towns and villages,it made no difference if they were Christian or Muslim Palestinian villages.

It refutes the Bogus Zionist claims that Palestine was uinhabited,which the Zionist wretches have purported even up until today.Lying to generations of Jews born since 1948. and the world,lets face it,Zionists are just Bare Faced Lairs.

It's the same with these archalogical digs throughout Israel.......they never find a Palestinian dig but only Jewish ones,...of course it's complete bullshit but what do any of us expect from a pack of Recalsigant Liars.

Well done Tinnie........So nice to see you "demolishing the Shit Artists" on here.

No one trust Israel/Zionists as far as they can Spit them,and your Vid., shows WHY.steve
The question that will not be answered is why these people cannot go back to their land? The land is just sitting there. Nobody is using it.

Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.

remember the Jews had lived there for 4,500 years while the arab muslims lived there for 22 years, so who have the generations of occupancy again.
Thanks Tinnie,a very telling BEFORE and AFTER pic of Iqrit.......the Zionist tactic of demolishing Palestinian towns and villages,it made no difference if they were Christian or Muslim Palestinian villages.

It refutes the Bogus Zionist claims that Palestine was uinhabited,which the Zionist wretches have purported even up until today.Lying to generations of Jews born since 1948. and the world,lets face it,Zionists are just Bare Faced Lairs.

It's the same with these archalogical digs throughout Israel.......they never find a Palestinian dig but only Jewish ones,...of course it's complete bullshit but what do any of us expect from a pack of Recalsigant Liars.

Well done Tinnie........So nice to see you "demolishing the Shit Artists" on here.

No one trust Israel/Zionists as far as they can Spit them,and your Vid., shows WHY.steve
The question that will not be answered is why these people cannot go back to their land? The land is just sitting there. Nobody is using it.

Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
Thanks Tinnie,a very telling BEFORE and AFTER pic of Iqrit.......the Zionist tactic of demolishing Palestinian towns and villages,it made no difference if they were Christian or Muslim Palestinian villages.

It refutes the Bogus Zionist claims that Palestine was uinhabited,which the Zionist wretches have purported even up until today.Lying to generations of Jews born since 1948. and the world,lets face it,Zionists are just Bare Faced Lairs.

It's the same with these archalogical digs throughout Israel.......they never find a Palestinian dig but only Jewish ones,...of course it's complete bullshit but what do any of us expect from a pack of Recalsigant Liars.

Well done Tinnie........So nice to see you "demolishing the Shit Artists" on here.

No one trust Israel/Zionists as far as they can Spit them,and your Vid., shows WHY.steve
The question that will not be answered is why these people cannot go back to their land? The land is just sitting there. Nobody is using it.

Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No it belongs to who ever it was granted to by the LoN under International law in 1923. This takes precedence over any claims by those who abandoned their property
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.

Mandate of Palestine which you keep getting every time you ask the same question. It has not changed over the last 92 years.
Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
Yeah, yeah, same old shit.
Do they have title to the land then, and can they produce it. This was brought in by the Ottomans in the 1870's and offered to all inhabitants. Not the Jews fault the arab muslims refused to take up the offer and become tax paying land owners.
So then it belongs to the criminals out of Europe?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.
Actually, the criminals were the squatters from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, ect., who were leftovers from the islamist invaders.
Until 1924 Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine were the same place. You can't say that they came from another place.

Yes they were all Ottoman lands, and the LoN changed that
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.
The other question was: does islamo-conquest give you islamo's perpetual ownership of the land? Your retreat into taqiyya-land was an ineffectual backstroke.

The answer is no. Your islamo concept of waqf means little when your wars of aggression and conquest are met by superior weapons and tactics.

Slamming away at your keyboard is not helping the gee-had.
No "religion" owned Palestine. It was owned by Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It still is.

No it was owned by the Ottomans who then handed it to the LoN, they in turn granted sovereignty to various groups from Saudi and the Jews. And it is the Jews part you don't like because you want them wiped out.
Other than to placate your Joooooo hatreds, why do you insist that Islamo-squatters have an entitlement to the land?

Maybe check with the prayer leader at your mosque. He may have a handy YouTube Video you can cut and paste.
well it is either the people who had lived there for generations or the criminals fresh out of Europe.
Actually, the criminals were the squatters from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, ect., who were leftovers from the islamist invaders.
Until 1924 Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine were the same place. You can't say that they came from another place.
Wow. So you're suggesting that borders come and go?
They came in 1924 and have not gone anywhere.

Strange that as some of those nations came about in 1920, others in 1923 and Palestine in 1988
No it belongs to who ever it was granted to by the LoN under International law in 1923. This takes precedence over any claims by those who abandoned their property
Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.

LoN mandate of palestine
Show me where the A-rab invaders have exclusive ownership. Your islamo-heroes tried to steal the land in the course of three wars of gee-had and were had.

Take out your prayer mat and cry me a river of crocodile tears.
Typically pointless.
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.

LoN mandate of Palestine 1923
You are the one who ducked the question.
Not when I addressed it. Tagiyya won't help you.
The question was:

Show me where the land was given exclusively to the Jews.​

You went off into Zioland without answering the question.

LoN mandate of Palestine 1923
You keep posting that but you do not know what it said.
Strange that I do as I keep posting the relevant details for you who cant read it seems. Maybe you should get some 10 year old to explain the details for you ?

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