'No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted'

Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!
Your Islamo-indoctrination leaves you as a poor candidate for making objective observations about islamist ideology.

What you cannot address is that the islamist war being waged against Israel is but one of the wars that islamists are fighting, most of those wars involve Moslems mass slaughtering other Moslems.

Its comically tragic to read the whining and insensate Jooooooo hatreds you and the other wannabes express, totally oblivious to the islamo vs. Islamo slaughter taking place across the middle east.

But then again, convert wannabes have an obligation to announce their moslem-ness with flaming Jooooooo hatreds.
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!
Yes and the Palestinians and other muslims blow themselves up and teach their kids to do the same but hey you'd probably agree their just Jews right? Lol good job

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Nice confused response from you there fishy!

Just goes to show even an iPhone can't help your intellect!

Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!
Your Islamo-indoctrination leaves you as a poor candidate for making objective observations about islamist ideology.

What you cannot address is that the islamist war being waged against Israel is but one of the wars that islamists are fighting, most of those wars involve Moslems mass slaughtering other Moslems.

Its comically tragic to read the whining and insensate Jooooooo hatreds you and the other wannabes express, totally oblivious to the islamo vs. Islamo slaughter taking place across the middle east.

But then again, convert wannabes have an obligation to announce their moslem-ness with flaming Jooooooo hatreds.
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!
Yes and the Palestinians and other muslims blow themselves up and teach their kids to do the same but hey you'd probably agree their just Jews right? Lol good job

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Nice confused response from you there fishy!

Just goes to show even an iPhone can't help your intellect!


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So, a ceasefire looks possible...

Only IF Israel 'frees' Gaza

No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted says Hamas official

gaza is free.... they can choose peace at any time.

but when terrorists run your pretend country, that's what happens.


Gaza is not occupied...

However, having a foreign power controlling your air, land and sea hardly constitutes being "free"!
I think if they do that it's to prevent thousands of rockets being fired at them :p

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So, a ceasefire looks possible...

Only IF Israel 'frees' Gaza

No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted says Hamas official

gaza is free.... they can choose peace at any time.

but when terrorists run your pretend country, that's what happens.


Gaza is not occupied...

However, having a foreign power controlling your air, land and sea hardly constitutes being "free"!
The Pali squatters elected an Islamic terrorist organization to manage their terrorist activities.

Such are the requirements for throttling the terrorists.

'Don't cry'

-Ronda Rousey
Hamas receives material support from the UN agency that provides exclusive welfare dollars for their continued maintenance. Money that could be used to better the lives of Balesdinians is used instead to promote the goals and aims of the Hamas "Death Cult" charter. Balesdinians die as a result.

The Balesdinians got what they wanted: an Islamic terrorist syndicate to represent them. That same Islamic terrorist syndicate causes their deaths.

Karma, don't you agree?
End the siege and they won't need UN aid.

That's non of your fucking business what Israel does to defend itself against Hamas terrorists, including imposing a legal blockade. LOL
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So, a ceasefire looks possible...

Only IF Israel 'frees' Gaza

No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted says Hamas official

gaza is free.... they can choose peace at any time.

but when terrorists run your pretend country, that's what happens.


Gaza is not occupied...

However, having a foreign power controlling your air, land and sea hardly constitutes being "free"!

that's what happens when you send missiles into sovereign countries indiscriminately and blow stuff up. *shrug*
So, a ceasefire looks possible...

Only IF Israel 'frees' Gaza

No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted says Hamas official

gaza is free.... they can choose peace at any time.

but when terrorists run your pretend country, that's what happens.


Gaza is not occupied...

However, having a foreign power controlling your air, land and sea hardly constitutes being "free"!

that's what happens when you send missiles into sovereign countries indiscriminately and blow stuff up. *shrug*

Oh dear...

Go check out some history of occupation, missiles, oppression of Gaza...

Not going to 'debate' with a moron darling, sorry!

Come back when you have learned something and try again! :eusa_whistle:
No difference between Hamas, ISIS, and Boko Haram. Same Islamic terrorist animals, different geographical territory.
Except that Israel provides support to ISIS animals.

That's rich coming from Americans.

Obamba-bamba is the mane ISIS providor.

I don't know if to laugh or cry. Those assholes blow up 3,000 of your people, and you help them
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

Barbaric Islamic terrorists aren't freedom fighters. The land never belonged to the Paleshitians.
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
That's rich coming from Americans.

Obamba-bamba is the mane ISIS providor.

I don't know if to laugh or cry. Those assholes blow up 3,000 of your people, and you help them
I don't want my tax dollars going to support this shit. I've already written my Representative's telling them this. But this is going to keep going on until we purge out all the Republican's.
Blowing up innocent bystanding Jewish women and children. Is that wrong to you? Yes or no? And btw, if you go off on another topic, that means you choose no

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Yes, that's wrong! But what Israel has done to the Pals, is far worse.

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