'No ceasefire until Gaza siege lifted'

Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
Why do you believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike?

Israel shuts off water dries Gaza greenhouses
Palestinians teach there children to hate and kill Jews!

Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
Why do you believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike?

Israel shuts off water dries Gaza greenhouses

Why do you believe every Palestinian lie ?
Palestinians don't need to....

Israel does a far better job with every passing day!

As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
Why do you believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike?

Israel shuts off water dries Gaza greenhouses

Why do you believe every Palestinian lie ?
Like what?
As long as they attack our southern city, we would retaliate.

And they need to stop sacrificing their kids in the hope of killing Jews. Just two says ago they launched a rocket which fell on a Palestinian house, killing A little kid.

Didn't hear of this, now, did you? not news worthy.

Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
Why do you believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike?

Israel shuts off water dries Gaza greenhouses

Why do you believe every Palestinian lie ?
Like what?

Please don't play stupid. You can deny it all you want, but as a follower of the conflict, you know very well the amount of lies and propaganda being spewed by the Palestinians side.
hamas has a dispute with the PA and fires on Israel then plays victim when Israel responds

shell game
That's non of your fucking business what Israel does to defend itself against Hamas terrorists, including imposing a legal blockade. LOL
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel claims or doesn't claim as self defense from the Islamic terrorist animals that you support. It's not even occupation since the land never actually belonged to Palestinians, it was land Israel gained by defeating (humiliating) the Egyptians and Jordanians. Why don't you go strap on that suicide belt that Hamas sent you as a Ramadung gift and make this world a better place to live.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel does to defend itself against Hamas terrorists, including imposing a legal blockade. LOL
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel claims or doesn't claim as self defense from the Islamic terrorist animals that you support. It's not even occupation since the land never actually belonged to Palestinians, it was land Israel gained by defeating (humiliating) the Egyptians and Jordanians. Why don't you go strap on that suicide belt that Hamas sent you as a Ramadung gift and make this world a better place to live.

Land arabs refused as a palestinian state when offered. Land arabs took by war but did no use for a palestinian state when they could have. Land turned over to Israel as peace agreements

Land abandoned by arabs/palestinians for more than 10 yrs, with no registration, taxes or development.

Land they would not claim as part citizens of Israel but expects Israel to drop dead and all land becomes palestinians (PA? Hamas? IJ? ISIS? ?????) There is no unified palestinian representaive of the people and hamas will not allow election they cannot control the outcome of.

What state?????

Where is any agreement with Israel? Where are the negotiations? Where is the cooperation?
Pals just fire on Israel and expect them to fall over and die

Poof, all gone.

But the problem of the palestinians will remains unsolved, because the palestinians have no solution, only scapegoating
Actually the war crime is Hamas terrorists shooting rockets at Israel from behind its own civilians, as noted by the UN.
Yes, that is a war crime as well.
That may be true taken as isolated incidents. It is curious, however, that neither Israel nor anyone else has attempted to bring the Palestinians to court for this alleged violation of international law. Perhaps the case would not be as cut and dried as portrayed.

For example:

Najd was a Palestinian farm village of about 700 people. Its existence predated the Ottoman Empire.

Before the creation of Israel Zionist terrorist gangs attacked Najd, occupied the village, and expelled the people to what is now the Gaza Strip.

In 1951 Israel built a settlement on the occupied territory of Najd.

What would be a "legal" means for the Palestinians to roust these settlers from this occupied territory?
Several laws come in to play here.

It is illegal to annex occupied territory.

It is illegal to settle your population into occupied territory.

The nationals of an occupying power are not considered protected persons, i.e. civilians, by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel does to defend itself against Hamas terrorists, including imposing a legal blockade. LOL
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel claims or doesn't claim as self defense from the Islamic terrorist animals that you support. It's not even occupation since the land never actually belonged to Palestinians, it was land Israel gained by defeating (humiliating) the Egyptians and Jordanians. Why don't you go strap on that suicide belt that Hamas sent you as a Ramadung gift and make this world a better place to live.

Land arabs refused as a palestinian state when offered. Land arabs took by war but did no use for a palestinian state when they could have. Land turned over to Israel as peace agreements

Land abandoned by arabs/palestinians for more than 10 yrs, with no registration, taxes or development.

Land they would not claim as part citizens of Israel but expects Israel to drop dead and all land becomes palestinians (PA? Hamas? IJ? ISIS? ?????) There is no unified palestinian representaive of the people and hamas will not allow election they cannot control the outcome of.

What state?????

Where is any agreement with Israel? Where are the negotiations? Where is the cooperation?
Pals just fire on Israel and expect them to fall over and die

Poof, all gone.

But the problem of the palestinians will remains unsolved, because the palestinians have no solution, only scapegoating
Resolution 181 was a non binding plan to partition Palestine. The Palestinians rejected the plan as they had the right to do so Palestine was not divided.

Why would the Palestinians have to negotiate anything with Israel?
I don't want my tax dollars going to support this shit. I've already written my Representative's telling them this. But this is going to keep going on until we purge out all the Republican's.

American support for Israel cuts across political lines. As many Dems support Israel as Repubs with Hillary a consistent anti-BDS voice.
...It is illegal to annex occupied territory.
It is illegal to settle your population into occupied territory...

...into occupied territory of another sovereign state. Neither Gaza nor the WB fit that description.
Last edited:
That's non of your fucking business what Israel does to defend itself against Hamas terrorists, including imposing a legal blockade. LOL
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel claims or doesn't claim as self defense from the Islamic terrorist animals that you support. It's not even occupation since the land never actually belonged to Palestinians, it was land Israel gained by defeating (humiliating) the Egyptians and Jordanians. Why don't you go strap on that suicide belt that Hamas sent you as a Ramadung gift and make this world a better place to live.

Premature detonation?
Lipush, as I am sure you have seen me state before...

As long as there is oppression of the people there will ALWAYS be rockets!

Stop the oppression and then let's see what happens...

Please don't tell me that it's for the "security of Israel". Thats a ridiculously boring stance for one of the most militarily powerful nations in the world!

If it were for the "security of Israel" then how come there are seemingly 'limitless' rocket attacks?

If the rockets continue from Gaza, once the oppression stopped, then I would support Israel in it's "retaliation" against Hamas... As, I am sure, would the international community. I would then support any international 'actions' to remove Hamas... Hey, for 'coalition forces', it wouldn't be unusual would it!

Would I support Israel obliterating Gaza? No, and neither would the international community...

Did I hear of the Hamas rocket that fell on a Palestinian house? No... Please provide a link...

I do not, nor have I ever believed that rocket fire is the way forward to finding peace...

Unfortunately(?) 'freedom fighters' will always fight for their freedom!

What's unfortunate is that the typical Jooooo haters want nothing more than for the rockets to continue. They will gladly sacrifice the lives of scores of "Palestinians" if there's a chance a single Jew will be killed.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to full "Palestinian" control, investors (including Jewish ones) pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help jumpstart the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses. Instead, hatred trumped opportunity, Hamas / islamist theocracy squashed democracy; and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

The Palis made their choice as to how they wanted to be represented and their choice was to put a virulently fascist Islamic terrorist cabal into political office.

They got what they wanted - they get what they deserve.
Why do you believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike?

Israel shuts off water dries Gaza greenhouses

Why do you believe every Palestinian lie ?
Like what?

Please don't play stupid. You can deny it all you want, but as a follower of the conflict, you know very well the amount of lies and propaganda being spewed by the Palestinians side.

Tinny is a major purveyor of that Palestinian camel crap right here at USMB.
That's non of your fucking business what Israel claims or doesn't claim as self defense from the Islamic terrorist animals that you support. It's not even occupation since the land never actually belonged to Palestinians, it was land Israel gained by defeating (humiliating) the Egyptians and Jordanians. Why don't you go strap on that suicide belt that Hamas sent you as a Ramadung gift and make this world a better place to live.
Conquer by conquest has been outlawed since the end of WWII.

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