No charges for officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, after follow-up probe


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
A new review of the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of 18-year-old Michael Brown has concluded that no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

The five-month secret review of the August 2014 fatal shooting led St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell to conclude he couldn't prove those allegations in a court of law, he said Thursday.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

He said the reinvestigation into the actions of Wilson, who is white, for the death of Brown, who was Black — which sparked unrest in Ferguson long before America had learned the name of George Floyd — was necessary.

"Because of the significance of this case to this community and because the family asked, I believed it was necessary to conduct a reexamination of the evidence in the case and come to our own conclusion," Bell said.

Justice is served. Poor IQ2
A new review of the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of 18-year-old Michael Brown has concluded that no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

The five-month secret review of the August 2014 fatal shooting led St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell to conclude he couldn't prove those allegations in a court of law, he said Thursday.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

He said the reinvestigation into the actions of Wilson, who is white, for the death of Brown, who was Black — which sparked unrest in Ferguson long before America had learned the name of George Floyd — was necessary.

"Because of the significance of this case to this community and because the family asked, I believed it was necessary to conduct a reexamination of the evidence in the case and come to our own conclusion," Bell said.

Justice is served. Poor IQ2

no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

Well duh.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

Yes it does, you political hack.

exonerate: (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.
A new review of the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of 18-year-old Michael Brown has concluded that no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

The five-month secret review of the August 2014 fatal shooting led St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell to conclude he couldn't prove those allegations in a court of law, he said Thursday.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

He said the reinvestigation into the actions of Wilson, who is white, for the death of Brown, who was Black — which sparked unrest in Ferguson long before America had learned the name of George Floyd — was necessary.

"Because of the significance of this case to this community and because the family asked, I believed it was necessary to conduct a reexamination of the evidence in the case and come to our own conclusion," Bell said.

Justice is served. Poor IQ2

no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

Well duh.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

Yes it does, you political hack.

exonerate: (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

He's trying to pull a Mueller
The officer is exonerated, but in the end the leftist morons still win as he has had to leave his job and move away from his home because of death threats. All for doing his job.
"I also want to be clear that our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson. The question on whether we can prove a case at trial is different than clearing him of any and all wrongdoing... The only question is whether we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occured. The answer to that question is 'no'. And I would violate my ethical duties if I nonetheless brought charges," said Bell.
A new review of the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of 18-year-old Michael Brown has concluded that no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

The five-month secret review of the August 2014 fatal shooting led St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell to conclude he couldn't prove those allegations in a court of law, he said Thursday.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

He said the reinvestigation into the actions of Wilson, who is white, for the death of Brown, who was Black — which sparked unrest in Ferguson long before America had learned the name of George Floyd — was necessary.

"Because of the significance of this case to this community and because the family asked, I believed it was necessary to conduct a reexamination of the evidence in the case and come to our own conclusion," Bell said.

Justice is served. Poor IQ2

At least justice was served again. The sad part, is that they even had this probe.

This reminds me of Al Gore in 2000.... hey lets just recount votes over and over until our guy wins.
"I also want to be clear that our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson. The question on whether we can prove a case at trial is different than clearing him of any and all wrongdoing... The only question is whether we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occured. The answer to that question is 'no'. And I would violate my ethical duties if I nonetheless brought charges," said Bell.

yeah.... but it does exonerate Darren Wilson. It's funny how people seem to conveniently deny how the system works, when it fits their narrative.

Remember how when Bret Kavanough was being accused, and suddenly it was believe all women?

Then women came out with accusations against Biden, and suddenly it was innocent until proven guilty?

If you can't prove a case against Darren Wilson.... then we have a system that says you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Darren Wilson is innocent. Period. End of story. Game over. Stop it.

Just stop. He is not guilty of anything. End.

If you can provide concrete evidence of guilt..... THEN PROVIDE IT.... OR SHUT UP.
I think this was the right call.

Re-opening the "investigation" was a political hack job.

I wouldn't go that far.

But I'm glad they got this one right.

I wouldn't go that far.

I would. What was the reason, other than politics?

But I'm glad they got this one right.

They got it right in 2014. No legitimate reason to investigate any further.

Why do any cases get re-opened? This isn't the only case that has gotten re-opened. I wouldn't call those political hack jobs either.

Just part of the process.
A new review of the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of 18-year-old Michael Brown has concluded that no murder or manslaughter charges against former officer Darren Wilson are warranted.

The five-month secret review of the August 2014 fatal shooting led St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell to conclude he couldn't prove those allegations in a court of law, he said Thursday.

However, Bell said, "Our investigation does not exonerate Darren Wilson."

He said the reinvestigation into the actions of Wilson, who is white, for the death of Brown, who was Black — which sparked unrest in Ferguson long before America had learned the name of George Floyd — was necessary.

"Because of the significance of this case to this community and because the family asked, I believed it was necessary to conduct a reexamination of the evidence in the case and come to our own conclusion," Bell said.

Justice is served. Poor IQ2

At least justice was served again. The sad part, is that they even had this probe.

This reminds me of Al Gore in 2000.... hey lets just recount votes over and over until our guy wins.

The strategy worked for Al Franken
I think this was the right call.

Re-opening the "investigation" was a political hack job.

I wouldn't go that far.

But I'm glad they got this one right.
I wouldn't go that far.

I would. What was the reason, other than politics?

But I'm glad they got this one right.

They got it right in 2014. No legitimate reason to investigate any further.

Why do any cases get re-opened? This isn't the only case that has gotten re-opened. I wouldn't call those political hack jobs either.

Just part of the process.

That is the problem...........'the process' as you say is now not 'due process' but the political process.

In a nutshell the politicians are too sensitive to the demands of radical blacks and their running dog, the MSM.

I can think of no other society wherin the minority was allowed to oppress the majority.

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I think this was the right call.

Re-opening the "investigation" was a political hack job.

I wouldn't go that far.

But I'm glad they got this one right.

I wouldn't go that far.

I would. What was the reason, other than politics?

But I'm glad they got this one right.

They got it right in 2014. No legitimate reason to investigate any further.

Why do any cases get re-opened? This isn't the only case that has gotten re-opened. I wouldn't call those political hack jobs either.

Just part of the process.

Why do any cases get re-opened?

New evidence, new witnesses, recanting of old witnesses, discovery of police or prosecutorial malfeasance in the original case or, in this instance, politics.

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