No Education Nor Intellect Required...

Well LL since you are really just a drive by insulter with no production of facts, and since you have such a low opinion of my credentials, let me let Ben Shapiro say it for me. I donā€™t believe you can call him u educated or even a trump deplorable. Please feel free to post YouTube videos of democrats saying how smart Cortez is, you know what a brainiac she is as you claim.

Shapiro? You think he's a bright guy?

Man. You've got it worse than I thought.

"......I thought."

Fact not in evidence. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
Of course, she's much more highly educated than you will ever be.
How about arranging a debate between me and Cortez. She wonā€™t debate anyone with brains. She is an idiot. She gets no objective coverage. Itā€™s all the Democratic rage. She feels so good, she is so young, she is so fresh, she can feel her way into progress. She is the kind of pawn Obama and company love. The donā€™t have a clue but they get all the attention.

Nothing she proposes has been successfully tried anywhere. None of her budget proposals approach reality. None of her interviews show any grasp of economics. But what are we listening to on the mainstream media. This woman wants to run for president. Rofl. This woman is a supersized nothing burger.

You'd lose. You think Trump is good for America. You can't claim to be smarter than the average bowel movement.

"You think Trump is good for America."

Watch me eviscerate you:

1.ā€Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reaganā€

Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan

2. ā€œU.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 millionā€ U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million

3. ā€œHouse Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanentā€
House Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanent

4. ā€œAirlines say booming US economy led to record summer travelā€
Airlines say booming US economy led to record summer travel

5. Las Vegas is booming again
Few cities were hit as hard as Las Vegas by the 2008 financial crisis and recession, which eroded consumer spending on the sort of fast thrills the city had to offer and left it with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Home prices plummeted 62 percent from their peak in 2006 to their bottom in 2012, according to data from ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate tracking firm.ā€ Las Vegas is booming again, and bracing itself for next slump | Reuters

Which of those is 'good for America"????????

Once again, the same pattern we've seen since the 1970's, with Real-Wages on the stagnation & even on the slight decline.

Real Wage Growth Is Actually Falling
She, like you, has no education.

The etymology of the term, 'education,' proves itself.

'e ducare' means to lead out of, presumably, lead out of ignorance.

The proof of the ignorance is here:
1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

And, of course, you couldn't defend it.

First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.

Watch me stuff that post back down your lying throat:

61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."
Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops

63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing thatā€™s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

What happens when you kick out the tax-and-spend Democrats?

64. "It looks like Apple is bringing back home nearly all of its $250 billion in foreign cash


He won again!!!!

65. "China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said his government would "significantly lower" tariffs on vehicle imports this year as part of efforts to further open its giant economy to the world.

The pledge addresses one of the gripes of US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to impose new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese goods in a trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. Experts cautioned, though, that Xi's comments may not do much to resolve the conflict, which has rocked markets in recent weeks."

China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

No wonder the Left hates him!!!!!!

66. Can you imagine the ticker-tape parades if Hussein had had these achievements??????

"Jobless claims rise modestly; Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973

67. Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June
68. ā€œGREAT AGAIN: More Jobs than WORKERS for the First Time In US HISTORYā€ GREAT AGAIN: More Jobs than WORKERS for the First Time In US HISTORY | Sean Hannity

69. "Dow surges more than 150 points in sudden move after Trump reportedly gets concessions from EU to avoid a trade war"

Dow surges more than 150 points after Trump reportedly gets concessions from EU to avoid a trade war

70. "U.S. Growth Hits 4.1%, Fastest Since 2014, in Win for Trump"

Terms of Service Violation

ā€œWe are now on track to reach GDP annual growth of over 3%... Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says

CBS News on Twitter

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. ā€œAtlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarterā€¦ā€ Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. ā€œEconomy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession highā€
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But itā€™s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy ā€“ economists are as well.

74. ā€œBut itā€™s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy ā€“ economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a ā€œtremendous achievementā€ for Trump, highlighting that ā€œduring his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.ā€ Obama Complains About Trump Taking Credit for Strong Economy

75. ā€œU.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Weekā€ U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. ā€œPresident Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that heā€™s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists ā€” to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trumpā€™s approach is working.
ā€œAmerica will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,ā€ he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country ā€œwill not tell you how to live or work or worship.ā€ But we ā€œask that you honor our sovereignty in return.ā€
ā€¦vowing to ā€œnever surrender Americaā€™s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.ā€ Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. ā€œā€Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. ā€œFederal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.ā€ Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. ā€œThe Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found ā€œthe Trump Administrationā€™s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.ā€ This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.ā€
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. ā€œJob growth surges by 312,000 in Decemberā€ Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

Let me know if you want the other 60, airhead. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.

Jumbo is jealous of pretty women...

Sooo......where's your pic???

Put it up there next to mine.

Rumor has it you're so ugly even the tide won't take you out.

C'mon, ugly.....'man' up.

I've got a better one.

"My MIL is so ugly, she's used as a decoy for a whaling fleet"
She, like you, has no education.

The etymology of the term, 'education,' proves itself.

'e ducare' means to lead out of, presumably, lead out of ignorance.

The proof of the ignorance is here:
1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

And, of course, you couldn't defend it.

First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.

I can also provide a comparison with the record of the failure who just left the presidency....

....say the word. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
Of course, she's much more highly educated than you will ever be.
How about arranging a debate between me and Cortez. She wonā€™t debate anyone with brains. She is an idiot. She gets no objective coverage. Itā€™s all the Democratic rage. She feels so good, she is so young, she is so fresh, she can feel her way into progress. She is the kind of pawn Obama and company love. The donā€™t have a clue but they get all the attention.

Nothing she proposes has been successfully tried anywhere. None of her budget proposals approach reality. None of her interviews show any grasp of economics. But what are we listening to on the mainstream media. This woman wants to run for president. Rofl. This woman is a supersized nothing burger.

You'd lose. You think Trump is good for America. You can't claim to be smarter than the average bowel movement.

"You think Trump is good for America."

Watch me eviscerate you:

1.ā€Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reaganā€

Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan

2. ā€œU.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 millionā€ U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million

3. ā€œHouse Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanentā€
House Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanent

4. ā€œAirlines say booming US economy led to record summer travelā€
Airlines say booming US economy led to record summer travel

5. Las Vegas is booming again
Few cities were hit as hard as Las Vegas by the 2008 financial crisis and recession, which eroded consumer spending on the sort of fast thrills the city had to offer and left it with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Home prices plummeted 62 percent from their peak in 2006 to their bottom in 2012, according to data from ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate tracking firm.ā€ Las Vegas is booming again, and bracing itself for next slump | Reuters

Which of those is 'good for America"????????

Once again, the same pattern we've seen since the 1970's, with Real-Wages on the stagnation & even on the slight decline.

Real Wage Growth Is Actually Falling

"Hereā€™s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years"
Hereā€™s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years

But....if you're leaving.....I'll help you pack.
Judging by the title, I thought that it was the first line of the trump 2020 campaign application.
Of course, she's much more highly educated than you will ever be.
How about arranging a debate between me and Cortez. She wonā€™t debate anyone with brains. She is an idiot. She gets no objective coverage. Itā€™s all the Democratic rage. She feels so good, she is so young, she is so fresh, she can feel her way into progress. She is the kind of pawn Obama and company love. The donā€™t have a clue but they get all the attention.

Nothing she proposes has been successfully tried anywhere. None of her budget proposals approach reality. None of her interviews show any grasp of economics. But what are we listening to on the mainstream media. This woman wants to run for president. Rofl. This woman is a supersized nothing burger.

You'd lose. You think Trump is good for America. You can't claim to be smarter than the average bowel movement.

"You think Trump is good for America."

Watch me eviscerate you:

1.ā€Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reaganā€

Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan

2. ā€œU.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 millionā€ U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million

3. ā€œHouse Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanentā€
House Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individualsā€™ Tax Cuts Permanent

4. ā€œAirlines say booming US economy led to record summer travelā€
Airlines say booming US economy led to record summer travel

5. Las Vegas is booming again
Few cities were hit as hard as Las Vegas by the 2008 financial crisis and recession, which eroded consumer spending on the sort of fast thrills the city had to offer and left it with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Home prices plummeted 62 percent from their peak in 2006 to their bottom in 2012, according to data from ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate tracking firm.ā€ Las Vegas is booming again, and bracing itself for next slump | Reuters

Which of those is 'good for America"????????

Once again, the same pattern we've seen since the 1970's, with Real-Wages on the stagnation & even on the slight decline.

Real Wage Growth Is Actually Falling

"Hereā€™s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years"
Hereā€™s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years

But....if you're leaving.....I'll help you pack.

If the Wages don't keep up with Inflation, what good are they?
Ya know what?

I heard she actually knows how to dance and has......hold on...friends !

And here we find the Democrat voter's version of requirements to be an official in the United States House of Representatives.

In short, proof of the thread title.

Can she see Russia from her house?

I can explain and defend any policy of Trump's that I support.

Neither you, nor any of the Leftists/Liberals/Progressives/Democrats can explain why you are voting for the Democrats, and most especially, the policies stated in the OP that brought you here.

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: the more you make, the more you pay.

10. If ,Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

That makes you either a trained seal, or the sort of folks we refer to as 'those good Germans.'
First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I know I've caught you in numerous lies. You're one of the most dishonest posters I've ever encountered, and when flat out caught in lies, you either abandon the thread or launch into a tirade of childish insults, you think are quite clever.

Conservatives lie because the facts simply don't back up their policies. You lie because you're a dishonest person.
Says a socialist

I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.
You know I never lie.

I know I've caught you in numerous lies. You're one of the most dishonest posters I've ever encountered, and when flat out caught in lies, you either abandon the thread or launch into a tirade of childish insults, you think are quite clever.

Conservatives lie because the facts simply don't back up their policies. You lie because you're a dishonest person.
Says a socialist

I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.
Socialism does not work in the real worldā€¦ Itā€™s truly a pretender
You know I never lie.

I know I've caught you in numerous lies. You're one of the most dishonest posters I've ever encountered, and when flat out caught in lies, you either abandon the thread or launch into a tirade of childish insults, you think are quite clever.

Conservatives lie because the facts simply don't back up their policies. You lie because you're a dishonest person.
Says a socialist

I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.

"At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin."

You need ANOTHER spanking????

No prob.....

That's certainly not what the facts show......Putin had bribed both Clintons previously......and, of course:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

Let's continue, me posting documented and fact based posts......and you, whining "is not, isssssssss nooooottttttttt!!!!

Let me simplify this, so even you can understand it: my relationship to facts is the same as McDonald's is to hamburgers.

And you just helped prove it.
I vote for Democratic candidates because the party doesnā€™t deny science for political expediency.
I know I've caught you in numerous lies. You're one of the most dishonest posters I've ever encountered, and when flat out caught in lies, you either abandon the thread or launch into a tirade of childish insults, you think are quite clever.

Conservatives lie because the facts simply don't back up their policies. You lie because you're a dishonest person.
Says a socialist

I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.
Socialism does not work in the real worldā€¦ Itā€™s truly a pretender

Tell that to Norway and Sweden.
I vote for the Democratic Party because I believe in Public Education.
Says a socialist

I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.
Socialism does not work in the real worldā€¦ Itā€™s truly a pretender

Tell that to Norway and Sweden.

Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Finland, New Zealand, Australia - any country in the top 10 of the Best Countries to live in. The USA dropped of this list years ago, primarily because of the low quality of public education, lack of universal health care, or worker friendly legislation, coupled with deteriorating infrastructure. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. Soā€¦.the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? Howā€™d it work out?

Yupā€¦.Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ā€˜rich.ā€™ 60 or 70% tax ratesā€¦.Ocasio: ā€If thatā€™s radical, call me a radical.ā€

9. BTW,ā€¦.those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, thatā€™s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
Of course, she's much more highly educated than you will ever be.

I vote for Democratic candidates because the party doesnā€™t deny science for political expediency.

You're no more than a trained seal.... vote Democrat and get a fish tossed to you.

You must really like fish, huh?


  1. Progressives regularly claim that it is their beliefs that are based on science, and that conservatives are anti-scienceā€¦.even claiming that progressivism and science are one and the same, or they may conflate technological progress with political progressivism.
    1. Leftists at the Center for American Progress have a website called Your Genes Not for Sale They claim: ā€œThrough this work we are building piece by piece the progressive narrative of science and technology policy.ā€
  1. Letā€™s take a look at who is ā€˜anti-scienceā€™: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues
    1. Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.
    2. The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Whoā€™s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?
4. ā€œRepublicans are more scientifically literate than Democrats or independents areā€ā€¦with respect to belief in astrology, the need for control groups, probability, antibiotics, exposure to radioactivityā€¦.Check out the list at The Audacious Epigone: Republicans are more scientifically literate than Democrats or independents are

Turns out you're wrong again, huh?

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