No Education Nor Intellect Required...

I dont think you want me to stoop to your level and tell you the truth about your looks, kiddo.


Considering what you think of your pod cast and compositions your judgement of others appearances would be humorous at best BB.



Considering you don't know what 'composition' means, or you're 107, and my "podcast" wasnt a "podcast"..... but a USMB call-in show..... that's had over 20 members call in AT ONCE, it seems like you're the retard.

So, retard, can you kindly say something funny once in a while, or does your doorknob personality require the you-tubes to compensate for your ummm...."lack" of cognition?


Wow! Twenty whole members. I'll bet that includes the one's who never call in anymore. At least my eyesight isn't going like yours. Making mistakes about how many actually call in instead of total number of who have called, then never called back, explains a lot about the comments you've been making about PoliticalChic..... I guess we'll have to be nice to you since you're disabled.



BTW the thread topic is definitely you.

You shouldn't be doing Meth before you post, DerpEagle. It makes you gross and emotional.


I see you're at a loss for intelligent come backs there BB. Since that covers the second part of the threads title (at least the lack of) we can postulate that the half of it holds true for you too.



Um, nobody that lacks the attribute of Autism labors under the misapprehension that you are an intelligent human being.

The hours and (days) you spend obsessively attaching facial expressions, youtubes and stars to your posts are the same hours that most folks are spending with their families and friends, or bettering their lives.

All your posts tell us, is that nursing homes are really fuckin' boring.

Considering what you think of your pod cast and compositions your judgement of others appearances would be humorous at best BB.



Considering you don't know what 'composition' means, or you're 107, and my "podcast" wasnt a "podcast"..... but a USMB call-in show..... that's had over 20 members call in AT ONCE, it seems like you're the retard.

So, retard, can you kindly say something funny once in a while, or does your doorknob personality require the you-tubes to compensate for your ummm...."lack" of cognition?


Wow! Twenty whole members. I'll bet that includes the one's who never call in anymore. At least my eyesight isn't going like yours. Making mistakes about how many actually call in instead of total number of who have called, then never called back, explains a lot about the comments you've been making about PoliticalChic..... I guess we'll have to be nice to you since you're disabled.



BTW the thread topic is definitely you.

You shouldn't be doing Meth before you post, DerpEagle. It makes you gross and emotional.


I see you're at a loss for intelligent come backs there BB. Since that covers the second part of the threads title (at least the lack of) we can postulate that the half of it holds true for you too.



Um, nobody that lacks the attribute of Autism labors under the misapprehension that you are an intelligent human being.

The hours and (days) you spend obsessively attaching facial expressions, youtubes and stars to your posts are the same hours that most folks are spending with their families and friends, or bettering their lives.

All your posts tell us, is that nursing homes are really fuckin' boring.


I'm not the one posting nearly seven thousand posts a year and hosting a lame progressive talk kumbaya session on the side there BB that would be you. Does it get you out of the cold posting at the library?


Considering you don't know what 'composition' means, or you're 107, and my "podcast" wasnt a "podcast"..... but a USMB call-in show..... that's had over 20 members call in AT ONCE, it seems like you're the retard.

So, retard, can you kindly say something funny once in a while, or does your doorknob personality require the you-tubes to compensate for your ummm...."lack" of cognition?


Wow! Twenty whole members. I'll bet that includes the one's who never call in anymore. At least my eyesight isn't going like yours. Making mistakes about how many actually call in instead of total number of who have called, then never called back, explains a lot about the comments you've been making about PoliticalChic..... I guess we'll have to be nice to you since you're disabled.



BTW the thread topic is definitely you.

You shouldn't be doing Meth before you post, DerpEagle. It makes you gross and emotional.


I see you're at a loss for intelligent come backs there BB. Since that covers the second part of the threads title (at least the lack of) we can postulate that the half of it holds true for you too.



Um, nobody that lacks the attribute of Autism labors under the misapprehension that you are an intelligent human being.

The hours and (days) you spend obsessively attaching facial expressions, youtubes and stars to your posts are the same hours that most folks are spending with their families and friends, or bettering their lives.

All your posts tell us, is that nursing homes are really fuckin' boring.


I'm not the one posting nearly seven thousand posts a year and hosting a lame progressive talk kumbaya session on the side there BB that would be you. Does it get you out of the cold posting at the library?



Translate that for a non meth user there, Jethro.

Wow! Twenty whole members. I'll bet that includes the one's who never call in anymore. At least my eyesight isn't going like yours. Making mistakes about how many actually call in instead of total number of who have called, then never called back, explains a lot about the comments you've been making about PoliticalChic..... I guess we'll have to be nice to you since you're disabled.



BTW the thread topic is definitely you.

You shouldn't be doing Meth before you post, DerpEagle. It makes you gross and emotional.


I see you're at a loss for intelligent come backs there BB. Since that covers the second part of the threads title (at least the lack of) we can postulate that the half of it holds true for you too.



Um, nobody that lacks the attribute of Autism labors under the misapprehension that you are an intelligent human being.

The hours and (days) you spend obsessively attaching facial expressions, youtubes and stars to your posts are the same hours that most folks are spending with their families and friends, or bettering their lives.

All your posts tell us, is that nursing homes are really fuckin' boring.


I'm not the one posting nearly seven thousand posts a year and hosting a lame progressive talk kumbaya session on the side there BB that would be you. Does it get you out of the cold posting at the library?



Translate that for a non meth user there, Jethro.



I'm not a socialist. I'm also not pretending to be something I'm not on a message board. I'm a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal.

You're all over the map politically, but anything that promotes Trump or Putin, and you're on board with it.

Your lack of, in no particular order, education, ambition, energy, resourcefulness, sociability, honesty, reliability, and general humanity would probably rule you out in any other grouping but 'Liberal."

At least I'm smart enough not to vote for a lying conman who is in the thrall of Vladimir Putin. Who spouts Putin's retelling of the Russian war in Afghanistan, and who had fractured all of the US military alliances and trade deals, largely to the benefit of China and Russia.

A man who is criminally profitting from the Presidency, selling both access to the President, and taking bribes from hostile foreign entitlies, while openly obstructing the investigation of his ties and relationships with Russia. 17 investigations are currently underway against every business or entity in Trump's world, and it is very likely that he will be facing criminal indictments either the moment he leaves office, or before.

I guess my "limited intellect", and my "liberal education", were sufficiently offset by a more than 40 year career, first in banking, and then in law, starting in a small uptown law office, and ending up working for the top law firms on Bay Street, on deals which change the economies of nations, including the Fiat purchase of Chysler, the Windsor/Detroit truck tunnel, and a number of IPO's for multi-national corporations.

I know how business and the economy work - how they REALLY work, not how you think they work. I know the processes for getting things done. Every time I read one of your little diatribes, I laugh and laugh, at the depth of your ignorance and your assertions that you know what you're talking about, when in fact, all you're doing is cutting and pasting your talking points.

When refuted, you deny the information posted, and repost your OP, over and over and over. Repetition of the lies and idiocy of your OP doesn't disappear each time you post it. Quite the opposite, your inability to defend your OP, other than to repeat it, shows you've been cornered and have nothing.

I'm counting down how many more posts you'll try before you run like a rabbit from your own thread. now that you've lost control of the discussion.
Socialism does not work in the real world… It’s truly a pretender

Tell that to Norway and Sweden.

You are an imbecile.

I'd tell you to stick to posting about stuff you know....but then you'd be mute.

Myth Socialism works spectacularly in Nordic countries.

The problem here is the equating socialist redistribution programs, with socialist economies. The Scandinavian nations are not socialist economies; Denmark has a freer economy than does the USA. Higher tax rates to support the redistributionist part, but far less business regulation than America.

“Speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

“The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security for its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish,” he added.

The PM’s comments come after US presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton used part of the first Democratic debate to discuss how the United States could emulate Scandinavia.” Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

Check out the rankings of economic freedom, here: Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Ready to admit you're an imbecile???????

Well, so the Netherlands employ a system of Democratic Socialism.

I didn’t post about the country. Can you post about the countries that I did.
"First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her,....."

Just to smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser, note that everything I've said is in the Atlantic article....

Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Is a Winning Climate Strategy - The Atlantic,

Now, ugly......should I wait for your apology??????

Oh....and try to refrain from the's a give-away of what you are.
The irony of you calling someone ugly was quote worthy to enshrine it in the messageboarding hall of shame. Youve been crowned.

I can tell you're sensitive about the term 'ugly.'

Look at the bright side...your face is your fortune! Drug stores'll pay you to stand in front, and make people sick.
I dont think you want me to stoop to your level and tell you the truth about your looks, kiddo.

Face're so ugly when you walk into a bank, they turn the cameras off! -
hrrrrrrmmm...that seems like a diss on a 6th grade level. It's also copacetic with your intelligence-level in accurately deciphering propoganda, should we be concerned?

Most humans I meet call me handsome, for whatever reason.

You? Called a poster "ugly" and aren't that great. In fact, if I wanted to be a cock about it - I could be more precise....buuuuuuut.....I kinda don't fuckin' feel like it.

Take it easy, ugly.....see if this makes you feel better.

Don't feel sad, don't feel blue,
Frankenstein was ugly too.

...and, it might help to avoid mirrors.
"First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her,....."

Just to smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser, note that everything I've said is in the Atlantic article....

Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Is a Winning Climate Strategy - The Atlantic,

Now, ugly......should I wait for your apology??????

Oh....and try to refrain from the's a give-away of what you are.
The irony of you calling someone ugly was quote worthy to enshrine it in the messageboarding hall of shame. Youve been crowned.

I can tell you're sensitive about the term 'ugly.'

Look at the bright side...your face is your fortune! Drug stores'll pay you to stand in front, and make people sick.
I dont think you want me to stoop to your level and tell you the truth about your looks, kiddo.

Face're so ugly when you walk into a bank, they turn the cameras off! -

So now you've completely abandoned any pretense of intellectual discussion and are going for straight up 12 year old behaviour.

Nothing denotes a paucity of ideas than commenting on the "looks" or the purported lack thereof, of a poster you've never seen.

I proved you both a lying Liberal, and a fool, to boot.

Want more?????
Sharing similar jowls to a bloodhound doesnt make you a good hunter.
No. THIS: Pulse and the ability to say Yes Sir---even when told to jump in front of a train.
( no bone spurs allowed tho)
She, like you, has no education.

The etymology of the term, 'education,' proves itself.

'e ducare' means to lead out of, presumably, lead out of ignorance.

The proof of the ignorance is here:
1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

And, of course, you couldn't defend it.

First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.
I just don’t know why our posters think that saying something makes it true. Dragon lady doesn’t post any links to her statement, it’s just trump tax cut bad. Try reading this link and then respond fire breather. And let’s remember, the 4000 dollars is over time, not in one year. Let’s be democrats and not want anything good for the American people if trump initiated it.

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts
First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.
I just don’t know why our posters think that saying something makes it true. Dragon lady doesn’t post any links to her statement, it’s just trump tax cut bad. Try reading this link and then respond fire breather. And let’s remember, the 4000 dollars is over time, not in one year. Let’s be democrats and not want anything good for the American people if trump initiated it.

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts

They've learned how to be successful in the bubble.....

Never question the orthodoxy, never fail to support the Democrats, always oppose the other side without even considering that they say or what it will lead to.....

Did you notice that none of the drones could support, or even explain that Green New Deal?
You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.
I just don’t know why our posters think that saying something makes it true. Dragon lady doesn’t post any links to her statement, it’s just trump tax cut bad. Try reading this link and then respond fire breather. And let’s remember, the 4000 dollars is over time, not in one year. Let’s be democrats and not want anything good for the American people if trump initiated it.

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts

They've learned how to be successful in the bubble.....

Never question the orthodoxy, never fail to support the Democrats, always oppose the other side without even considering that they say or what it will lead to.....

Did you notice that none of the drones could support, or even explain that Green New Deal?

Why should WE support or explain it? Ask Ms. Cortez. It’s her idea. Nothing to do with the rest of us.

We much prefer to talk about the Democratic Agenda, not the fancies of a Jr. Congress Critter who has just been sworn into her first term.

Or instead we can talk about the failures of the last Republican Congress, which will not be duplicated by Pelosi.
First you posted a whole lot of bullshit and lies about Ms. Cortez, who she is and what she stands for, all of which are your paraphrasing of things she said, not actual quotes from her, and then you want us to defend the stances you say she has?

This is where you trip yourself stupid little self up every time. We are under no requirement to accept the bullshit in any of your OP's as fact because they're generally fact-free. If we are unwilling to accept your lies as the basis of our discussion, you've lost control of the discussion.

Trying post FACTS, not right wing talking points, and we'll respond appropriately. But you don't want honest discussions. You want to trip people up and humiliate them. Sadly for you, you're the one who ends up fleeing your own thread, because you've lost control, or you've been humilated and laughed off.

You know I never lie.

I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.
I just don’t know why our posters think that saying something makes it true. Dragon lady doesn’t post any links to her statement, it’s just trump tax cut bad. Try reading this link and then respond fire breather. And let’s remember, the 4000 dollars is over time, not in one year. Let’s be democrats and not want anything good for the American people if trump initiated it.

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts

The Heritage Foundation? Seriously? But they did slip up here,

Publicly traded corporations buy back stock from their shareholders when they have maximized their internal investment opportunities and still have excess cash on hand.

Exactly right. So all those companies buying stock back, they have "maximized" their internal investment opportunities. Which begs the question, why did they need the tax cut to start with? And worse, the tax cut actually DECREASED their internal investment opportunities. Of course, the Heritage Foundation would never tell you that reality.

Our economy right now is running on a sugar high. Check back in a year, when those tariffs start kicking in and the present value of the tax cut starts declining. Watch the Fed refuse to increase rates due to a sluggish economy. Watch GDP growth come to a halt. Watch the markets turn bearish. The yield curve has already inverted, the writing is on the wall. Be interesting to see how the Heritage Foundation spins that.

yeah Winston. There is a global slowdown. The us is still doing the best of any of the big countries. We are paying here for Obama’s 8 years of 0 interest rates and the debt run up because of that. Student debt, corporate debt, and govt debt. But for people like you everything is trumps fault. The tariff problem will be solved before the election, gdp will not come to a halt, and people will get more back from taxes this year for the first time because of trumps tax cut. Even more could happen but democrats will not allow the American people to prosper.
I thought your thread title was the criteria for the GOP's 2016 Republican candidate.
Trump may have graduated from Wharton, but it's evident he didn't attend.

Obama would give his have accomplished what Trump has.

Trump has pulled off the greatest con the world has ever seen, but his economic ignorance, and his incompetence and criminality is just too dangerous and blatant to allow him to continue to destroy the national economy in this fashion. Trump's destructive trade wars, and his focus on a phony immigration crisis that Trump himself created on the souther border, over REAL issues like opiod addiction, like the numbers of people losing their health care under this administration.

The biggest campaign promise which Trump made over and over which he has utterly failed to accomplish is the promise that when corporations received their tax cut, every worker in America would get a $4000 raise. That is the one promise Trump made that, if kept, would put the economy on the road to a strong and sustainable recovery, freeing up the pent up demand of working class consumers for hard goods and services.

Instead, the rich used the corporate tax cuts for share by-backs, increasing the value of their portfolios, and increasing wealth for the top 10%, and doing NOTHING to impact the lives of the working Americans who voted for him, who received little from the tax cut, and are losing their health care because of the policies of this administration.
I just don’t know why our posters think that saying something makes it true. Dragon lady doesn’t post any links to her statement, it’s just trump tax cut bad. Try reading this link and then respond fire breather. And let’s remember, the 4000 dollars is over time, not in one year. Let’s be democrats and not want anything good for the American people if trump initiated it.

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts

They've learned how to be successful in the bubble.....

Never question the orthodoxy, never fail to support the Democrats, always oppose the other side without even considering that they say or what it will lead to.....

Did you notice that none of the drones could support, or even explain that Green New Deal?

Why should WE support or explain it? Ask Ms. Cortez. It’s her idea. Nothing to do with the rest of us.

We much prefer to talk about the Democratic Agenda, not the fancies of a Jr. Congress Critter who has just been sworn into her first term.

Or instead we can talk about the failures of the last Republican Congress, which will not be duplicated by Pelosi.

"Why should WE support or explain it? Ask Ms. Cortez. It’s her idea. Nothing to do with the rest of us."

How droll.

After innumerable and consistent posts in total support of Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/morons of every, in a flaccid attempt to hide from the admission of insanity found in the Ocasio/Sanders/Democrat Green New Deal, you attempt this obfuscation.

The stain and the odor will always be on you.
Ya know what?

I heard she actually knows how to dance and has......hold on...friends !

And here we find the Democrat voter's version of requirements to be an official in the United States House of Representatives.

In short, proof of the thread title.
So funny! :71: From the same deplorables who whined about the Deep State and professional politicians. :71:
Hardly a requirement...but certainly not worthy of GOP attacks on her

The critique was on her...and your....IQ....based on specific pronouncements of hers.


1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Your comprehension is not up to the requirements of this thread.
Be gone.
Looks like she is a full blown Marxist to the core..

all socialists are Marxist, even when they claim they aren't. In that case, all it means is that they are especially stupid.

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