No Education Nor Intellect Required...

Ya know what?

I heard she actually knows how to dance and has......hold on...friends !

And here we find the Democrat voter's version of requirements to be an official in the United States House of Representatives.

In short, proof of the thread title.
So funny! :71: From the same deplorables who whined about the Deep State and professional politicians. :71:

Watch me smash a custard pie in your ugly kisser:

Here are the pronouncement of the latest ‘fresh new face of the Democrat Party,’ economic guru -née-bartender, Sonia Ocasio-Cortez.
I challenge you to defend them:

The Ocasio-Cortez/Democrat Party “Green New Deal.”

a. Every industrial and residential building is to be retro-fitted with every techological advance available

b. Elimination of all greenhouse gases

c. A committee will be formed that would have a mandate to push union membership

d. The committee would form a national jobs force to move all workers into green jobs

e. A guaranteed living wage and a universal income

f. Medicare for all

g. The federal government would take over and regulate and unionize all industries

Let's see you put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, Democrat.

Sharing similar jowls to a bloodhound doesnt make you a good hunter.


There's plastic surgeons who will fix that for your there BB. So were you born that way? It might be part of the reason you're the poster child for this thread.


yeah Winston. There is a global slowdown. The us is still doing the best of any of the big countries. We are paying here for Obama’s 8 years of 0 interest rates and the debt run up because of that. Student debt, corporate debt, and govt debt. But for people like you everything is trumps fault. The tariff problem will be solved before the election, gdp will not come to a halt, and people will get more back from taxes this year for the first time because of trumps tax cut. Even more could happen but democrats will not allow the American people to prosper.

The US is NOT doing the best of any of the big countries. It's the largest economy but it's not the fastest growing, the most equitable in terms of income spreads, nor it it the healthiest, or the best managed. The US economy is large, but it's not efficient.
Global slowdown: 3 of the top 4 economies are suffering - CNN

I don’t have time to school all of you. I maintained that the us has suffered less than the other major economies. This article mostly backs me up. It does say us GROWTH will decelerate, which I have not contested. I am also repeating what has been said on CNBC. Your vague statements about equity, healthiest, or best managed aren’t even on point. We have grown slower than China for probably longer than 20 years, if we can believe their figures. Debating with people who are so lazy about making their points because they are convinced they are right is a waste of time.
Global slowdown: 3 of the top 4 economies are suffering - CNN

I don’t have time to school all of you. I maintained that the us has suffered less than the other major economies. This article mostly backs me up. It does say us GROWTH will decelerate, which I have not contested. I am also repeating what has been said on CNBC. Your vague statements about equity, healthiest, or best managed aren’t even on point. We have grown slower than China for probably longer than 20 years, if we can believe their figures. Debating with people who are so lazy about making their points because they are convinced they are right is a waste of time.
Yes, and it also did better than the other major developed econs under Obama.
Our demographics are better that the disastrous ones of EU and Japan, tho we still have 10,00 boomers a day retiring.
` be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why? be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?

Why? Because too much of the modern colleges' costs are wrapped up in useless social arts classes that do not directly benefit a students ultimate career or paycheck.

A trade school is far faster and far cheaper for the dollar.

And that's not even getting into the massively expensive, useless liberal arts degrees that students get suckered into by the fact that the classes are so easy anyone could pass them. Leaving millions of students with $40k+ debts and no actual career path after graduation. Personally I think it's akin to fraud, but as they say, "A fool and their money are soon parted." Those kids reap what they sow. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?

Be sure to provide your analysis if you ever do go to college. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh? be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

1. Be sure to let me know if you'd like to compare educational resumes.

2. This is your chance to defend the imbecile's "Green New Deal" ....the one I provided and you claimed was all like, and she never put that forth....until I proved she did exactly that.....and you, no more than a low-life lying Liberal.

Here you go:

The Ocasio-Cortez/Democrat Party “Green New Deal.”

a. Every industrial and residential building is to be retro-fitted with every techological advance available

b. Elimination of all greenhouse gases

c. A committee will be formed that would have a mandate to push union membership

d. The committee would form a national jobs force to move all workers into green jobs

e. A guaranteed living wage and a universal income

f. Medicare for all

g. The federal government would take over and regulate and unionize all industries be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

"Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. "

Let's see if you're lying again...

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, activist groups map out next steps in Green New Deal fight"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, activist groups map out next steps in Green New Deal fight - CNNPolitics

"The Green New Deal, explained
An insurgent movement is pushing Democrats to back an ambitious climate change solution."
The Green New Deal, explained

"For the first time ever, someone in Congress has a plan that is ambitious enough to address the climate crisis.

Newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing her fellow Democrats to create a Green New Deal – a plan to transform our economy and society at the scale needed to stop the climate crisis.

Fifteen House Democrats have already signed onto the Green New Deal resolution"
Sign the petition: Stand up for a Green New Deal

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leads push for Green New Deal as the way forward on climate change"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leads push for Green New Deal as the way forward on climate change – Boston Herald

"Support for the Green New Deal is showing signs of becoming a liberal litmus test among Democrats who may run for president. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) recently endorsed it, joining Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)."
‘Green New Deal’ divides Democrats intent on addressing climate change

I do so enjoy pulverizing you, you moron.....maybe because it's so easy to do. be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

1. Be sure to let me know if you'd like to compare educational resumes.

2. This is your chance to defend the imbecile's "Green New Deal" ....the one I provided and you claimed was all like, and she never put that forth....until I proved she did exactly that.....and you, no more than a low-life lying Liberal.

Here you go:

The Ocasio-Cortez/Democrat Party “Green New Deal.”

a. Every industrial and residential building is to be retro-fitted with every techological advance available

b. Elimination of all greenhouse gases

c. A committee will be formed that would have a mandate to push union membership

d. The committee would form a national jobs force to move all workers into green jobs

e. A guaranteed living wage and a universal income

f. Medicare for all

g. The federal government would take over and regulate and unionize all industries

Let me be perfectly clear. I'm not interested in defending the flights of fancy of the newest freshman Congresswoman which will have no impact on the future of either of our countries. It's a little like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Even if you determine the actual number, what's the point, and how does that impact on the quality of anyone's life.

You seem to think you can propose a topic and just HAVE to do what you tell us. If you want to debate Ms. Cortez proposals, feel free to use your vast intellect to enlighten us as to the legal, and technical reasons her proposals can't and won't work, but that's not what you want to do.

You want people to make serious responses so you can mock and insult them. That's the point of all your posts. To make yourself look clever, while bullying and mocking others. But in reality, you haven't presented any case to refute any of the proposals. You just say they're ridiculous. When asked to define your objections, you repeat your OP.

Are you so intellectually limited and unable to form an argument that you can't destroy these ideas, you can only repeat your original post over and over. If we don't play your game of responding, you don't know how to proceed.

Quite frankly, your constant repetition of the OP is starting to look really desperate. Is this the ONLY thing you can say on the topic? Why is that? Where is your much hyped brilliance and education?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

1. Be sure to let me know if you'd like to compare educational resumes.

2. This is your chance to defend the imbecile's "Green New Deal" ....the one I provided and you claimed was all like, and she never put that forth....until I proved she did exactly that.....and you, no more than a low-life lying Liberal.

Here you go:

The Ocasio-Cortez/Democrat Party “Green New Deal.”

a. Every industrial and residential building is to be retro-fitted with every techological advance available

b. Elimination of all greenhouse gases

c. A committee will be formed that would have a mandate to push union membership

d. The committee would form a national jobs force to move all workers into green jobs

e. A guaranteed living wage and a universal income

f. Medicare for all

g. The federal government would take over and regulate and unionize all industries

Let me be perfectly clear. I'm not interested in defending the flights of fancy of the newest freshman Congresswoman which will have no impact on the future of either of our countries. It's a little like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Even if you determine the actual number, what's the point, and how does that impact on the quality of anyone's life.

You seem to think you can propose a topic and just HAVE to do what you tell us. If you want to debate Ms. Cortez proposals, feel free to use your vast intellect to enlighten us as to the legal, and technical reasons her proposals can't and won't work, but that's not what you want to do.

You want people to make serious responses so you can mock and insult them. That's the point of all your posts. To make yourself look clever, while bullying and mocking others. But in reality, you haven't presented any case to refute any of the proposals. You just say they're ridiculous. When asked to define your objections, you repeat your OP.

Are you so intellectually limited and unable to form an argument that you can't destroy these ideas, you can only repeat your original post over and over. If we don't play your game of responding, you don't know how to proceed.

Quite frankly, your constant repetition of the OP is starting to look really desperate. Is this the ONLY thing you can say on the topic? Why is that? Where is your much hyped brilliance and education?

Are you ready to admit that I have exposed your lies several times in these several threads?

Ready to admit you are an ignorant, lying low-life Liberal who has no ability beyond following the orders of your masters?

Ready to admit that Ocasio is as dumb as you are, and you can neither defend her and the Democrat Green New Deal, nor explain how $32 trillion will be paid for, outside of making every citizen a slave?????

Get back to me when you're ready.
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

1. Be sure to let me know if you'd like to compare educational resumes.

2. This is your chance to defend the imbecile's "Green New Deal" ....the one I provided and you claimed was all like, and she never put that forth....until I proved she did exactly that.....and you, no more than a low-life lying Liberal.

Here you go:

The Ocasio-Cortez/Democrat Party “Green New Deal.”

a. Every industrial and residential building is to be retro-fitted with every techological advance available

b. Elimination of all greenhouse gases

c. A committee will be formed that would have a mandate to push union membership

d. The committee would form a national jobs force to move all workers into green jobs

e. A guaranteed living wage and a universal income

f. Medicare for all

g. The federal government would take over and regulate and unionize all industries

Let me be perfectly clear. I'm not interested in defending the flights of fancy of the newest freshman Congresswoman which will have no impact on the future of either of our countries. It's a little like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Even if you determine the actual number, what's the point, and how does that impact on the quality of anyone's life.

You seem to think you can propose a topic and just HAVE to do what you tell us. If you want to debate Ms. Cortez proposals, feel free to use your vast intellect to enlighten us as to the legal, and technical reasons her proposals can't and won't work, but that's not what you want to do.

You want people to make serious responses so you can mock and insult them. That's the point of all your posts. To make yourself look clever, while bullying and mocking others. But in reality, you haven't presented any case to refute any of the proposals. You just say they're ridiculous. When asked to define your objections, you repeat your OP.

Are you so intellectually limited and unable to form an argument that you can't destroy these ideas, you can only repeat your original post over and over. If we don't play your game of responding, you don't know how to proceed.

Quite frankly, your constant repetition of the OP is starting to look really desperate. Is this the ONLY thing you can say on the topic? Why is that? Where is your much hyped brilliance and education?

How about another poke in your eye?

"There is little doubt that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, representing parts of Queens and the Bronx, is being treated as a leader of a new Democratic swing to the left. Nor is there much doubt that the media-savvy upset winner in New York’s 14th congressional district combines personal charisma with a knack for policy packaging, as with her “Green New Deal.”
Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Really the Democratic Future?

Amazing how knowing nothing never stops you Liberals from posting,huh?
"It appears that Ocasio-Cortez believes that she is the new Democratic Party. At least she is honest about who she is and her intentions.

The media has made Ocasio-Cortez the face of the Democrats since her swear-in. She is propped up daily, and this seems to fuel her fire.

She is a danger to America’s values of individualism, self-reliance, a strong military presence, liberty, the Constitution, freedom, and a limited federal government. All of these qualities built this nation into what it is. If we go in the opposite direction, America as we know it will no longer exist.

The Democratic Party has slowly been burning up our rights, freedom, and liberty for a while and most Americans have not noticed because of the slow heating. AOC entered the House of Representatives and immediately cranked up the heat to a boil. Now, the Democrat establishment is playing damage control."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Keep Destroying the Democratic Party be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

"Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out."

Let's check:

"Senate Democrats Frustrated Over Ocasio-Cortez Becoming Face of Democratic Party"
Senate Democrats Frustrated Over Ocasio-Cortez Becoming Face of Democratic Party be a Democrat voter.

What is the result of having the education system under the control of Liberals?

This: alexandria ocasio-cortez

1. AOC is being pushed as the fresh new face of the Democrat Party: her plan- The Green New Deal

2. First, every industrial and residential building to be retrofitted with every technological advance.

3. Eliminate greenhouse gases

4. Form a committee that would have a mandate to push union membership; and a national jobs force to move people into green jobs, guaranteeing living wage jobs

5. Universal income and medicare for all.

6. So….the federal government take over and regulate all industries, unionize all industries, ..

7. Has this ever been tried before in human history? How’d it work out?

Yup….Democrats select a bartender to decide on how to run the economy. Hence, the title of this thread.

8. And to pay for this? Raise taxes massively on the ‘rich.’ 60 or 70% tax rates….Ocasio: ”If that’s radical, call me a radical.”

9. BTW,….those in the top 20%, incomes of $150,000, that’s 52% of all income, pay 87% of all income taxes.
America has the most progressive income tax system of any industrialized nation: them you make, the more you pay.

10. If Ocasio, and the Democrats, had to pay for all of the above, they would have to raise taxes on those far lower on the income scale.

Or, as the Left does so frequently....simply kill them.

I expect the usual import from our board Leftists: vulgarity, or "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

Proof of the thread title.
I thought this was about being a Republican:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America

Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?
There is definitely some truth to that. All you have to do is look at the college educated idiot Ocasio Cortez.

Ocasio is both an absolute imbecile, and the intellectual leader of the Democrats.

Amazing, huh?

Well it takes one to know one, so you're definitely qualified to make the assessment, even if you're 100% wrong, but we're used to that and I'm sure you're accustomed to being proven wrong, even if you pretend otherwise.

Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. She's a young, freshman Congress woman, just starting out.

Funny thing is that you and the rest of the conservatives seem absolutely terrified of her. Why? If she is as dumb and crazy as you keep telling us she is, she'll implode on her own.

"Cortez is NOT the intellectual leader of the Democrats. Not even close. ....

She wouldn't be the intellectual leader in a box of doorknobs.

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