No Excuses: Keystone XL Pipeline Clears Major Hurdle

It’s been reported that Chinese industrial pollution is drifting and may be blowing in and around the west coast.

The tar sands are going to go somewhere to be refined, that is a fact.

It’s also been reported that we have much more efficient ( clean) facilities to refine it. If it makes its way to china, it will be refined less efficiently ( dirtier) and wind up in the air regardless, will add more net pollution and may in fact blow over us anyway to boot.

In addition theres the transportation issue; if we don't do the pipeline, it will be railed to Canada’s west coast for transshipment to china, and/or railed here, a pipeline is and always has been the cleanest least riskier avenue of transportation.

So, if the goal is to prevent pollution, contamination via spillage etc. and add some jobs, it appears to me , refining it here via pipeline delivery is a win win win.

(500k jobs is ridiculous, I think its 20-40K(?)).

Hmm. I wonder who it is that might stand to make a lot of money should that go by rail.

No surprise there. Warren Buffett, a big Obama supporter.
Barry is a "progressive" ie, dumbass, numbnuts, airhead, elitist. Having never had a job, how would Barry relate to working men and women?

He doesn't. :eusa_eh:

Oh, he likes the union MONEY for his campaigns but after that he doesn't know them, doesn't want to. Their hands are dirty when he shakes them sometimes....makes Barry feel all itchy and less dainty.

Which brings us to the Keystone XL section of the OIL pipeline from Alberta. This is a dusty, sweaty, working man's project...everything Barry despises sitting there in his Armani with his pinky finger curled, sipping a glass of carrot juice.


He isn't going to approve the Keystone XL...not even if you gave his pink frilly panties a nads to bind up....he'd probably like it.

Barry may have stopped over in Chicago but he ain't about the city with big shoulders....Barry is about San Fagcisco....the city of preening queers and other assorted pinheads and traitors. Barry sees OIL as a plague on his promises to turn us into a breezy, sunshine economy, riding girls bikes and calling a plate of arugula a meal.

Barry a Democrat? you gotta be kidding. :nono:
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Because that's not what it does.

Harper featured in anti-Keystone XL ad to air during Obama State of the Union speech (UPDATED) | Vancouver Observer

And no one is touting 500K permanent jobs. At best the number is 5K.

I remember when Fox reported 1 million.


Keystone XL Pipeline "Could Provide Up To A Million New High-Paying Jobs." From the November 2 edition of Fox Business' Follow The Money:

ERIC BOLLING (host): While new oil and gas jobs could help the recovery, protesters are trying to stop the expansion of multi-million dollar Keystone pipeline. Activists planning to hold hands and surround the White House to protect the project.

Garland, this is another story -- this is the Keystone XL pipeline that some estimates, even Senator Barrasso, who's been on this show before, said could provide up to a million new high-paying jobs if it just gets signed off by Obama. Yet here we are, protesters locking arms around the White House saying don't do it. [Fox Business, Follow The Money, 11/2/11]

Fox Wildly Inflates The Number Of Jobs Keystone XL Pipeline Might Create

Does it ever bother you to be proven an ignorant moron again and again? Ever? Amazing you don't just give up.
It’s been reported that Chinese industrial pollution is drifting and may be blowing in and around the west coast.

The tar sands are going to go somewhere to be refined, that is a fact.

It’s also been reported that we have much more efficient ( clean) facilities to refine it. If it makes its way to china, it will be refined less efficiently ( dirtier) and wind up in the air regardless, will add more net pollution and may in fact blow over us anyway to boot.

In addition theres the transportation issue; if we don't do the pipeline, it will be railed to Canada’s west coast for transshipment to china, and/or railed here, a pipeline is and always has been the cleanest least risky avenue of transportation.

So, if the goal is to prevent pollution, contamination via spillage etc. and add some jobs, it appears to me , refining it here via pipeline delivery is a win win win.

(500k jobs is ridiculous, I think its 20-40K(?)).

How many did the pipeline in Alaska create? A couple of hundred? A hundred? 60? It's been a long time since I looked it up, but whatever the number was, was shockingly small.
It’s been reported that Chinese industrial pollution is drifting and may be blowing in and around the west coast.

The tar sands are going to go somewhere to be refined, that is a fact.

It’s also been reported that we have much more efficient ( clean) facilities to refine it. If it makes its way to china, it will be refined less efficiently ( dirtier) and wind up in the air regardless, will add more net pollution and may in fact blow over us anyway to boot.

In addition theres the transportation issue; if we don't do the pipeline, it will be railed to Canada’s west coast for transshipment to china, and/or railed here, a pipeline is and always has been the cleanest least risky avenue of transportation.

So, if the goal is to prevent pollution, contamination via spillage etc. and add some jobs, it appears to me , refining it here via pipeline delivery is a win win win.

(500k jobs is ridiculous, I think its 20-40K(?)).

How many did the pipeline in Alaska create? A couple of hundred? A hundred? 60? It's been a long time since I looked it up, but whatever the number was, was shockingly small.

I don't know, why don't you tell me?

your own media matters go to great pains to beat up on bolling how misquotes barasso, which is fair to an extent, maybe, but then quotes the wsj 100K jobs claimmisconstruing what they said vis a vis the comparison they make as to what type of jobs etc.

and is that all you're on about? what if its only say 20k jobs? so what? theres more to my post than the number of jobs....hello.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

it is becoming increasingly clear that no one on the right cares about our environment or what the downside is to oh… little things like tracking, oil pipelines… etc.

just so long as you keep fighting for the rights of multinational corporations.
It’s been reported that Chinese industrial pollution is drifting and may be blowing in and around the west coast.

The tar sands are going to go somewhere to be refined, that is a fact.

It’s also been reported that we have much more efficient ( clean) facilities to refine it. If it makes its way to china, it will be refined less efficiently ( dirtier) and wind up in the air regardless, will add more net pollution and may in fact blow over us anyway to boot.

In addition theres the transportation issue; if we don't do the pipeline, it will be railed to Canada’s west coast for transshipment to china, and/or railed here, a pipeline is and always has been the cleanest least risky avenue of transportation.

So, if the goal is to prevent pollution, contamination via spillage etc. and add some jobs, it appears to me , refining it here via pipeline delivery is a win win win.

(500k jobs is ridiculous, I think its 20-40K(?)).

How many did the pipeline in Alaska create? A couple of hundred? A hundred? 60? It's been a long time since I looked it up, but whatever the number was, was shockingly small.


Jan. 31, 2014 5:59 p.m. ET

From the State Department's Jan. 31 final environmental assessment of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline; the report concluded that the project would not significantly add to global greenhouse gas emissions:

During construction, proposed Project spending would support approximately 42,100 jobs (direct, indirect, and induced), and approximately $2 billion in earnings throughout the United States. Of these jobs, approximately 3,900 would be direct construction jobs in the proposed Project area in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas (3,900 over 1 year of construction, or 1,950 per year if construction took 2 years).

Construction of the proposed Project would contribute approximately $3.4 billion (or 0.02 percent) to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). . . . Property tax revenue during operations would be substantial for many counties, with an increase of 10 percent or more in 17 of the 27 counties with proposed Project facilities.

Notable -
it is becoming increasingly clear that no one on the right cares about our environment or what the downside is to oh… little things like tracking, oil pipelines… etc.

Let's be honest about the issues. As long as we import massive amounts of oil, we send money to our enemies, and spend a huge military bill to police the Persian Gulf. Not only does this cost our country a fortune, it wastes energy and has expelled many young American lives. By becoming oil independent, we could reduce much of this military activism.

So now that we are drilling more oil in the Bakken and Canada, doesn't it make more sense to send the oil through a pipeline, as opposed to truck or rail? Way less cost, less fuel on transportation, fewer accidents.....

I find this whole Keystone issue so ironic. The only part requiring White House approval is the connection between the US and Canada. Otherwise it's a state's issue. In fact, the 589 mile part between Cushing, OK and Nederland, TX is complete and just opened.

Nebraska has some internal litigation to resolve before allowing the leg up to the Bakken, but again it is a state's issue.

In the end, we all know Obama will approve the final connection to Canada. It's destiny.
The 500k number is wrong. It's roughly 20k.

At any rate, he insists on putting people back to work, but he won't do things to encourage that. It's okay folks, go back to your Welfare checks folks, nothing to see here.

If you take into account the amount of jobs created because of the increased oil flow, not the ones for pipeline service only - then it might approach that figure.
it is becoming increasingly clear that no one on the right cares about our environment or what the downside is to oh… little things like tracking, oil pipelines… etc.

Let's be honest about the issues. As long as we import massive amounts of oil, we send money to our enemies, and spend a huge military bill to police the Persian Gulf. Not only does this cost our country a fortune, it wastes energy and has expelled many young American lives. By becoming oil independent, we could reduce much of this military activism.

So now that we are drilling more oil in the Bakken and Canada, doesn't it make more sense to send the oil through a pipeline, as opposed to truck or rail? Way less cost, less fuel on transportation, fewer accidents.....

I find this whole Keystone issue so ironic. The only part requiring White House approval is the connection between the US and Canada. Otherwise it's a state's issue. In fact, the 589 mile part between Cushing, OK and Nederland, TX is complete and just opened.

Nebraska has some internal litigation to resolve before allowing the leg up to the Bakken, but again it is a state's issue.

In the end, we all know Obama will approve the final connection to Canada. It's destiny.

Isn't the largest amount of import from Canada?
The 500k number is wrong. It's roughly 20k.

At any rate, he insists on putting people back to work, but he won't do things to encourage that. It's okay folks, go back to your Welfare checks folks, nothing to see here.

If you take into account the amount of jobs created because of the increased oil flow, not the ones for pipeline service only - then it might approach that figure.

TAPLINE only employed 1200 people and 950 of them were Arabs.

Their problem was 5,000 Bedouin showed up with 25,000 camels and wanted water.
Jobs, pffft. Whatever jobs produced will be underpaid and given to the lowest bidder. Meanwhile people continue to lose their land so fucking Canadians can export their crap to China at our expense.

Obama will let Keystone fly because of the mid terms elections. The US will benefit little from the endeavor.
it is becoming increasingly clear that no one on the right cares about our environment or what the downside is to oh… little things like tracking, oil pipelines… etc.

Let's be honest about the issues. As long as we import massive amounts of oil, we send money to our enemies, and spend a huge military bill to police the Persian Gulf. Not only does this cost our country a fortune, it wastes energy and has expelled many young American lives. By becoming oil independent, we could reduce much of this military activism.

So now that we are drilling more oil in the Bakken and Canada, doesn't it make more sense to send the oil through a pipeline, as opposed to truck or rail? Way less cost, less fuel on transportation, fewer accidents.....

I find this whole Keystone issue so ironic. The only part requiring White House approval is the connection between the US and Canada. Otherwise it's a state's issue. In fact, the 589 mile part between Cushing, OK and Nederland, TX is complete and just opened.

Nebraska has some internal litigation to resolve before allowing the leg up to the Bakken, but again it is a state's issue.

In the end, we all know Obama will approve the final connection to Canada. It's destiny.

Isn't the largest amount of import from Canada?

Yes it is.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

it is becoming increasingly clear that no one on the right cares about our environment or what the downside is to oh… little things like tracking, oil pipelines… etc.

just so long as you keep fighting for the rights of multinational corporations.
Care for the environment and one's politics are two completely different entities, imho. Good neighbor industries have always done their best to set a standard higher than government issue for everything from the percentages they can get scrubbers to remove real toxins from electric generation plants to making sure river water is restored to the exact same temperature it was when imported into the steamplant, so fishes will have safe habitats. We are bean counters, Miss Jillian. Stuff and details matter to us about the environment. AND the electrical industries support unions.

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