No Excuses: Keystone XL Pipeline Clears Major Hurdle

:lol: And how is that any different?

Oh come on, this is weak.


You really should take a tour through the Environment section before you make a claim like this.
The environment section?....have you nothing better to do with your time than wring your hands over what might happen?
I suppose you've bought into this climate change thing and swallowed the hook.


You are making a damned fool out of yourself. Go over and take a look and see for yourself how much of a fool you're making yourself out to be.


*No substantial job creation
*Many of the jobs that will be created will not be American jobs
*Oil will be shipped to other markets instead of US, resulting in increased gas prices for many parts of the US
*Increased costs for many businesses will result in American job losses greater than those created by pipeline..
Are you going to support these claims anytime in the near future?
The environment section?....have you nothing better to do with your time than wring your hands over what might happen?
I suppose you've bought into this climate change thing and swallowed the hook.


You are making a damned fool out of yourself. Go over and take a look and see for yourself how much of a fool you're making yourself out to be.

Now why would I want to read a bunch of left wing conspiracy theories?
With your idea of progress, we'd be sharing bicycles to get around.
Now, if you want to get into a battle of name calling, let me know. I debate issues.
If you want a bar room brawl be prepared to read things that will make your ancestors cringe. Because you start this shit and I don't give a rat's ass about forum rules.
So, if you wish to discuss, let's do so. If you want a battle of insults, it's your call.


After making ridiculous accusations about Swim Expert's beliefs I'm afraid of being proven wrong, so I'm just going to ignore it all and pretend that Swim Expert is whatever I want him to be.
Liberals claim the keystone pipeline is dangerous all the while ignoring it is safer than shipping the material via trucks and trains.....again stupid logic.

Liberals claims the keystone pipeline doesn't create many jobs...somehow those people would be better off not working....what is that fucking logic.
So you think the only jobs that will be created will be the jobs to operate the pipeline, can you say YOU"RE WRONG? By your illogical logic an auto manufacturing plant that employed 1,000 people wouldn't create even 1 job outside that plant and anyone with a brain knows that's not true. I know in the military it took about 7 support personnel to keep 1 on the front lines.

And as far as my stating that pipelines are more efficient and safer than other forms of transportation, it's true. Are you aware the even the US military have petroleum pipeline units to move fuels over distances in secure areas because its faster and safer than ground transportation. They were deployed in Desert Storm and the Iraq wars. So the preference of pipeline delivery system is indisputable, think about it, how do you get your water and natural gas in you home?

Sorry, Tex, but I am not going to respond to your contention that 1 person geting a wage would generate the need and economy to create 615 other jobs. In order to find support on that issue, you need to take a jump down the rabbit hole and visit with the Mad Hatter... Based on your argument, the pipeline in Alaska has created 625,000 jobs, which is 91% of the entire state's population!

Who's building the parts that are being used to keep the Alaska pipeline operating, the gas turbine engines, the light bulbs, the control systems, the computers and hundreds of thousands of other components in that line that require maintenance and replacement. 1 job creates parts of thousands of jobs. Just look around your house and pick one item and think of the number of people it takes to create it, from obtaining the raw material all the way through to it getting in your door. The ripple of one job goes a long way in the economy, especially the kind of jobs created in the operation of a petroleum pipeline, those are the folks that can afford the nice toys in life so they create more jobs than the average Joe.

You've really bought in to that trickle down thingy, haven't you, Tex?
Sorry, Tex, but I am not going to respond to your contention that 1 person geting a wage would generate the need and economy to create 615 other jobs. In order to find support on that issue, you need to take a jump down the rabbit hole and visit with the Mad Hatter... Based on your argument, the pipeline in Alaska has created 625,000 jobs, which is 91% of the entire state's population!

Who's building the parts that are being used to keep the Alaska pipeline operating, the gas turbine engines, the light bulbs, the control systems, the computers and hundreds of thousands of other components in that line that require maintenance and replacement. 1 job creates parts of thousands of jobs. Just look around your house and pick one item and think of the number of people it takes to create it, from obtaining the raw material all the way through to it getting in your door. The ripple of one job goes a long way in the economy, especially the kind of jobs created in the operation of a petroleum pipeline, those are the folks that can afford the nice toys in life so they create more jobs than the average Joe.

You've really bought in to that trickle down thingy, haven't you, Tex?
Because trickle down works.
Out entire economy is trickle down....

It is by no means perfect, but trickle down does the best for the most.
Humans are born Liberal if you bother to think about it. Human nature is to be inquisitive. We are always asking questions and seeking new information to obtain answers. Our path is always forward without our choice because of the natural progression of time. As we progress, we learn from past mistakes and apply new knowledge toward creating a better future. What are Conservatives clinging to? The "good old days" when America was strong and prosperous and free?

Here's a job from the good old days that doesn't require any fossil fuels:


Reports from all over the world conclude that Cannabis Sativa is a viable renewable outdoor crop for producing transportation fuel. Even the US Federal government has accepted this fact, but Cannabis production still remains illegal under Federal law.

The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium

It is time to legalize "Marihuana" again to make America more independent of foreign imports.

Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube

And Cannabis can treat and possibly cure cancer.
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

We won't have any need for tar sands or the pipeline if we legalize Cannabis Sativa again, and growing hemp will provide local jobs during every growing cycle, year-round in every state.

In the sense of classic liberalism, you are correct.
However, modern liberalism is nothing more than socialism or even communism "lite".
You don't know what Socialism is, or Communism, or Capitalism, or Liberalism, or Conservatism, or freedom.

Until someone figures out how to run our vehicles and aircraft on bio-fuel that performs as well as fossil fuel, pollutes less than fossil fuel, is as readily available as fossil fuel and can be purchased for the same price or lower, we will continue to use what we have that meets all of the above conditions.
We already figured all of that out back in the 1930s. That's why Cannabis hemp was outlawed as marijuana. Had "Marihuana" remained legal after World War II, the innovations in the Cannabis industry over the past 7 decades would already have made petroleum obsolete.

[ame=]Henry Ford's Hemp Plastic Car (1941) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Lotus Eco Elise car made with hemp - YouTube[/ame]

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Sorry, Tex, but I am not going to respond to your contention that 1 person geting a wage would generate the need and economy to create 615 other jobs. In order to find support on that issue, you need to take a jump down the rabbit hole and visit with the Mad Hatter... Based on your argument, the pipeline in Alaska has created 625,000 jobs, which is 91% of the entire state's population!

Who's building the parts that are being used to keep the Alaska pipeline operating, the gas turbine engines, the light bulbs, the control systems, the computers and hundreds of thousands of other components in that line that require maintenance and replacement. 1 job creates parts of thousands of jobs. Just look around your house and pick one item and think of the number of people it takes to create it, from obtaining the raw material all the way through to it getting in your door. The ripple of one job goes a long way in the economy, especially the kind of jobs created in the operation of a petroleum pipeline, those are the folks that can afford the nice toys in life so they create more jobs than the average Joe.

You've really bought in to that trickle down thingy, haven't you, Tex?

When you grow up you might get some idea how the world really works. Your marxist utopias have never and will never work they just create miserable little people like you. Some day you may learn there are more people involved in making your happy meal than the guy that puts it in the bag and hands it to you.
Who's building the parts that are being used to keep the Alaska pipeline operating, the gas turbine engines, the light bulbs, the control systems, the computers and hundreds of thousands of other components in that line that require maintenance and replacement. 1 job creates parts of thousands of jobs. Just look around your house and pick one item and think of the number of people it takes to create it, from obtaining the raw material all the way through to it getting in your door. The ripple of one job goes a long way in the economy, especially the kind of jobs created in the operation of a petroleum pipeline, those are the folks that can afford the nice toys in life so they create more jobs than the average Joe.

You've really bought in to that trickle down thingy, haven't you, Tex?

When you grow up you might get some idea how the world really works. Your marxist utopias have never and will never work they just create miserable little people like you. Some day you may learn there are more people involved in making your happy meal than the guy that puts it in the bag and hands it to you.

Now, Tex, calm down. Take a Valium and close your eyes, and visualize offshore tax havens and billionaire's yatchs. You'll soon fall asleep. Call me in the morning. Remember. there is a Bently with your name on it waiting for you someday!
Who's building the parts that are being used to keep the Alaska pipeline operating, the gas turbine engines, the light bulbs, the control systems, the computers and hundreds of thousands of other components in that line that require maintenance and replacement. 1 job creates parts of thousands of jobs. Just look around your house and pick one item and think of the number of people it takes to create it, from obtaining the raw material all the way through to it getting in your door. The ripple of one job goes a long way in the economy, especially the kind of jobs created in the operation of a petroleum pipeline, those are the folks that can afford the nice toys in life so they create more jobs than the average Joe.

You've really bought in to that trickle down thingy, haven't you, Tex?
Because trickle down works.
Out entire economy is trickle down....

It is by no means perfect, but trickle down does the best for the most.

I've always thought that the concept's name, "Trickle down" is appropriate. It makes me visualize corporate America pissing on the legs of the American public, while telling them it is merely rain, and will soon bring spring flowers....
Because that's not what it does.

Harper featured in anti-Keystone XL ad to air during Obama State of the Union speech (UPDATED) | Vancouver Observer

And no one is touting 500K permanent jobs. At best the number is 5K.

I remember when Fox reported 1 million.


Actually, it's true that one host said 50K to 1 Million jobs. Of course to liberals if one person on Fox says something that's the responsibility of the whole network. Of course the same standard they set for the liberal media ... not.

What's interesting is how they are actually arguing that they don't care about the jobs it would create, a few tens of thousands of people is nobody to them. They don't care that from an environmental standpoint they are pushing that we float little boats across the big ocean instead. And they are advocating continuing to fund the nut jobs who sadly sit on a huge amounts of the world's oil. They are actually advocating those things. And we're supposed to be embarrassed.
Obama is not allowing Keystone because if he destroys our energy supply it becomes easier to destroy the entire economy.

Obama and the far left hate the USA and are determined to bring it down and punish it for its past successes, its wealth, and, oh yeah, slavery.

Cheap energy is the enemy of leftists.
I think it's funny as hell to watch all of Obama's fans jump back and forth. No matter what Obama says, they defend it. When he was against gay marriage, they agreed. Then he was for it, and they agreed. He was for offshore drilling and they agreed, then he was against it and they agreed. He supported the pipeline and they agreed. Then he opposed it and they agreed. He's taken both positions on almost every issue and his sycophants support both positions, no matter how stupid they look. You liberals are like puppets dangling and bouncing at the end of a string.
I think it's funny as hell to watch all of Obama's fans jump back and forth. No matter what Obama says, they defend it. When he was against gay marriage, they agreed. Then he was for it, and they agreed. He was for offshore drilling and they agreed, then he was against it and they agreed. He supported the pipeline and they agreed. Then he opposed it and they agreed. He's taken both positions on almost every issue and his sycophants support both positions, no matter how stupid they look. You liberals are like puppets dangling and bouncing at the end of a string.

Puppets? More like leeches hanging onto their host.
I think it's funny as hell to watch all of Obama's fans jump back and forth. No matter what Obama says, they defend it. When he was against gay marriage, they agreed. Then he was for it, and they agreed. He was for offshore drilling and they agreed, then he was against it and they agreed. He supported the pipeline and they agreed. Then he opposed it and they agreed. He's taken both positions on almost every issue and his sycophants support both positions, no matter how stupid they look. You liberals are like puppets dangling and bouncing at the end of a string.

Puppets? More like leeches hanging onto their host.
I can think of some other comparisons as well, and all of them unflattering. :lol:
I think it's funny as hell to watch all of Obama's fans jump back and forth. No matter what Obama says, they defend it. When he was against gay marriage, they agreed. Then he was for it, and they agreed. He was for offshore drilling and they agreed, then he was against it and they agreed. He supported the pipeline and they agreed. Then he opposed it and they agreed. He's taken both positions on almost every issue and his sycophants support both positions, no matter how stupid they look. You liberals are like puppets dangling and bouncing at the end of a string.

Puppets? More like leeches hanging onto their host.
I can think of some other comparisons as well, and all of them unflattering. :lol:

I can think of one that's not to bad, ... babies that only stop crying to poo or suck teet.
In a crushing blow to opponents and environmentalists, the State Department released key findings today that show the Keystone XL pipeline would have no detrimental effects on the environment. It does however stop short of approving the pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline has a been major source of contention for Republicans and Democrats as far back as 2012.

The long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline got a major boost on Friday as a key State Department review raised no major environmental concerns, muting pipeline foes' main argument and raising pressure on the Obama administration to make a final decision.

Republican supporters said the report should compel President Obama to swiftly green-light the Canada-to-Texas project.

"This report from the Obama administration once again confirms that there is no reason for the White House to continue stalling construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline," Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement. "So, Mr. President, no more stalling -- no more excuses."

The Canadian government, which wants Keystone approved, also pressed the administration to act, though a final decision could be months off.

"This is the fifth federal study on the environmental impact of the Keystone XL pipeline. Each previous one has stated that building Keystone XL would not adversely affect the environment. Today's report confirms once again this result, including no appreciable impact on greenhouse gases," Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said in a statement. "The benefits to the U.S. and Canada are clear. We await a timely decision on this project."

Keystone review mutes environmental concerns, raises pressure on Obama | Fox News

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