No Excuses: Keystone XL Pipeline Clears Major Hurdle

It will add co2 into the planets atmosphere. That alone is the reason to oppose it.

What does Plant Life need to live on?

And what does Plant Life emit as it photosynthesizes it?

And what do humans need in order to survive.

You people just don't think. You really don't

Increased C02 makes plants less healthy. The plants grow bigger but they have less nutritional value.

High carbon dioxide levels can retard plant growth, study reveals : 12/02

But an unprecedented three-year experiment conducted at Stanford University is raising questions about that long-held assumption. Writing in the journal Science, researchers concluded that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide actually reduces plant growth when combined with other likely consequences of climate change -- namely, higher temperatures, increased precipitation or increased nitrogen deposits in the soil.

The results of the study may prompt researchers and policymakers to rethink one of the standard arguments against taking action to prevent global warming: that natural ecosystems will minimize the problem of fossil fuel emissions by transferring large amounts of carbon in the atmosphere to plants and soils.

Again, the dangers of people who believe in Talking Snakes trying to do Science.

"Elevated levels"?
Hmmm. Something tells me this is a continuation of the same tact when studies were done on artificial sweeteners back in the 70's. In order to cause the lab rats to contract cancer, the researchers had to give them the human equivalent of 800 cans of Tab per day.
You know what you can do with this so called 'study'...I am sure there is an orifice in that flabby broken down shell you call a body in which you can cram the paper.
(Quote) Goodod Websites to facilitate learning. I doubt leftists have such a large variety of information outlets.
Conservative Policy Research and Analysis
The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance
Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos
WND - A Free Press for a Free People - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Glenn Beck
Cato Institute | Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace (end of quote)

Well, not exactly good information sources, but highly effective RW nut propaganda sources!

And 500,000 employees? In your dreams! But I can say this with certainty. It would put much more employees out of a job than they will need to hire, because shipping natural gas by rail is very labor intensive, compared to shipping by pipeline.

It's a crude oil line, not gas. But thanks for playing.

And this makes what difference to the point I was making?

Oh, sorry. I failed to give you credit for your deflection!!!

Deflection from what, the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. It's obvious you have no experience on a pipeline or rail yard, gas has much different handling techniques than crude and requires different equipment. Now I have a question for you and the other ignorant asses on this board.

What difference does it make exactly how many permanent jobs are created as long as it is a net positive and adds to our economy? Are you so fucking bent on being right on petty shit that you could care less about the positive impact on the country? We have thousands of miles of petroleum pipe running all over this country they have proven to be safe and efficient.
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Because of what, the Ogallala aquifer? :lol:

Agriculture long ago polluted and drained that bitch.

Fucking hypocrisy by brain-dead petrophobes.

I'm guessing US domestic producers have more to do with Keystone Pipeline delays that all the treehuggers in Washington.
It's not just the jobs, it's having the oil in OUR country instead of China.

Let's let the State Department put that into context...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued
How big would the payroll be if you pay 500,000 employees $10 per hour for one week?

An astounding $2 billion, just for one week. About 25% of their revenue for all of 2012. Somehow I don't think half a million jobs is a realistic number. :lol:

The average pipeline worker gets over $20.00 per hour ($43,000 per year).

So we're talking $4 billion for one week's pay. Nearly 50% of the company's yearly revenue! :lol:
What difference does it make exactly how many permanent jobs are created as long as it is a net positive and adds to our economy? Are you so fucking bent on being right on petty shit that you could care less about the positive impact on the country? We have thousands of miles of petroleum pipe running all over this country they have proven to be safe and efficient.

Here's the situation in a nutshell:

*No substantial job creation
*Many of the jobs that will be created will not be American jobs
*Oil will be shipped to other markets instead of US, resulting in increased gas prices for many parts of the US
*Increased costs for many businesses will result in American job losses greater than those created by pipeline

That's the big deal.
KNB said we shouldn't build the pipeline since "some" of the construction jobs will only last the duration of building the pipeline....oh the horror.

Scum like KNB believe it is better to not have a job than to do construction jobs.
An astounding $2 billion, just for one week. About 25% of their revenue for all of 2012. Somehow I don't think half a million jobs is a realistic number. :lol:

The average pipeline worker gets over $20.00 per hour ($43,000 per year).

So we're talking $4 billion for one week's pay. Nearly 50% of the company's yearly revenue! :lol:

I think your brain is waterlogged from the pool. Or have you been huffing the chlorine?
No one ever stated the pipeline itself would require 500,000 workers.
The number represents the actual pipeline workers during construction, administration, engineering, logistics, etc. Also counted should be all ancillary employment in the form of housing, retail, services, support, transportation logistics( warehousing) medical care. The list is very long.
Of course all you people can see is "oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carbon Dioxide!!!!!!!"....STFU
Liberals have no clue about the effects they are producing slowing or even banning this pipeline....the same material is being shipped to the southern US by truck and railroad which is more dangerous (see the ND trail derailment) and ooooooo it pollutes the environment with so many trucks and trains needed to transport the quantity of material.

Yes...liberals are that fucking stupid.
What difference does it make exactly how many permanent jobs are created as long as it is a net positive and adds to our economy? Are you so fucking bent on being right on petty shit that you could care less about the positive impact on the country? We have thousands of miles of petroleum pipe running all over this country they have proven to be safe and efficient.

Here's the situation in a nutshell:

*No substantial job creation
*Many of the jobs that will be created will not be American jobs
*Oil will be shipped to other markets instead of US, resulting in increased gas prices for many parts of the US
*Increased costs for many businesses will result in American job losses greater than those created by pipeline

That's the big deal.
OK...You are being called out to defend and support those claims with FACTS.
I don't want to see anything from a blog, OP Ed or opinion piece.
You will defend these claims step by step and will answer to them directly.
Evasive "politician" answers will be quickly rejected.
Get to work.
What difference does it make exactly how many permanent jobs are created as long as it is a net positive and adds to our economy? Are you so fucking bent on being right on petty shit that you could care less about the positive impact on the country? We have thousands of miles of petroleum pipe running all over this country they have proven to be safe and efficient.

Here's the situation in a nutshell:

*No substantial job creation
*Many of the jobs that will be created will not be American jobs
*Oil will be shipped to other markets instead of US, resulting in increased gas prices for many parts of the US
*Increased costs for many businesses will result in American job losses greater than those created by pipeline

That's the big deal.
OK...You are being called out to defend and support those claims with FACTS.
I don't want to see anything from a blog, OP Ed or opinion piece.
You will defend these claims step by step and will answer to them directly.
Evasive "politician" answers will be quickly rejected.
Get to work.
Especially the last two. :lol: :cuckoo:
No one ever stated the pipeline itself would require 500,000 workers. The number represents the actual pipeline workers during construction, administration, engineering, logistics, etc.

:lol: And how is that any different?

Also counted should be all ancillary employment in the form of housing, retail, services, support, transportation logistics( warehousing) medical care. The list is very long.

Oh come on, this is weak.

Of course all you people can see is "oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carbon Dioxide!!!!!!!"....STFU


You really should take a tour through the Environment section before you make a claim like this.
OK...You are being called out to defend and support those claims with FACTS.

First of all, the person who started this thread is the one who made the claim of 500,000 jobs. That is what needs to be supported with facts.

Second, if you had bothered to pay attention to the thread, you'd see that what I have said has already been demonstrated, from a study done by Cornell University.

Off to bed with you.

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