No freedom of expression in Gaza

Post #127:

If you look at all of the armistice agreement you will find that the international boundaries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine remained unchanged after the war.

So, what did Israel win?


I think it's time for bed Tinnie
P F Tinmore; et al,

So, if the Israelis did not have the advantage, then what are the Arab Palestinians worried about. If Arab-Palestinian did not lose anything, then they are free to go about their business. Problem solved!

I would get on the phone right now to Washington and tell Saeb Erekat, the PNA chief negotiator, to go on home --- the Israelis didn't win anything.

No --- somehow, I don't think it is that simple; is it?

Do you have a peace agreement to confirm your claim?

What does that have to do with anything ?

Do you have an article that says that because of the Armistice agreements, that meant that there was no winner in the war ??

I already posted that.

You need to keep up.

You are attempting to use the concept of an Armistice to establish that their was no military victory. I suspect there was. I suspect that the Arab Palestinian lost something, otherwise there would be no dispute.

  • I suspect that Syria lost something, otherwise their would be a UNSMIS in Damascus and Blue Helmets up near the Golan Heights.
  • I suspect that the refugees don't have something they once had --- otherwise they wouldn't be refugees.
  • I suspect that there is something that the Arab-Palestinian wants, because they are in conflict.

You can play the game about "win" or "no-win." But it actually doesn't achieve anything in the long run. If the Arab-Palestinian keeps messing around, before you know it, it will be another half century and the Israel still won't have "won" anything --- yet the Arab-Palestinian will still be missing something (I can quite figure it out).

Most Respectfully,
Yes they did. And the 1967 war. and the 1973 war

The Parties to the present Agreement, responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948 calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, to negotiate an Armistice; having decided to enter into negotiations under United Nations Chairmanship concerning the implementation of the Security Council resolutions of 4 and 16 November 1948; (2) and having appointed representatives empowered to negotiate and conclude an Armistice Agreement;

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

No they did not. The key aspect in an armistice is the fact that fighting ends with no one surrendering.

What part of that confuses you?
The part where "Palestine" and Iraq didn't sign the armistice agreement.
Yes they did. And the 1967 war. and the 1973 war

The Parties to the present Agreement, responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948 calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, to negotiate an Armistice; having decided to enter into negotiations under United Nations Chairmanship concerning the implementation of the Security Council resolutions of 4 and 16 November 1948; (2) and having appointed representatives empowered to negotiate and conclude an Armistice Agreement;

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

No they did not. The key aspect in an armistice is the fact that fighting ends with no one surrendering.

What part of that confuses you?
The part where "Palestine" and Iraq didn't sign the armistice agreement.

For God's sake Hoss. Quit confusing them with facts.

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