NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.

Slave owners, segregationists and anti miscegenationists were all as sure of their bible verses as you are.
And Bible thumpers led the Abolitionist Movement.

Yup, abolitionists also used the bible.


And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.

Slave owners, segregationists and anti miscegenationists were all as sure of their bible verses as you are.

Do you consider yourself to be a Christian?

Nope...but you, the slave owners, segregationists and anti miscegenationists think you are/were.
Homosexuality is normal for homosexuals. They have a different view of things. That's the number one reason they should remain equal but separate.

Judaism is normal for Jews. They have a different view of things. That's the number one reason they should remain equal but separate.

Doesn't sound as spiffy now does it?
To you perhaps, but you have demonstrated a binary on/off thinking process. Jews are all over the map in what they believe, ranging from ultra liberal to extreme orthodoxy. Religion is protected though, never heard of sexual preference being protected though. They should have modified the Constitution first. Or tried to.

I Jews have a variety of beliefs, but gays are a single group think.

Do you people even listen to what you say? (Figuratively speaking of course)
When did I say anything about gay think or them being the same? Many don't support your bullshit.

Perhaps you should read the entire thread you're responding to then. Deltex implied exactly that.
Supporters of same-sex marriage are sure that they’re simply making the world a fairer and more equal place. No. They are unwittingly helping the radical left destroy marriage and the family.
How do you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

because the Bible says men laying with men is an abomination in God's site.

And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.
Not believing in G-d is also an abomination. You be sure to let me know when Christians promote denying marriage to athiests, ok? Until then, you're nothing but hypocrites.
Only a crime until the precedent and ensuing logic are applied.

not really. close relation incest is illegal in all 50 states. You'd have to get those laws overturned before you can open the door to close relation marriage.

Since that won't happen, given 99% of the population is like, "Ick", SCOTUS won't overturn those laws.

So instead of whining about incest, bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, polygamy or any other unrelated issue, just finish this sentence.

Gay marriage is bad because __________________.

Just because you can't handle the logic doesn't mean anyone is whining besides you.
No one expected homo marriage to be made legal, either. Now that is has, the barn door is open.
Two brothers can't share that 'right' for the same reason a brother and sister can't share that right- States have made sibling marriage illegal.

If you don't have an argument why sibling marriage should be illegal- well then that is your problem- not that same gender couples can marry.
Oh it's illegal! Golly! Gay marriage wasn't legal either. There's no reason to deny two adult males since they can't have kids, which is the reason incest is illegal. Fail.

LOL.......what a fail at attempting to make an argument.

If you don't have an argument why sibling marriage should be illegal- well then that is your problem- not that same gender couples can marry.
I just did, men don't get each other pregnant. Therefore it makes no sense to deny them. The failure is between your ears.

So you are okay with a brother marrying his sister- if the sister is sterile? That marriage is hunky dory for you as long as they cannot have children?
How do you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

because the Bible says men laying with men is an abomination in God's site.

And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.

You are welcome to your opinion- certainly I am not going to tell you how your God thinks.

I leave that to you.
Only a crime until the precedent and ensuing logic are applied.

not really. close relation incest is illegal in all 50 states. You'd have to get those laws overturned before you can open the door to close relation marriage.

Since that won't happen, given 99% of the population is like, "Ick", SCOTUS won't overturn those laws.

So instead of whining about incest, bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, polygamy or any other unrelated issue, just finish this sentence.

Gay marriage is bad because __________________.

Just because you can't handle the logic doesn't mean anyone is whining besides you..

What logic? You wouldn't recognize logic if it slapped you in the face with a salmon.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

Your title is correct and since you don't understand that double negative makes a positive I will clear thing up for you and the other intellectually deficient haters here... No homosexuality is not normal. Having no homosexuality in humans and other animals would not be normal. Since it occurs in nature with other species having no homosexuality certainly would not be normal.
And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.

Slave owners, segregationists and anti miscegenationists were all as sure of their bible verses as you are.
And Bible thumpers led the Abolitionist Movement.

Yep- Christians led both the abolition movement- and promoted slavery.

In both cases citing the Bible.
because the Bible says men laying with men is an abomination in God's site.

And again- how does that make you know that God does not recognize homosexual marriage vows?

Really- as a Christian doesn't it make you a tad uncomfortable to be claiming to know what God does and does not 'recognize'?

There is a certain hubris to that.

If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.
He's an idiot, homosexuals were put to death in the OT and marriage for the Christian is spelled out as one man and one woman. There's no room for interpretation there.

I do agree we should base laws on the Bible .

So you think homosexuals should be put to death as in the Old Testament?

Adulterers too?
If I didn't feel certain it was a sin, no. There are things I do that I know God doesn't approve of. Many, actually but just because I like doing them doesn't make it no sinful. I see the planks in my eyes also.

Prayer and Bible reading along with taking Bible courses make me certain what God considers sin, not matter what alternate arguments are out there. I could debate divorce and sex before marriage with the same conviction.

Look- you are welcome to believe whatever you will believe.

You have created a chain of biblical comments that do not address 'gay marriage' and you have decided that you know what God thinks.

And that is hubris.

There are many things not specifically addressed in the Bible but, if you are a Christian, you can know what are sins based on what the Bible says, like homosexuality being an abomination to God. The scriptures in the Old and New Testament are enough for any Christian to understand this, and, anyone that doesn't is just mis-interpreting scripture and twisting it to fit their own beliefs (which is also a sin).

You nor anyone else has to believe me or agree with me. But I'm 100% certain on this.

Slave owners, segregationists and anti miscegenationists were all as sure of their bible verses as you are.
And Bible thumpers led the Abolitionist Movement.

Yep- Christians led both the abolition movement- and promoted slavery.

In both cases citing the Bible.

Satan himself has cited the Bible. In fact, he did it directly to Jesus.

Your point?
I see all the church ladies are out in full force today against the gays. :D Lol.

Aww... come on Chris ... I'm not against gays - I would love to see everyone one of them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and be born again! It's the best gift in the world!
Men used to cite the bible to deny women the right to vote and equal rights as well. :D

People of all kinds have cited the Bible for both good and evil.
A mature Christian can differentiate between the two.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

Your title is correct and since you don't understand that double negative makes a positive I will clear thing up for you and the other intellectually deficient haters here... No homosexuality is not normal. Having no homosexuality in humans and other animals would not be normal. Since it occurs in nature with other species having no homosexuality certainly would not be normal.

Very few mammals engage in homosexual relationships, and if they have a homosexual encounter, they are not in homosexual relationships and they do not get married.

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