No, Liberals, Bill Clinton was Not Impeached for Having Affairs but for Perjury and Obstruction

Sure he has!!! The special counsel has a VERY STRONG case of obstruction of justice on Trump....even a layman like myself, has no doubt of that, the evidence is piled from here to high heaven on that charge and yes, he should be impeached, as Clinton was for his perjury on his sexual relations...

Perhaps you could summarize that "very strong case" in a few bullet points? I'll be waiting.
perhaps you should use Google or search engine of your choice and search

Trump obstruction of Justice, special counsel

Would be a good start.

Or, Trump, firing Comey, Lester Holt, obstruction

Or, Trump tower meeting, Don junior with Russians, Trump press release crafted with lies, obstruction


none of it is obstruction
It certainly was and is obstruction of an official investigation......


nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame
He hasn't done it under oath and he hasn't used his office to obstruct justice....

Oh, and bill clinton is accused of raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting about a dozen more, all done from positions of power as a law professor, Attorney General, Governor, and President.....Trump has had consenual sex and affairs....clinton is a rapist.
Sure he has!!! The special counsel has a VERY STRONG case of obstruction of justice on Trump....even a layman like myself, has no doubt of that, the evidence is piled from here to high heaven on that charge and yes, he should be impeached, as Clinton was for his perjury on his sexual relations...

Perhaps you could summarize that "very strong case" in a few bullet points? I'll be waiting.
Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Trump looks damning
This should worry Trump even more than allegations of collusion.
By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp[email protected] Updated Jan 24, 2018, 10:03am ESTSHARE
Alex Wong/Getty Images
Special counsel Robert Mueller appears to be building a case that President Donald Trump’s interference with the Russia probe constitutes obstruction of justice.

Just this Tuesday, we learned that Mueller’s team has interviewed former FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, clear signs that the special counsel is looking into the circumstances surrounding Comey’s firing. We also learned that Mueller is attempting to question Trump himself about the Comey firing, as well as the firing of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — a request you’d expect from a prosecutor closing in on their target.

And here’s the thing: the case against Trump on obstruction grounds is very strong — stronger even than the evidence that the Trump campaign broke the law by colluding with Russian’s campaign to influence the election.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

If Mueller feels he has enough evidence, then he could seek permission to indict and prosecute Trump. It’s not clear that charges can actually be brought against a sitting president, but Mueller’s findings could nevertheless be turned over to Congress — and serve as the centerpiece of any impeachment proceedings against Trump.

The obstruction, it seems, is the biggest legal and political threat to President Trump to emerge from the Mueller probe so far.

There are basically two reasons Griffin and other legal observers believe Mueller has such a good case obstruction case. First, the evidence of obstruction is, from what we know publicly, far stronger than the evidence that Trump himself was involved in with Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. Second, the crime of obstruction is legally straightforward, whereas it’s not obvious which laws Trump would have violated by accepting Russian assistance during the election.

Nice opinion piece

Do you have anything else?

if it's blood you want wait till Mueller is finished BUT we all know ,then all the trumpettes will vote against their country and for their swine in congress and in the WH

oh tough words from an internet sock puppet --LOL
Perhaps you could summarize that "very strong case" in a few bullet points? I'll be waiting.
perhaps you should use Google or search engine of your choice and search

Trump obstruction of Justice, special counsel

Would be a good start.

Or, Trump, firing Comey, Lester Holt, obstruction

Or, Trump tower meeting, Don junior with Russians, Trump press release crafted with lies, obstruction


none of it is obstruction
It certainly was and is obstruction of an official investigation......


nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame

still an leftist ass licker i see ya sock puppet
He hasn't done it under oath and he hasn't used his office to obstruct justice....

Oh, and bill clinton is accused of raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting about a dozen more, all done from positions of power as a law professor, Attorney General, Governor, and President.....Trump has had consenual sex and affairs....clinton is a rapist.
Sure he has!!! The special counsel has a VERY STRONG case of obstruction of justice on Trump....even a layman like myself, has no doubt of that, the evidence is piled from here to high heaven on that charge and yes, he should be impeached, as Clinton was for his perjury on his sexual relations...

Perhaps you could summarize that "very strong case" in a few bullet points? I'll be waiting.
Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Trump looks damning
This should worry Trump even more than allegations of collusion.
By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp[email protected] Updated Jan 24, 2018, 10:03am ESTSHARE
Alex Wong/Getty Images
Special counsel Robert Mueller appears to be building a case that President Donald Trump’s interference with the Russia probe constitutes obstruction of justice.

Just this Tuesday, we learned that Mueller’s team has interviewed former FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, clear signs that the special counsel is looking into the circumstances surrounding Comey’s firing. We also learned that Mueller is attempting to question Trump himself about the Comey firing, as well as the firing of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — a request you’d expect from a prosecutor closing in on their target.

And here’s the thing: the case against Trump on obstruction grounds is very strong — stronger even than the evidence that the Trump campaign broke the law by colluding with Russian’s campaign to influence the election.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

If Mueller feels he has enough evidence, then he could seek permission to indict and prosecute Trump. It’s not clear that charges can actually be brought against a sitting president, but Mueller’s findings could nevertheless be turned over to Congress — and serve as the centerpiece of any impeachment proceedings against Trump.

The obstruction, it seems, is the biggest legal and political threat to President Trump to emerge from the Mueller probe so far.

There are basically two reasons Griffin and other legal observers believe Mueller has such a good case obstruction case. First, the evidence of obstruction is, from what we know publicly, far stronger than the evidence that Trump himself was involved in with Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. Second, the crime of obstruction is legally straightforward, whereas it’s not obvious which laws Trump would have violated by accepting Russian assistance during the election.

Nice opinion piece

Do you have anything else?

if it's blood you want wait till Mueller is finished BUT we all know ,then all the trumpettes will vote against their country and for their swine in congress and in the WH

Word is Mueller found a few more unpaid parking tickets out there. He has no time to look into the other side of the coin in McCabe et al'

perhaps you should use Google or search engine of your choice and search

Trump obstruction of Justice, special counsel

Would be a good start.

Or, Trump, firing Comey, Lester Holt, obstruction

Or, Trump tower meeting, Don junior with Russians, Trump press release crafted with lies, obstruction


none of it is obstruction
It certainly was and is obstruction of an official investigation......


nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame

still an leftist ass licker i see ya sock puppet
so nice hearing from you jon and yes I do fall on the left for most issues ,,,but not all , and I do admit to hating the lying POS you helped get into our WH

none of it is obstruction
It certainly was and is obstruction of an official investigation......


nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame

still an leftist ass licker i see ya sock puppet
so nice hearing from you jon and yes I do fall on the left for most issues ,,,but not all , and I do admit to hating the lying POS you helped get into our WH

far leftist crank

if you supported hillary you are one sick bastard
That Clinton lying was a disgrace and proof that he was a piece of shit asshole but getting blowjobs from young interns in the workplace should have been grounds for termination. It would have been at every other workplace in the country.

Everybody knew what a scumbag he was but the idiotic Moon Bats elected him President. They always make the wrong choices. The Liberals in this country are morons.
It certainly was and is obstruction of an official investigation......


nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame

still an leftist ass licker i see ya sock puppet
so nice hearing from you jon and yes I do fall on the left for most issues ,,,but not all , and I do admit to hating the lying POS you helped get into our WH

far leftist crank

if you supported hillary you are one sick bastard
she showed her taxes ,,,,,trump lied about showing his and lied about getting no benefits from his tax cut policy

nope what a bunch of non sense
still have your head up trumps butt ? A shame

still an leftist ass licker i see ya sock puppet
so nice hearing from you jon and yes I do fall on the left for most issues ,,,but not all , and I do admit to hating the lying POS you helped get into our WH

far leftist crank

if you supported hillary you are one sick bastard
she showed her taxes ,,,,,trump lied about showing his and lied about getting no benefits from his tax cut policy

Ir you want to keep you doctor......... sigh

Darn video

We don't get involved in FBI investigations. We stay non-partial

That Clinton lying was a disgrace and proof that he was a piece of shit asshole but getting blowjobs from young interns in the workplace should have been grounds for termination. It would have been at every other workplace in the country.

Everybody knew what a scumbag he was but the idiotic Moon Bats elected him President. They always make the wrong choices. The Liberals in this country are morons.
but we don't get america into many trillion dollar wars over bullshit like republicans do you do remember gwb?
That Clinton lying was a disgrace and proof that he was a piece of shit asshole but getting blowjobs from young interns in the workplace should have been grounds for termination. It would have been at every other workplace in the country.

Everybody knew what a scumbag he was but the idiotic Moon Bats elected him President. They always make the wrong choices. The Liberals in this country are morons.
but we don't get america into many trillion dollar wars over bullshit like republicans do you do remember gwb?

Oh noes...... The war card..... Bring it,,......... You can do it

Speaking of lies. I thought Obama said the opposite. He like him some war.... yeah baby


While Obama Escalates War in Afghanistan, Iraq Could Blow Up in His Face

Over the past couple of weeks, the Obama administration has clearly attempted to shift the US foreign policy focus from Iraq to Afghanistan, seemingly intent on leaving the public with the impression that Iraq is under control and US withdrawal has been set in full motion; that the end of the “war” is within sight. This fantasy has been reinforced by some so-called anti-war groups, like MoveOn, which have praised Obama’s Iraq plan without confronting the cold fact that Obama’s vision for the country includes a sustained presence of tens of thousands of US troops, a monstrous US embassy the size of Vatican City and the continued—and likely increased— use of corporate mercenary forces. Also, consider this fact: by September of this year, Obama will have actually sent more troops into combat than Bush.

While Obama Escalates War in Afghanistan, Iraq Could Blow Up in His Face | HuffPost
That Clinton lying was a disgrace and proof that he was a piece of shit asshole but getting blowjobs from young interns in the workplace should have been grounds for termination. It would have been at every other workplace in the country.

Um, yeah. Hey, you know what, most places have workplace affairs... people usually aren't fired for them.

Everybody knew what a scumbag he was but the idiotic Moon Bats elected him President. They always make the wrong choices. The Liberals in this country are morons.

YOu see, here's the thing, back in the 1990's, I was one of you Right Wing Assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton".

But in 2008, when I looked at my 25% pay reduction, my underwater mortgage, my busted ass 401K, the first thought on my mind was not, 'Well at least Bush didn't get a blow job and lie about it!"

I wish that lying about a blow job was the worst thing I had to worry about a president doing.
In a thread on the Stormy Daniels mess, a liberal complained that while Republicans argue that Bill Clinton's private sexual immorality was a valid reason for impeachment, they dismiss Donald Trump's private sexual immorality as no big deal, irrelevant, etc.

Oh no, no. Clinton was not impeached for his private sexual actions but for lying about them under oath (perjury) and trying to obstruct justice when he was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones (who, by the way, passed multiple lie detector tests). Here are the executive summaries of the four articles of impeachment that were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998:

1. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition.

3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false, and misleading statements to Congress.

Articles 1 and 3 were passed by the House and Clinton was impeached, but the Senate failed to remove him.

You can read the full text of the impeachment articles here: Special Report: Clinton Accused

This is the huge difference between Trump's affairs and Clinton's affairs: Trump has not lied about them under oath in any civil or criminal deposition or hearing. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Trump has tried to coach witnesses to give false testimony, whereas Bill Clinton summoned Betty Currie to the White House on a Sunday, a very unusual meeting time, to try to get her to testify that she was always there when Monica Lewinsky was there and that Monica and Clinton were never alone.

Clinton's own wheeling-dealing laid groundwork for his legal dilemma
Bill Clinton was forced to testify about allegations from Paula Jones

Why doesn’t Fat Donnie do the same?

Uhhhh, maybe one difference is that Trump's encounter with Stormy was CONSENSUAL, whereas Clinton's encounters with Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, and Kathleen Willey, among others, were not? Sheesh, so much for your concern about women's rights, hey?
How about that 13 year old girl? Or those over a dozen women?

Republicans were not investigating Paula Jones. They were investigating Monica,

Do you assholes EVER tell the truth.
That Clinton lying was a disgrace and proof that he was a piece of shit asshole but getting blowjobs from young interns in the workplace should have been grounds for termination. It would have been at every other workplace in the country.

Um, yeah. Hey, you know what, most places have workplace affairs... people usually aren't fired for them.

Everybody knew what a scumbag he was but the idiotic Moon Bats elected him President. They always make the wrong choices. The Liberals in this country are morons.

YOu see, here's the thing, back in the 1990's, I was one of you Right Wing Assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton".

But in 2008, when I looked at my 25% pay reduction, my underwater mortgage, my busted ass 401K, the first thought on my mind was not, 'Well at least Bush didn't get a blow job and lie about it!"

I wish that lying about a blow job was the worst thing I had to worry about a president doing.

Wrong Joe. Not in the Federal Government. You go as far as say a nice compliment in the workplace there and you're done. Period!

Yeah but what a freaking sleaze bag Bubba was. He was playing hide the cigar in the Oval Office closet with an intern while Hilly and Chellie were attending Easter services.
Yeah but what a freaking sleaze bag Bubba was. He was playing hide the cigar in the Oval Office closet with an intern while Hilly and Chellie were attending Easter services.
if you call bill a sleaze what words have you reserved for the pervert accused by 19 women of molesting and worse or the guy who cheated on all 3 of his wives? lets be fair whitey
In a thread on the Stormy Daniels mess, a liberal complained that while Republicans argue that Bill Clinton's private sexual immorality was a valid reason for impeachment, they dismiss Donald Trump's private sexual immorality as no big deal, irrelevant, etc.

Oh no, no. Clinton was not impeached for his private sexual actions but for lying about them under oath (perjury) and trying to obstruct justice when he was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones (who, by the way, passed multiple lie detector tests). Here are the executive summaries of the four articles of impeachment that were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998:

1. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition.

3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false, and misleading statements to Congress.

Articles 1 and 3 were passed by the House and Clinton was impeached, but the Senate failed to remove him.

You can read the full text of the impeachment articles here: Special Report: Clinton Accused

This is the huge difference between Trump's affairs and Clinton's affairs: Trump has not lied about them under oath in any civil or criminal deposition or hearing. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Trump has tried to coach witnesses to give false testimony, whereas Bill Clinton summoned Betty Currie to the White House on a Sunday, a very unusual meeting time, to try to get her to testify that she was always there when Monica Lewinsky was there and that Monica and Clinton were never alone.

Clinton's own wheeling-dealing laid groundwork for his legal dilemma
Is it any better that trump lies to us daily?

Do you come to that conclusion by what CNN tells you Trump said, have you ever actually watched an entire Trump speech for your self to listen to the difference that MSM tells you about said speech?

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