No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

1. Bullshit. America grew to the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls.

Uh, no, actually, it didn't. IN fact, a firm plank in our post WWII economic plan was to encourage free trade. We gave the Germans and Japanese easy access to our market so they wouldn't start thinking Communism is a nifty idea.

I'm sure they never covered this with you in Home School, Cleetus.

2. Germany right now has twice the percentage of workers in manufacturing than we do. That disproves your claim that a FIrst World Nation can't have manufacturing jobs. And if Germans are willing to work in manufacturing, so are Americans. Hell, our largest single ethnic group is german.

Again, Germany also has socialized medicine, work councils, gun control, and a thorough welfare state. Oh, yes, and their immigration policy is pretty much, "If you get here, you are in." (YOu see, has something to so with being REALLY SORRY about the Nazis. It's why electing Nazis is a bad idea.)
Isn't this why Trump will be elected...he's an outsider, why would he want their support?
1. Bullshit. America grew to the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls.

Uh, no, actually, it didn't. IN fact, a firm plank in our post WWII economic plan was to encourage free trade. We gave the Germans and Japanese easy access to our market so they wouldn't start thinking Communism is a nifty idea.

I'm sure they never covered this with you in Home School, Cleetus.

2. Germany right now has twice the percentage of workers in manufacturing than we do. That disproves your claim that a FIrst World Nation can't have manufacturing jobs. And if Germans are willing to work in manufacturing, so are Americans. Hell, our largest single ethnic group is german.

Again, Germany also has socialized medicine, work councils, gun control, and a thorough welfare state. Oh, yes, and their immigration policy is pretty much, "If you get here, you are in." (YOu see, has something to so with being REALLY SORRY about the Nazis. It's why electing Nazis is a bad idea.)

1. American was the largest economy in the world long before wwii. It grew that economy behind high trade barriers.

2. "Gun control"? LOL!!! Your claims as to why German higher rate of manufacturing jobs is your unsupported opinion, but regardless, their much, much higher rate of manufacturing employment proves that your claim that the jobs CANNOT come back is nonsense.
1. American was the largest economy in the world long before wwii. It grew that economy behind high trade barriers.

well, um, no, it didn't. In fact, we encouraged free trade, and the one time we didn't- Smoot-Hartley- it was an economic disaster.

2. "Gun control"? LOL!!! Your claims as to why German higher rate of manufacturing jobs is your unsupported opinion, but regardless, their much, much higher rate of manufacturing employment proves that your claim that the jobs CANNOT come back is nonsense.

Gun violence in the US costs the economy 270 BILLION in lost lives, injuries, economic losses. Yes, our nutty gun policies do have an economic toll. So does the fact we spend 19% of our GDP on medical compared to Germany only spending 10%.

Germany is also part of the most awesome Free Trade deal in the world, the European Union. The kind of free trade, globalist organization your boy the TrumpenFuhrer argues against.
1. American was the largest economy in the world long before wwii. It grew that economy behind high trade barriers.

well, um, no, it didn't. In fact, we encouraged free trade, and the one time we didn't- Smoot-Hartley- it was an economic disaster.

2. "Gun control"? LOL!!! Your claims as to why German higher rate of manufacturing jobs is your unsupported opinion, but regardless, their much, much higher rate of manufacturing employment proves that your claim that the jobs CANNOT come back is nonsense.

Gun violence in the US costs the economy 270 BILLION in lost lives, injuries, economic losses. Yes, our nutty gun policies do have an economic toll. So does the fact we spend 19% of our GDP on medical compared to Germany only spending 10%.

Germany is also part of the most awesome Free Trade deal in the world, the European Union. The kind of free trade, globalist organization your boy the TrumpenFuhrer argues against.
Guns provide for America to make around 20 trillion a year.....
1. American was the largest economy in the world long before wwii. It grew that economy behind high trade barriers.

well, um, no, it didn't. In fact, we encouraged free trade, and the one time we didn't- Smoot-Hartley- it was an economic disaster.

2. "Gun control"? LOL!!! Your claims as to why German higher rate of manufacturing jobs is your unsupported opinion, but regardless, their much, much higher rate of manufacturing employment proves that your claim that the jobs CANNOT come back is nonsense.

Gun violence in the US costs the economy 270 BILLION in lost lives, injuries, economic losses. Yes, our nutty gun policies do have an economic toll. So does the fact we spend 19% of our GDP on medical compared to Germany only spending 10%.

Germany is also part of the most awesome Free Trade deal in the world, the European Union. The kind of free trade, globalist organization your boy the TrumpenFuhrer argues against.

1. The 1930s was in the wrong century for a discussion of when we grew to be the world's largest economy. That occurred in the Post Civil War period, behind high tariff walls.

2. Wow. 270 billion out of 16 and a half TRILLION DOLLAR economy. Yeah, that sounds cripplingly. LOL!!!

3. The EU? Free Trade? Or Trade Block?
1. The 1930s was in the wrong century for a discussion of when we grew to be the world's largest economy. That occurred in the Post Civil War period, behind high tariff walls.

You are right. The 1930's were a decade, not a century. I know they probably didn't done make these distinctions clear to you in Cracker Home School, Cleetus.

2. Wow. 270 billion out of 16 and a half TRILLION DOLLAR economy. Yeah, that sounds cripplingly. LOL!!!

I know, big numbers like that confuse you, Cleetus...

3. The EU? Free Trade? Or Trade Block?

A Trade block that includes opening Germany's markets to dozens of member countries, yeah...
1. The 1930s was in the wrong century for a discussion of when we grew to be the world's largest economy. That occurred in the Post Civil War period, behind high tariff walls.

You are right. The 1930's were a decade, not a century. I know they probably didn't done make these distinctions clear to you in Cracker Home School, Cleetus.

2. Wow. 270 billion out of 16 and a half TRILLION DOLLAR economy. Yeah, that sounds cripplingly. LOL!!!

I know, big numbers like that confuse you, Cleetus...

3. The EU? Free Trade? Or Trade Block?

A Trade block that includes opening Germany's markets to dozens of member countries, yeah...

1. The discussion was about the US becoming the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls. That occurred in a different century than the 1930s. It is not credible that you failed to understand that. Please do not play dumb. It is rude and dishonest.

1b Your bigotry is not a supporting argument. Try to be less of a bigoted dick.

2. Nope. I understand that 270 billion is not a big number, is not a significant number, when thought of as a cost to a 16 trillion dollar economy. That was obviously my point, and it is not credible that you did not understand that. Stop playing stupid. It is rude and dishonest.

3. A trade block that opens it's market to dozens of less competitive nations, while protecting their markets FOR Germany. That's some good trade policy on their part. And in my opinion, likely the big cause of their vastly higher level of manufacturing employment.
1. The discussion was about the US becoming the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls. That occurred in a different century than the 1930s. It is not credible that you failed to understand that. Please do not play dumb. It is rude and dishonest.

1b Your bigotry is not a supporting argument. Try to be less of a bigoted dick.

Guy, we don't live in the 19th century. But if we did, let's look at that.
1) The United States was't the largest economy, the British Empire was. A British Empire that traded all over the world.
2) The fact was, when you had freight being moved by wooden ships that took months to cross an ocean instead of weeks, it wasn't like they were moving all that much stuff around
3) Let us not forget, those high tariffs you think were so nifty in the 19th century was one of the main reason 11 States tried to seceed from the union. (You know, that war you dumb-ass crackers lost and are soooooo sad about until this very day.)

2. Nope. I understand that 270 billion is not a big number, is not a significant number, when thought of as a cost to a 16 trillion dollar economy. That was obviously my point, and it is not credible that you did not understand that. Stop playing stupid. It is rude and dishonest.

Bear Sterns was only worth 66.7 Billion, but it's collapse caused the Great Recession. So if a "not significant number" can trigger the biggest economic crisis in 80 years, then it can also be a drag on an economy, can it not?

For want of a nail, and all that.

3. A trade block that opens it's market to dozens of less competitive nations, while protecting their markets FOR Germany. That's some good trade policy on their part. And in my opinion, likely the big cause of their vastly higher level of manufacturing employment.

What helps Germany is that they make really good products. Products people associate with QUALITY. For all the reasons I said.

But I'd be happy if you want to make America more like Germany is today. I don't think you'd be happy living in a liberal social democracy with gun control, liberal immigration policies and socialized medicine, but I'd be totally good with that.

Oh, yeah, in Germany Nazis like Trump would be THROWN IN PRISON.
1. The discussion was about the US becoming the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls. That occurred in a different century than the 1930s. It is not credible that you failed to understand that. Please do not play dumb. It is rude and dishonest.

1b Your bigotry is not a supporting argument. Try to be less of a bigoted dick.

Guy, we don't live in the 19th century. But if we did, let's look at that.
1) The United States was't the largest economy, the British Empire was. A British Empire that traded all over the world.
2) The fact was, when you had freight being moved by wooden ships that took months to cross an ocean instead of weeks, it wasn't like they were moving all that much stuff around
3) Let us not forget, those high tariffs you think were so nifty in the 19th century was one of the main reason 11 States tried to seceed from the union. (You know, that war you dumb-ass crackers lost and are soooooo sad about until this very day.)

2. Nope. I understand that 270 billion is not a big number, is not a significant number, when thought of as a cost to a 16 trillion dollar economy. That was obviously my point, and it is not credible that you did not understand that. Stop playing stupid. It is rude and dishonest.

Bear Sterns was only worth 66.7 Billion, but it's collapse caused the Great Recession. So if a "not significant number" can trigger the biggest economic crisis in 80 years, then it can also be a drag on an economy, can it not?

For want of a nail, and all that.

3. A trade block that opens it's market to dozens of less competitive nations, while protecting their markets FOR Germany. That's some good trade policy on their part. And in my opinion, likely the big cause of their vastly higher level of manufacturing employment.

What helps Germany is that they make really good products. Products people associate with QUALITY. For all the reasons I said.

But I'd be happy if you want to make America more like Germany is today. I don't think you'd be happy living in a liberal social democracy with gun control, liberal immigration policies and socialized medicine, but I'd be totally good with that.

Oh, yeah, in Germany Nazis like Trump would be THROWN IN PRISON.
I think you would look good over there. Chop chop.
I can't wait to find an aldis to find some of that quality shit your talking about.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

If that's the case, clearly, there exists a Washington Establishment. Perhaps Americans want something different.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

That's quite flattering for Trump. Considering how appalling our political elites are, their sanction would be counter productive for Trump.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

If that's the case, clearly, there exists a Washington Establishment. Perhaps Americans want something different.

americans are fed up with lying politicians whose only goal is to make themselves rich. The Clintons are the most blatant examples of that. They have sucked the public tit their entire worthless lives. Now they want to complete the destruction of the USA that was started by obozo in 2008.

If Hillary wins, the USA is over, done, finished.
1. The discussion was about the US becoming the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls. That occurred in a different century than the 1930s. It is not credible that you failed to understand that. Please do not play dumb. It is rude and dishonest.

1b Your bigotry is not a supporting argument. Try to be less of a bigoted dick.

Guy, we don't live in the 19th century. But if we did, let's look at that.
1) The United States was't the largest economy, the British Empire was. A British Empire that traded all over the world.
2) The fact was, when you had freight being moved by wooden ships that took months to cross an ocean instead of weeks, it wasn't like they were moving all that much stuff around
3) Let us not forget, those high tariffs you think were so nifty in the 19th century was one of the main reason 11 States tried to seceed from the union. (You know, that war you dumb-ass crackers lost and are soooooo sad about until this very day.)

2. Nope. I understand that 270 billion is not a big number, is not a significant number, when thought of as a cost to a 16 trillion dollar economy. That was obviously my point, and it is not credible that you did not understand that. Stop playing stupid. It is rude and dishonest.

Bear Sterns was only worth 66.7 Billion, but it's collapse caused the Great Recession. So if a "not significant number" can trigger the biggest economic crisis in 80 years, then it can also be a drag on an economy, can it not?

For want of a nail, and all that.

3. A trade block that opens it's market to dozens of less competitive nations, while protecting their markets FOR Germany. That's some good trade policy on their part. And in my opinion, likely the big cause of their vastly higher level of manufacturing employment.

What helps Germany is that they make really good products. Products people associate with QUALITY. For all the reasons I said.

But I'd be happy if you want to make America more like Germany is today. I don't think you'd be happy living in a liberal social democracy with gun control, liberal immigration policies and socialized medicine, but I'd be totally good with that.

Oh, yeah, in Germany Nazis like Trump would be THROWN IN PRISON.

1. Nope. The US became the world's largest economy after the Civil War, behind high tariff walls. This disproves your claim that they always cause economies to fail.

2. NO. 270 billion is a tiny number compared to the US economy. Your counter example does not prove otherwise.

3. Nothing in your post counters my point about Germany having a good trade policy that serves their interests. Like I want for the US. Your negative opinion of the US is not evidence.

3b. YOur moronic asshole Godwin smear is noted, please consider it, and you ridiculed.

This is for you, you asshole.


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