No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

If what is said is in fact true so what? Look at where the country is today, freaking broke, a debtor nation, one that has squandered their freedom and rights to preserve an illusion.
So a person who hires an Engineer to determine if a load bearing wall is load bearing is right if he ignores the engineer's advice?

Well, no, an Engineer's position would be based on facts. As opposed to Mr. Wifebeater who thinks that a magic fairy in the sky doesn't like the pussy-licking.

They lost the free exercise of their religion, over nothing more than hurt feelings. and again you lie about the wifebeating thing.

Again, I suspect there were a whole bunch of people who broke Biblical rules this guy had no problem serving. This guy is using religion to excuse his homophobia.

I've been beaten up because I was nerdy in School, should I now want to fuck over all the bullies from back then?

Absofuckinglutely. In fact, there is nothing sweeter than settling old scores!!!!

but the customer is always right, eh Joe? Nice goalpost move there.

You really are an old miserable bastard, and the world will be a better place when you are no longer in it.
Stupidity is defined by the failure to recognize there is problem and ignoring the need to make changes. In short, it sums up the current status of America.
Fuck you, you race baiting asshole.

Not my fault you think that your life will be happier if they beat up on some brown people.

You will still be a redneck loser, Cleetus.

You are so moronic that you cannot see any irony in making false accusations of racism while actually demonstrating real racism.

If I was writing a story, with a character like you, people would accuse me of making an absurd strawman to make fun of liberals.

Because your complete lack of self awareness would not be believable in a fictitious character.
Indeed. My hope was that your pride in your self image as a reasonable person would lead you to be less insulting and more engaging

I started insulting you when you made clear you weren't processing a single thing that I said and just kept repeating the same points to me.

I've told you that several times, yet you say this. The irony that again you proved I was right, you're not reading my posts
you right? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So if someone's not a Trump supporter, they are wrong on every point on every subject. Got it
did I claim that? put up and argument you feel is correct and let's debate. you keep posting ad hominem, I can't debate that.

Um ... you're the one who just did ad hominem ... And yes, you did claim that. Read your own post. Geez man
Wrong. Obamacare was voted in 60-39 with all 60 votes being Democrats and the two independents who caucused with the Democrats. All 39 votes were Republican.

You're just wrong, Holmes

No I'm not wrong.

Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy got out of their death beds to go to the senate to cast their votes for the ACA.

Ted Kennedy worked to get health care for Americans most of his life and there was no way he was going to miss that vote. Plus none of the republicans would vote on it so Byrd and Kennedy had to go to the senate to cast their votes. Which I find terrible. If the republicans had not been total jerks and used the filibuster, Kennedy and Byrd wouldn't have had to go to cast their votes. A simple majority vote would have done it but the republicans destroyed democracy in the senate so they could keep control of the senate. If they had not been such babies and not filibustered every single piece of legislation including the ACA, more legislation would have been passed and those 2 dying senators wouldn't have had to go to the congress to cast their votes for the ACA.

The ACA was the only piece of legislation that those men left their death beds to cast a vote.

You republicans should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting people who forced those 2 men to leave their death beds to cast their vote.

So your lying and rationalization won't work with me. I, like so many other Americans, remember it. It happened not that long ago.

Well you're the Republican, Holmes. It was your party that failed to defeat Obamacare.

Given that not a single one of your Republican Party voted for Obamacare, how did Democrats get 60 votes if they never had a filibuster proof majority?

I don't know why you think you can type those lies and get away with it.

I've never been a republican in my life. I've never voted for a republican or conservative ever. I've voted Green, Independent, democratic and once when I was young and stupid, I even voted for a libertarian. But just the once, that's the closest I've ever come to voting for a conservative and I'll be the first to say it was a stupid vote.

I've been a registered Independent since I first registered to vote in 1978. I've voted in every single election since 1978. People gave their lives so that I have that right to vote and I will never spit on their graves or their memory or their sacrifice by not voting.

I'm a liberal.

I have never supported republican economic or social policies.

You might want to think before you start typing your lies. Maybe you'll be able to come up with better and more believable lies if you take the time to think about it first.

But then, you're just not that bright.

Dana - You're a Republican
Kaz - You're a Republican
Dana - What I'm not a Republican, you're not that bright

The facts seem to indicate the reverse, dumb ass. You know I'm not a Republican. You've been reading my posts for years. How did you possibly not get that?

I have never been a republican in my life.

I used the wrong word on you when I said you republicans. I should have used either you conservatives or you bat crap crazy people.

Either way, the republican party forced those men out of their death beds to cast those very important votes if the republicans had not destroyed democracy in our senate, they wouldn't have had to leave their death beds to break that childish republican filibuster on that very important legislation.

The fact is, the democrats had the majority in the senate but because the childish republicans refused to relinquish their control by use of the non stop filibuster, the democrats never had 60 democratic votes to break that unending filibuster.

You can lie to yourself all you want but you're only fooling yourself. Anyone who actually knows the facts is laughing at you. Like I am.

However I'm had enough laughing at stupid people like you for today. Don't bother replying. I won't read it. I usually scroll right past your posts and will do so even if I see that it's a reply to me.

Have a nice time arguing with yourself.

I'm a libertarian and not a conservative.

Democrats did get 60 votes to end the Obamacare filibuster and not one Republican voted to end it.

You keep repeating your canard that Democrats "never" had a filibuster proof majority, yet I showed you they did and you still keep repeating it.

You're on the Internet for God sakes. Look up the Obamacare Senate vote, you got 60. You can't say you never had it when you actually used it to get Obamacare

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On December 23, the Senate voted 60–39 to end debate on the bill: a cloture vote to end the filibuster. The bill then passed, also 60–39, on December 24, 2009, with all Democrats and two independents voting for it, and all Republicans against"
Should it be a surprise that the establishment is for Hillary? She is the darling of the establishment. Elect her and nothing changes. That is why the deplorables, the people, voted for Trump by a wide margin in the primary.

HE and HE alone is the people's candidate. Hillary is the establishment candidate.
It is understandable that these politicians don't endorse Trump.

They can't manipulate him so they are afraid that he will actually represent the people instead of the ruling elite.

Crooked Hillary, on the other hand, is bought and paid for by special interest including foreign. She is the establishment candidate.

The establishment that screwed up this country.
Trump is a strange man but the Hildabeast is a stranger woman. Trump has no blood on his hands and as near as I can tell is NOT part of the GOP establishment. That's really the driving factor here, I'd have preferred Cruz but I'll have to settle for the man who McConnell et al hates. You are witnessing a reckoning.

So do you burn down your house to get rid of a mouse?

Hillary is no mouse, she is a malevolent bitch bent on changing the very fabric of this Nation. Fuck her.
but the customer is always right, eh Joe? Nice goalpost move there.

You really are an old miserable bastard, and the world will be a better place when you are no longer in it.

Yes, someone saying, "Hey, I can't do this becaue it's unsafe or physically impossible' is right up there with "I can't do this because I hate you and my Magic Man in the Sky says it's bad."

Now, if you want to keep going on with your poor analogy, Gandalf the Gay, the engineer tells him that his retaining wall won't work and he won't build it. So he goes to another one, and that guy says the same thing. Maybe he goes to a third one, who still tells him he can't change the laws of physics, but here's a way we can do it that would be safe and still acheive the result you want.

And none of these guys did it in a way that involved screaming the Engineer's Handbook at the client's mother.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
You mean no living esablishment douche bag endorses Trump.

That's an endorsement for Trump, as far as I'm concerned.
but the customer is always right, eh Joe? Nice goalpost move there.

You really are an old miserable bastard, and the world will be a better place when you are no longer in it.

Yes, someone saying, "Hey, I can't do this becaue it's unsafe or physically impossible' is right up there with "I can't do this because I hate you and my Magic Man in the Sky says it's bad."

Now, if you want to keep going on with your poor analogy, Gandalf the Gay, the engineer tells him that his retaining wall won't work and he won't build it. So he goes to another one, and that guy says the same thing. Maybe he goes to a third one, who still tells him he can't change the laws of physics, but here's a way we can do it that would be safe and still acheive the result you want.

And none of these guys did it in a way that involved screaming the Engineer's Handbook at the client's mother.

It is absurd to say that we cannot deport illegals or bring back manufacturing jobs, or stop fucking with Russia.
It is absurd to say that we cannot deport illegals or bring back manufacturing jobs, or stop fucking with Russia.

Okay, KKKorrell, you keep telling us that.

Of course, the reality is, if you could round up 11 million people, that's eliminating 11 million consumers, which would actually reduce the number of jobs available. But you don't think that far ahead, i'm sure. You just hate them darkies, like a good little Nazi.

For manufacturing jobs... here's the thing. I work in manufacturing. Long before they plant I worked in elminated the last 50 jobs held by immigrants (because no white American would work for what they were paying on the assembly line), we elminated over 100 jobs by automation, outsourcing, process improvement, etc. The real problem is manufacturing jobs have declined WORLD WIDE, not just in the US. much like agriculture, manufacturing is going to become something done by fewer people producing much more.

Now, for Russia. Well, given the Russians OWN Trumpenfuhrer, i'm sure he won't do anything to frustrate them.
We used to call that "Treason".
but the customer is always right, eh Joe? Nice goalpost move there.

You really are an old miserable bastard, and the world will be a better place when you are no longer in it.

Yes, someone saying, "Hey, I can't do this becaue it's unsafe or physically impossible' is right up there with "I can't do this because I hate you and my Magic Man in the Sky says it's bad."

Now, if you want to keep going on with your poor analogy, Gandalf the Gay, the engineer tells him that his retaining wall won't work and he won't build it. So he goes to another one, and that guy says the same thing. Maybe he goes to a third one, who still tells him he can't change the laws of physics, but here's a way we can do it that would be safe and still acheive the result you want.

And none of these guys did it in a way that involved screaming the Engineer's Handbook at the client's mother.

or the customer can knock at the wall himself, is the customer still right?

And you still are making shit up.
It is absurd to say that we cannot deport illegals or bring back manufacturing jobs, or stop fucking with Russia.

Okay, KKKorrell, you keep telling us that.

Of course, the reality is, if you could round up 11 million people, that's eliminating 11 million consumers, which would actually reduce the number of jobs available. But you don't think that far ahead, i'm sure. You just hate them darkies, like a good little Nazi.

For manufacturing jobs... here's the thing. I work in manufacturing. Long before they plant I worked in elminated the last 50 jobs held by immigrants (because no white American would work for what they were paying on the assembly line), we elminated over 100 jobs by automation, outsourcing, process improvement, etc. The real problem is manufacturing jobs have declined WORLD WIDE, not just in the US. much like agriculture, manufacturing is going to become something done by fewer people producing much more.

Now, for Russia. Well, given the Russians OWN Trumpenfuhrer, i'm sure he won't do anything to frustrate them.
We used to call that "Treason".

Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
ooh so vary true ... all the ambassador and the majority of the generals past and presant will not vote for trump
It is absurd to say that we cannot deport illegals or bring back manufacturing jobs, or stop fucking with Russia.

Okay, KKKorrell, you keep telling us that.

Of course, the reality is, if you could round up 11 million people, that's eliminating 11 million consumers, which would actually reduce the number of jobs available. But you don't think that far ahead, i'm sure. You just hate them darkies, like a good little Nazi.

For manufacturing jobs... here's the thing. I work in manufacturing. Long before they plant I worked in elminated the last 50 jobs held by immigrants (because no white American would work for what they were paying on the assembly line), we elminated over 100 jobs by automation, outsourcing, process improvement, etc. The real problem is manufacturing jobs have declined WORLD WIDE, not just in the US. much like agriculture, manufacturing is going to become something done by fewer people producing much more.

Now, for Russia. Well, given the Russians OWN Trumpenfuhrer, i'm sure he won't do anything to frustrate them.
We used to call that "Treason".

1. For you, you race baiting asshole.


2. The concept of domestic consumption driving economic growth breaks down when consumption is greatly of imported shit. And any negative impact from that will be out weighted by the positive impact in the labor market and crime stats.

3. The fact that some of the jobs were lost to automation does not mean that the jobs that were lost to outsourcing can't come back. That has been pointed out to you many times before you dishonest prick.

4. YOu Godwin smear is noted and you are ridiculed for it.

This is for you, moron.


5. The Cold War is over. We have no conflict of interest with Russia at this point. Fucking with them is dangerous and pointless.
or the customer can knock at the wall himself, is the customer still right?

And you still are making shit up.

Hey, Mr. Wifebeater thought it was totally appropriate to scream bible verses at this poor woman's mom. Just before he posted her address on line so all his bible thumping buddies could threaten their children.

You know, there was a reason why they hit these people with a six figure fine.
2. The concept of domestic consumption driving economic growth breaks down when consumption is greatly of imported shit. And any negative impact from that will be out weighted by the positive impact in the labor market and crime stats.

Except there's no evidence of that. In fact, every time a country has imposed protectionism, their economies have failed.

3. The fact that some of the jobs were lost to automation does not mean that the jobs that were lost to outsourcing can't come back. That has been pointed out to you many times before you dishonest prick.

Just not convincingly. I've worked for the last 20 years in Manufacturing. Those jobs aren't coming back, guy. I recently toured a plant of something we can't import. Guess what. It was all automated. Almost no people working in that plant at all.

Here's the real problem. The thing is, most Americans don't want to work on an assembly line unless you pay them exhoribitant amounts of money.
2. The concept of domestic consumption driving economic growth breaks down when consumption is greatly of imported shit. And any negative impact from that will be out weighted by the positive impact in the labor market and crime stats.

Except there's no evidence of that. In fact, every time a country has imposed protectionism, their economies have failed.

3. The fact that some of the jobs were lost to automation does not mean that the jobs that were lost to outsourcing can't come back. That has been pointed out to you many times before you dishonest prick.

Just not convincingly. I've worked for the last 20 years in Manufacturing. Those jobs aren't coming back, guy. I recently toured a plant of something we can't import. Guess what. It was all automated. Almost no people working in that plant at all.

Here's the real problem. The thing is, most Americans don't want to work on an assembly line unless you pay them exhoribitant amounts of money.

1. Bullshit. America grew to the world's largest economy behind high tariff walls.

2. Germany right now has twice the percentage of workers in manufacturing than we do. That disproves your claim that a FIrst World Nation can't have manufacturing jobs. And if Germans are willing to work in manufacturing, so are Americans. Hell, our largest single ethnic group is german.

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