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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

The bible says that we are to defend those who cannot defend themselves. To speak up for those who been murdered. This is not about politics today. This about speaking up for the innocent who have been murdered by Palestinians who would have the world believe they are victims here. Have a look at the list of victims due to Palesestinian Suicide bombers.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Saddam Hussein was captured and they were no longer paid $15,000.00 a head the suicide bombing stopped. Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

Drop in the bucket compared to the deaths caused by Israel.
FPM Article

According to this article the suicide bombers were originally paid $10,000.00 and then Saddam Hussein raised it to $25,000.00 per suicide bomber. The Palestinian mothers claim they only got $15,000.00 a head for their kids who blew themselves up so there must have been a middle man, Sherri. When Saddam Hussein was captured and the money was cut off for payment to families of suicide bombers the suicide bombing stopped in Israel. That is why they stopped. I notice that the author of Goliath never mentioned any of this in his book. Nor did he mention the Fogel family, settlers who were slaughtered in their sleep - including the infant that was beheaded in its crib.. clad in diapers - this was considered justified as the advocates for the Palestinians claimed the infant the Palestinians slaughtered was an "enemy combatant". I see he didn't mention any of this in his book either... in fact from what I understand he misquoted quite a few people and there is quite a serious dispute going on concerning this author and his claims. - Jeri

No suicide bombings in Cast Lead reported by anyone.

Well, in a very real sense, lobbing missiles at a sovereign nation and not expecting a response is suicidal thinking.

Using civilians as human shields (as the Hamas cowards do), and the whining about civilian casualties isn't suicidal, it's moronic, or maybe "Islamic", or just plain stupid.

Jeri-----did you notice that sherri JUMPED IN with that "there were no suicide bombings"?
Jihado slobs are SOO predictable. One just has to pay attention to their propaganda
and EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME -------they are extremely repetitive----of course
she failed to mention that in the 20 day period which was the "cast lead" operation ---
her baby murdering friends managed to launch more than 80 misslies ---AIMED AT
the infants of non-isa respecters just DON'T COUNT and as you have pointed out---
they consider RETURN FIRE-----somehow 'illegal' I do not have a "military
mind"-----my work in the Navy had nothing to do with fighting-----BUT ----my sense
is that if my little area were UNDER ATTACK ------and there were children present----
my main concern would be to PROTECT THE KIDS-------by any means. It is obvious
even to me that random wanton murder of the kids on the other side is not going
to help the kids on my side. It is obvious to me that working hard to GET
MISSILES onto their civilian population is a waste. My course would be to HALT
all aggression on my side and get ALL available resources into securing the kids.
What really happened during Cast Lead is that the more Israel tried to "clean" out
terrorist nests-----the more the terrorists dragged their own kids into danger,
continued their aggression and create more ----legal military targets
Except that the people Blumenthal quoted say he is liars and he did not even spell some of their names correctly. The book is considered a flop. He never mentioned the Fogel family slaughter which he should have. Saddam Hussein was executed at the very end of 2006 in December. So from 2007 - 2008 the Palestinian people ran through the last of the 20 million set aside for suicide bombers and after that money ran out.. ( he was held captured 2003 - the money was still going out ) When the money from Saddam was run through the suicide bombing ended in Israel. LOOK AT THE DATES on Wiki Link. That is no coincidence.
This story didn't make it into the Goliath sized Anti Semitic Hamas hand book either! PA tv glorifies the jihadist who slaughtered Fogel family. Read up. We've got much to catch up on today, Sherri.

Start here ....Palestinian mother praises her son as a hero for butchering 3 month old baby and the other Fogel Family members who were butchered in their pajamas....

PA TV glorifies murderers of Fogel family | JPost | Israel News

I do not know if this one killing is discussed or not.

I am only up to Chapter 5.

You dont know if it is duscussed either because you have not read Goliath.

You already made a claim suicude bombings were not discussed in Goliath that I already have proved you lied about.

Whether one case involving the Fogels and the fate of a mother reaping what she has sown, who taught terrorism to young Jewish girls in an extremist school in an illegal settlement in the West Bank, is discussed or not proves nothing about anything.
No suicide bombings in Cast Lead reported by anyone.

Well, in a very real sense, lobbing missiles at a sovereign nation and not expecting a response is suicidal thinking.

Using civilians as human shields (as the Hamas cowards do), and the whining about civilian casualties isn't suicidal, it's moronic, or maybe "Islamic", or just plain stupid.

Jeri-----did you notice that sherri JUMPED IN with that "there were no suicide bombings"?
Jihado slobs are SOO predictable. One just has to pay attention to their propaganda
and EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME -------they are extremely repetitive----of course
she failed to mention that in the 20 day period which was the "cast lead" operation ---
her baby murdering friends managed to launch more than 80 misslies ---AIMED AT
the infants of non-isa respecters just DON'T COUNT and as you have pointed out---
they consider RETURN FIRE-----somehow 'illegal' I do not have a "military
mind"-----my work in the Navy had nothing to do with fighting-----BUT ----my sense
is that if my little area were UNDER ATTACK ------and there were children present----
my main concern would be to PROTECT THE KIDS-------by any means. It is obvious
even to me that random wanton murder of the kids on the other side is not going
to help the kids on my side. It is obvious to me that working hard to GET
MISSILES onto their civilian population is a waste. My course would be to HALT
all aggression on my side and get ALL available resources into securing the kids.
What really happened during Cast Lead is that the more Israel tried to "clean" out
terrorist nests-----the more the terrorists dragged their own kids into danger,
continued their aggression and create more ----legal military targets

There were no more suicide bombings after the funds from Saddam had run out. Saddam was executed end of 2006 in December. That puts it at 2007 - 2008 for the last of the money to run out that was set aside for suicide bombers..... then in 2008 the last suicide bombing took place in Israel because families were no longer getting $15,000.00 a head for the dead family member, Rosie. The official record states Saddam had ordered payouts of $25,000.00 per family but I was told they were getting $15,000.00 so there must have been a middle man getting his cut. The original going rate when he first started paying the Palestinian families for suicide bombers was $10,000.00 per suicide bomber that follows through and so the raise to $25,000.00 was quite susbstantial and probably encouraged an escalation in the number of suicide bombers murdering innocent civilians in Israel. When the money was cut off the suicide bombings abrubtly stopped. About a year after Saddam was executed and the money was run through. Sherri failed to mention why the Palestinians stopped doing their suicide bombing missions. The families were no longer getting paid for sending their kids on suicide missions. That is why.
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Except that the people Blumenthal quoted say he is liars and he did not even spell some of their names correctly. The book is considered a flop. He never mentioned the Fogel family slaughter which he should have. Saddam Hussein was executed at the very end of 2006 in December. So from 2007 - 2008 the Palestinian people ran through the last of the 20 million set aside for suicide bombers and after that money ran out.. ( he was held captured 2003 - the money was still going out ) When the money from Saddam was run through the suicide bombing ended in Israel. LOOK AT THE DATES on Wiki Link. That is no coincidence.


You can keep repeating lies, you are just piling one sin on another!As I have been discussing each chapter I read, I pull up sources backing up what Max Blumenthal is writing.

You can keep reading hate sites and repeating their lies about past suicide bombings, too, repeating lies does not make them true.

The Hebrews were the ones who sacrificed their own children, with their own hands, just reading in Judges about a Hebrew who killed his own daughter for God.

This author is a best selling author and this book is selling.

And why?

Because Truth cannot be buried, it is always brought into Light!
Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.
This story didn't make it into the Goliath sized Anti Semitic Hamas hand book either! PA tv glorifies the jihadist who slaughtered Fogel family. Read up. We've got much to catch up on today, Sherri.

Start here ....Palestinian mother praises her son as a hero for butchering 3 month old baby and the other Fogel Family members who were butchered in their pajamas....

PA TV glorifies murderers of Fogel family | JPost | Israel News

I do not know if this one killing is discussed or not.

I am only up to Chapter 5.

You dont know if it is duscussed either because you have not read Goliath.

You already made a claim suicude bombings were not discussed in Goliath that I already have proved you lied about.

Whether one case involving the Fogels and the fate of a mother reaping what she has sown, who taught terrorism to young Jewish girls in an extremist school in an illegal settlement in the West Bank, is discussed or not proves nothing about anything.

Wrong again. I listened to the discussion at Penn via video with Bluementhal as the guest speaker. The subject? His book.
Except that the people Blumenthal quoted say he is liars and he did not even spell some of their names correctly. The book is considered a flop. He never mentioned the Fogel family slaughter which he should have. Saddam Hussein was executed at the very end of 2006 in December. So from 2007 - 2008 the Palestinian people ran through the last of the 20 million set aside for suicide bombers and after that money ran out.. ( he was held captured 2003 - the money was still going out ) When the money from Saddam was run through the suicide bombing ended in Israel. LOOK AT THE DATES on Wiki Link. That is no coincidence.

Thanks for the history refresher, Jeri, You reminded me of a conversation I had
with a young pakistani opthalmologist -- you jogged my memory with dates. ----By
the time of that conversation ---Saddam had finally been recognized as a villian
by our fellow naive americans. --------and his support of terrorism was----kinda
beginning to be known too. The pakistani eye doc-----was defending saddam's
invasion of Kuwait-------he said "you don't understand---kuwait is selfish with
its wealth----saddam wanted to use it for ISLAMIC CAUSES" (at that time the
poor young doc did not yet know I am a jew----even then---I did not tell him---
Well, in a very real sense, lobbing missiles at a sovereign nation and not expecting a response is suicidal thinking.

Using civilians as human shields (as the Hamas cowards do), and the whining about civilian casualties isn't suicidal, it's moronic, or maybe "Islamic", or just plain stupid.

Jeri-----did you notice that sherri JUMPED IN with that "there were no suicide bombings"?
Jihado slobs are SOO predictable. One just has to pay attention to their propaganda
and EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME -------they are extremely repetitive----of course
she failed to mention that in the 20 day period which was the "cast lead" operation ---
her baby murdering friends managed to launch more than 80 misslies ---AIMED AT
the infants of non-isa respecters just DON'T COUNT and as you have pointed out---
they consider RETURN FIRE-----somehow 'illegal' I do not have a "military
mind"-----my work in the Navy had nothing to do with fighting-----BUT ----my sense
is that if my little area were UNDER ATTACK ------and there were children present----
my main concern would be to PROTECT THE KIDS-------by any means. It is obvious
even to me that random wanton murder of the kids on the other side is not going
to help the kids on my side. It is obvious to me that working hard to GET
MISSILES onto their civilian population is a waste. My course would be to HALT
all aggression on my side and get ALL available resources into securing the kids.
What really happened during Cast Lead is that the more Israel tried to "clean" out
terrorist nests-----the more the terrorists dragged their own kids into danger,
continued their aggression and create more ----legal military targets

There were no more suicide bombings after the funds from Saddam had run out. Saddam was executed end of 2006 in December. That puts it at 2007 - 2008 for the last of the money to run out that was set aside for suicide bombers..... then in 2008 the last suicide bombing took place in Israel because families were no longer getting $15,000.00 a head for the dead family member, Rosie. The official record states Saddam had ordered payouts of $25,000.00 per family but I was told they were getting $15,000.00 so there must have been a middle man getting his cut. The original going rate when he first started paying the Palestinian families for suicide bombers was $10,000.00 per suicide bomber that follows through and so the raise to $25,000.00 was quite susbstantial and probably encouraged an escalation in the number of suicide bombers murdering innocent civilians in Israel. When the money was cut off the suicide bombings abrubtly stopped. About a year after Saddam was executed and the money was run through. Sherri failed to mention why the Palestinians stopped doing their suicide bombing missions. The families were no longer getting paid for sending their kids on suicide missions. That is why.

What Nonsense!

Hamas called off suicide bombings when they entered politics in Gaza in 2005 or 2006..

There was an official announcement made.

The practice began as a response to an equally as odious and equally as unlawful practice of Israel called targeted killings.
This story didn't make it into the Goliath sized Anti Semitic Hamas hand book either! PA tv glorifies the jihadist who slaughtered Fogel family. Read up. We've got much to catch up on today, Sherri.

Start here ....Palestinian mother praises her son as a hero for butchering 3 month old baby and the other Fogel Family members who were butchered in their pajamas....

PA TV glorifies murderers of Fogel family | JPost | Israel News

I do not know if this one killing is discussed or not.

I am only up to Chapter 5.

You dont know if it is duscussed either because you have not read Goliath.

You already made a claim suicude bombings were not discussed in Goliath that I already have proved you lied about.

Whether one case involving the Fogels and the fate of a mother reaping what she has sown, who taught terrorism to young Jewish girls in an extremist school in an illegal settlement in the West Bank, is discussed or not proves nothing about anything.

Wrong again. I listened to the discussion at Penn via video with Bluementhal as the guest speaker. The subject? His book.

Suicide bombings are discussed in Goliath, you already lied when you claimed they are not.

You do not know what is in Goliath unless you read it yourself.
Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the Muslim Palestinian communities / world ( there are Palestinians in America too ) that Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. It was announced at their Palestinian Chamber of Commerce meetings - see the link below for the report. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Houses used by terrorists should be bulldozed. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here. ( note * I still believe the parents who claim they only got $15,000.00 per head for their kids after the raise in reward money - why would they lie? )



THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

Who in Palestine didn't know about Arafat's legendary "million martyrs" campaign, Sunni? You think every mother, father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, didn't know about this or that the going rate was $10,000.00 for any family that would step up to the plate and produce a suicide bomber for them? A sacrifice for allah? Seriously? Read the clip here. When Forty seven names of dead Palestinian family members - KIDS - (called martyrs - how wicked ) those surviving parents / relatives stepped up PROUDLY ( proudly being the operative word here ) to sign their checks and collect their money. Families of Palestinians eclipsed the $ 10 million dollar mark at that point. Amazing but true. Who knew, right? Well, apparently they did. Now you do too, Sunni.
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Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the world Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here.
You have drank too much of the zionist laced kool-aid and now believe any lie they tell.

If Jesus came back he would condemn the Israeli jews for their evil ways and embrace the Palestinian people for their suffering under the zionism. . :cool:

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the world Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here.
You have drank too much of the zionist laced kool-aid and now believe any lie they tell.

If Jesus came back he would condemn the Israeli jews for their evil ways and embrace the Palestinian people for their suffering under the zionism. . :cool:

If Jesus came back----he would stop in the nearest synagogue for the MAARIV prayers---
and a MUJAHAD would jump in and slit his throat

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the world Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here.
You have drank too much of the zionist laced kool-aid and now believe any lie they tell.

If Jesus came back he would condemn the Israeli jews for their evil ways and embrace the Palestinian people for their suffering under the zionism. . :cool:

Your Issa who you "think" is Jesus would surely do that, Sunni. But Issa of Islam is not Jesus Christ of the bible. Jesus in the bible never told any of you to go play the judge - act as God Almighty and murder Israeli Jews. That is why you and Sherri have rejected the Jesus of the bible in preference of the Issa of the Koran who tells you to murder Jews and hunt Jews down behind trees and rocks. You've been deceived. Issa is not Jesus. Issa is the antithesis of Jesus. Jesus is not the head of the Muslim Mafia. Wrong Jesus.
Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the Muslim Palestinian communities / world ( there are Palestinians in America too ) that Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. It was announced at their Palestinian Chamber of Commerce meetings - see the link below for the report. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Houses used by terrorists should be bulldozed. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here. ( note * I still believe the parents who claim they only got $15,000.00 per head for their kids after the raise in reward money - why would they lie? )

FPM Article


THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

Who in Palestine didn't know about Arafat's legendary "million martyrs" campaign, Sunni? You think every mother, father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, didn't know about this or that the going rate was $10,000.00 for any family that would step up to the plate and produce a suicide bomber for them? A sacrifice for allah? Seriously? Read the clip here. When Forty seven names of dead Palestinian family members - KIDS - (called martyrs - how wicked ) those surviving parents / relatives stepped up PROUDLY ( proudly being the operative word here ) to sign their checks and collect their money. Families of Palestinians eclipsed the $ 10 million dollar mark at that point. Amazing but true. Who knew, right? Well, apparently they did. Now you do too, Sunni.

Click the link and read the full story. It is an eye opener. - Jeri
Palestinian families demanded to be paid or they would not send their children on suicide missions. Saddam was captured, the gravy train was cut off. Then the suicide bombings stopped.

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the Muslim Palestinian communities / world ( there are Palestinians in America too ) that Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. It was announced at their Palestinian Chamber of Commerce meetings - see the link below for the report. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Houses used by terrorists should be bulldozed. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here. ( note * I still believe the parents who claim they only got $15,000.00 per head for their kids after the raise in reward money - why would they lie? )

FPM Article


THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

Who in Palestine didn't know about Arafat's legendary "million martyrs" campaign, Sunni? You think every mother, father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, didn't know about this or that the going rate was $10,000.00 for any family that would step up to the plate and produce a suicide bomber for them? A sacrifice for allah? Seriously? Read the clip here. When Forty seven names of dead Palestinian family members - KIDS - (called martyrs - how wicked ) those surviving parents / relatives stepped up PROUDLY ( proudly being the operative word here ) to sign their checks and collect their money. Families of Palestinians eclipsed the $ 10 million dollar mark at that point. Amazing but true. Who knew, right? Well, apparently they did. Now you do too, Sunni.

Get help for your sick fantasies!

Saddam was not even alive this past March!

#1) The bombing stopped because Israel put severe restrictions on travel into the Israeli territories. And had zero to do with money Saddam previously had sent to the families of the martyrs.

#2) Most family members had no idea that their son/daughters was going to become a martyr. This was to protect the secrecy of the operation. The parents would find out about the event on the news like everyone else..

#3) The overwhelming majority of parents if they knew would have tried to stop their on/daughter from sacrificing themselves.

#4) Israel had a policy of using a bulldozer and destroying the home of the bombers parents. One day the parents would find out that there son/daughter had become a martyr. And the next day the IDF bulldozers would show up and flatten their home. Basically. making the elderly parents homeless without any clothes or material possessions.

#5) The money Saddam sent was to help the newly impoverished and homeless parents have some money to afford a place to stay and restart their lives.

1. Wrong. The Palestinian families made it clear - no more money - no more of our kids sent on suicide missions.

2. Wrong. It is was well known throughout the Muslim Palestinian communities / world ( there are Palestinians in America too ) that Saddam was paying $25,000.00 a head for suicide bombers although the parents claimed they were getting paid $ 15,000.00 a head for their kids. It was announced at their Palestinian Chamber of Commerce meetings - see the link below for the report. They were pushing the kids out the door to do it for allah as long as that money was coming in, Sunni, it was a huge honor to be known as the parent of a suicide bomber back in the day - of course that big paycheck didn't hurt either.

3. I do not recall a single story of any parent ever attempting to stop their son or daughter from a suicide bomber. Rare as the albino deer if it ever happened at all.. doubtful.

4. Israel has a policy of warning people to get out of the way of bulldozers. Houses used by terrorists should be bulldozed. Never heard of a suicide bomber giving a warning so thank you for making my point on what civilized behavior looks like vs. uncivilized.. the Israelis also drop leaflets before bombing these houses that are used as rocket launching sites for raining rockets into Israel - targeting daycares, schools, elderly homes, etc.

5. The money was sent to pay 25,000.00 dollars a head for family member sent on a suicide mission. The original going rate was $10,000.00 a head. Read the link provided and stop listening to the propaganda websites. They are not helping you, Sunni. What you need is facts. I am trying to deliver them to you. Be still and I'll help you out here. ( note * I still believe the parents who claim they only got $15,000.00 per head for their kids after the raise in reward money - why would they lie? )

FPM Article


THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall, those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional "going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser Arafat’s legendary "million martyrs" to volunteer for their own glorious suicidemurders. After the announcement was made, the men at the head table proceeded to call out the names of fortyseven recent "martyrs," whose surviving relatives then proudly stepped forward to sign for their checks. With these payments, Saddam’s cumulative intifadaera contributions to the families of Palestinian terrorists eclipsed the $10 million mark.

Who in Palestine didn't know about Arafat's legendary "million martyrs" campaign, Sunni? You think every mother, father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, didn't know about this or that the going rate was $10,000.00 for any family that would step up to the plate and produce a suicide bomber for them? A sacrifice for allah? Seriously? Read the clip here. When Forty seven names of dead Palestinian family members - KIDS - (called martyrs - how wicked ) those surviving parents / relatives stepped up PROUDLY ( proudly being the operative word here ) to sign their checks and collect their money. Families of Palestinians eclipsed the $ 10 million dollar mark at that point. Amazing but true. Who knew, right? Well, apparently they did. Now you do too, Sunni.

Click the link and read the full story. It is an eye opener. - Jeri

I do not read lying filth in Hate sites, it has no credibility!
Except that the people Blumenthal quoted say he is liars and he did not even spell some of their names correctly. The book is considered a flop. He never mentioned the Fogel family slaughter which he should have. Saddam Hussein was executed at the very end of 2006 in December. So from 2007 - 2008 the Palestinian people ran through the last of the 20 million set aside for suicide bombers and after that money ran out.. ( he was held captured 2003 - the money was still going out ) When the money from Saddam was run through the suicide bombing ended in Israel. LOOK AT THE DATES on Wiki Link. That is no coincidence.


You can keep repeating lies, you are just piling one sin on another!As I have been discussing each chapter I read, I pull up sources backing up what Max Blumenthal is writing.

You can keep reading hate sites and repeating their lies about past suicide bombings, too, repeating lies does not make them true.

The Hebrews were the ones who sacrificed their own children, with their own hands, just reading in Judges about a Hebrew who killed his own daughter for God.

This author is a best selling author and this book is selling.

And why?

Because Truth cannot be buried, it is always brought into Light!

The truth cannot be buried which is why I posted the truth for you about the suicide bombers who stopped doing their missions in 2008 ( when the money ran out ) and how the pay for each suicide bomber was raised to $20,000.00 from the original going rate of $10,000.00 per sucide bomber and the links from Wiki and Front Page to back it up... Meanwhile you have not posted anything except chapter after chapter of a book that supposedly has copyright laws. ( without the link I might add) As I understand it that isn't legal. Am I missing anything else? The review I read on Goliath said the book was a flop. I will go get the link for that too, Sherri. Meanwhile I believe you have posted enough chapters of his book.... without a link - I might add...
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Her name was Christine Turok, the Christian child in Gaza who Reuters reported died from a heart attack.

"In a phone conversation today, from Gaza the Latin Patriarchate Church priest, Father Manaweil Musallam, clearly shaken, said, "her name is Christine, a tenth grade student. Her father is a doctor and she lived near the YMCA in Al-Remal area. She died of fear. Since the war started she felt apprehensive of the danger. She suffered from neurotic disorder and a hysteric situation just as many children are suffering. On Friday, during the shooting of F-16 missiles, she fell on the ground due to the dreadful sound. Her father tried to help, but he couldn't. Then he held her in his arms hoping to rescue her in the hospital, but she died before reaching there."

:: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

sherri-----if you ever present a case of negligent homicide in court-----try not to say
"the victim died of fear" "she suffered from neurotic disorder" "and hysteric
situation" -----it is BABBLE in fact "hysteric situation" is more an insult
than a diagnosis Now---try to be honest (sic) if you were told that a child
in Sderot-----dropped dead because of the sudden boom of bombs (which are going on
incessantly in Sderot) would you be IMPRESSED? During a telephone conversation--'
with my son-----whilst he was visiting in Sderot------he was in the bomb shelter----and
I HEARD the boom of a bomb---------sorry sweetie------but I am still alive and so is he.
He was very upset ------because a young male farm worker had been ripped apart in
the name of isa/allah-----by one of those bombs----earlier that day------to your delight

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