No Matter Who The Republican Nominee Turns Out To Be....

You people have learned nothing, putting a women up in itself will do nothing , just look at that moron you all tried to win the VP in 2008 As to cruz he might as well be a cracka and a bible thumping one at that. Remember with the demographic shift there will not be enough angry bible thumping crackas to win a national election, you need the latino and minority vote . Once you get out of the jesusland flyover country the white christian party is toast

Yabut, she's the perfect choice for RWs. She has no experience and has failed at everything she has done. In the Repub race to the bottom, she is a good choice.

Not for veep though. They want the country to go broke and become a bedroom community to China so she should be prez.

OTOH, that's what Duh Donald wants too so he's an excellent choice.
I've been impressed by her intelligence and approach to the whole governing issue...

She is head and shoulders above such clowns as Trump, Christie, and Santorum....

Skip to 7:30....

I'm am not that ready to go for her but she IS on my radar now.

I agree....She's not in My top 3......but she definitely is in My top 5....If I cast a vote for her, I won't be left with the feeling that I voted for the lesser of two evils, or a hold My nose vote.....

as it sits

if she becomes the one

i would vote for her

unlike if bush is the one

i will sit it out the prezbo vote

Any Republican/conservative/Evangelical who sits out the 2016 election is a complete fool. The vote is not to simply elect an individual, but to remove the Democrats from power and undo as much of 8 years of complete nonsense as is possible, and to prevent another four years of it.
Get used to the idea of another eight years with a Dem President. A Dem Senate for four years at least. And maybe a Dem House. Your Candidates are doing all in their power to make that a reality.
I've been impressed by her intelligence and approach to the whole governing issue...

She is head and shoulders above such clowns as Trump, Christie, and Santorum....

Skip to 7:30....

I'm am not that ready to go for her but she IS on my radar now.

I agree....She's not in My top 3......but she definitely is in My top 5....If I cast a vote for her, I won't be left with the feeling that I voted for the lesser of two evils, or a hold My nose vote.....

as it sits

if she becomes the one

i would vote for her

unlike if bush is the one

i will sit it out the prezbo vote

Any Republican/conservative/Evangelical who sits out the 2016 election is a complete fool. The vote is not to simply elect an individual, but to remove the Democrats from power and undo as much of 8 years of complete nonsense as is possible, and to prevent another four years of it.

i am done with that mentality

it really is no better to have a rino over a democrat

hillary and bush are the same same

vote for Lindsey Graham if it came to that for example

makes me want to puke at just the thought of it

no i will support local and state elections
My view is quite solidly "The only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat" and I will vote with that in mind.
I know nobody is going to believe this, but the Presidency is going to be won or lost in the republican primaries. You notice all the graphs that our liberal friends put up? Do you notice how the republican party is shrinking? Do you know why? Because people are leaving the republican party in droves, and registering as independents as the rinos no longer represent the people in their party.

Remember Romney? How many libertarians do you think voted for him? If Bush were to get the GOP nomination, how many libertarians WILL vote for him? How many conservatives?

The problem with the GOP is it has been hijacked by rinos, just as the democrats have been hijacked by the far left wing. Look at how it goes if you do not believe what I say.........the GOP runs on stopping everything Obama wants, then after they are elected, give it to him. Why do they have to run right to get the republicans to vote? Because we are the MAJORITY of the republican/independents who vote.

Do you notice in the pols what kind of candidates sit at the top of the GOP? Well, lets see..........Trump 1, Cruz 2, Fiorina 4. All CONSERVATIVE candidates, or anti establishment. I believe Walker and Rubio are up high also. This should tell all conservatives something very important. Coalesce around 1 or 2 conservatives putting all the votes in those baskets, and the rinos are toast.

What the deal is, to make this happen, WE have to do it. The primary is as much, or maybe more important than the general. But up a rino, and the democrat is going to win for sure. Put up a conservative and you will find much more support from libertarians, and blue dog democrats. The bible thumpers will also vote, and if that isn't a winning coalition, you at least lost on principle. The establishment has run rinos 2 times in a row and have lost to certainly the WEAKEST sitting President ever in 2012.

And what are the democrats running this time? Take your choice, a woman with all kinds of problems who is filthy rich, a socialist, and a few people who can't even get 5% in the pols. And all you have to do is STOP the establishment with your vote, from nominating another rino loser, and put up 1 of the people who will easily tear any of these democrats apart in one, on one, debates. None of these people will be like Romney. When they destroy her arguments, they will continue until they destroy her.
I've been impressed by her intelligence and approach to the whole governing issue...

She is head and shoulders above such clowns as Trump, Christie, and Santorum....

Skip to 7:30....

I'm am not that ready to go for her but she IS on my radar now.

I agree....She's not in My top 3......but she definitely is in My top 5....If I cast a vote for her, I won't be left with the feeling that I voted for the lesser of two evils, or a hold My nose vote.....

as it sits

if she becomes the one

i would vote for her

unlike if bush is the one

i will sit it out the prezbo vote

Any Republican/conservative/Evangelical who sits out the 2016 election is a complete fool. The vote is not to simply elect an individual, but to remove the Democrats from power and undo as much of 8 years of complete nonsense as is possible, and to prevent another four years of it.

Not enough thumpers to do that
I've been impressed by her intelligence and approach to the whole governing issue...

She is head and shoulders above such clowns as Trump, Christie, and Santorum....

Skip to 7:30....

It is going to wind up her and Trump, and then it will be only her. I am impressed every time I hear her
Let me also put forth know how every lib on here trashes every republican candidate at the top, but kind of gives a pass to Bush; do you know why? Because many of these people remember what happened last time a REAL conservative ran, they got creamed! In the 2nd election, they ran a far, far, faaaaaaar left lib, and Reagan won every state but 1, and that was the libs home state. How many did Reagan lose that state by? Between 2 and 3000 votes.

Now yes, that was over 30 years ago, but the truth is, 25% of democrats voted for Reagan too. So knowing that, you can see why the democrats want a rino. They do NOT want a GOP candidate that has tremendous differences, they want a socialist, and the GOP to put up a socialist light. They want very few differences, so as the American people have to choose from useless, and hopeless. This will keep all but the most rabid voters home, and we all know that people who have free time on their hands are easier to get to the pols than people who work for a living are. But great contrast will bring many more people out, and that is what they fear, no matter what they say. They have their people on the plantation, so they know they have them. They are only guessing what the rest of the people will do if they vote, and most thinking people believe that if the case is made with honesty and integrity, the libs are toast.
Bottom line whoever the nominee is (Bush) you will all gather around him. Why? because you have no choice! just like with McCain and Romney
Bush is tanking fast. He was first before the trump tsunami, he is now 5th, one above Carli who wasn't in the main debate.
I am so happy about that!

Common core and easy immigration killed him.

Now to terminate Trump ....
Bottom line whoever the nominee is (Bush) you will all gather around him. Why? because you have no choice! just like with McCain and Romney

Your wrong. Many, many of us will not. If that were the case, I would just waste my vote on Trump if he ran 3rd party. Not because I believe in him, but rather because I have no use for the other two.

In fact, if O'Malley was to win the democratic nomination and ran against Bush, I would be forced to vote for O'Malley. If I am going to have a squish President, then I choose the democrat squish!

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